PatchKids! Is she ok? YES SHES A PIRATE! Amblyopia Ed

in family •  8 years ago  (edited)


I had amblyopia...
And so does my 7 year old. I patched. She patches. Her patches are WAY cooler, more comfortable, and kid friendly than mine were. It was torture... I was the only kid in my elementary school. No one knew or understood the what, why, or how about my patch.

People always ask.... what happened?.... is she ok? ....oh no, your poor eye how'd you do That?

..... Stop this. Its a patch. Not a bandaid. She's fine. This helps her regain strength in her bad eye. Here's a link to know WHAT amblyopia is.

So next time you see a patchkid, treat them like everyone else, or maybe even compliment their cool patch!

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