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sweet enjoy have fun be free.. hey when you can make a video on how you are setting up optimizing your Auto voter software to work for you.. Thank you

Will do next blog post

sweet rock on.. on your next trip come down to Cali. or lets met up in Cancun in November

Still on vacation damn! Love you man!

Love you man.

Hot Summer + Beach = Enjoyment, have a happy vacation @craig-grant

Never ending holiday thats a Steemians future life, you know how to motivate us.
Greetings from UK :)Craig

What a beautiful beach...If there is heaven on Earth, It is here ! It is here !

I like the example you throw out there @craig-grant , I do the same with all my friends and consulting clients. The WORK HARD THEN PLAY HARD is bullshit, you can play hard, make money, hustle and relax at the same time.

That day and age of work 40 hours of shit a week, then lay on a beach for 5 days a year, then back to the crapper. No thanks. Im gunna live my life and get this money at the same time.

Advice to everyone, if you work only for the weekends, your shit is broken.

@craig-grant love the vidoes mate...You should buy sun screen in bulk because you are always at the beach or pool :)

you deserve the vacation, if I had your steem balance, I would prolly be doing the same exact shit, aint nothing wrong with upvoting your own content, do you!!!

nice knowing each little upvote i give you extends your dreamtime just that much more


The beach looks so nice damn. Enjoy your vacation with your family :) you all seem so happy!

You should think about making a movie xD

Awesome video.
while watching this video I can feel the my last visit to beach.
It looks like you had a great fun there :)))

CG enjoying beautiful life...
white sandy beach and clear blue water

That crystal clear water though!!

OOo this looks amazing! The water is so clean. I found your account, because @acromott always talks to highly of you! :) Thanks for sharing your adventures with us. We are there in spirit.

Everyday In Florida is a vacation, ha well at least for me it is! Enjoy Craig, enjoy as you are doing. This is what life is suppose to be about :) Health, Happiness, Love and making sure our children are taken care of. Great video :)

Could need some of that sand between my toes :D haha enjoy the sun & beach craig!

Haha, i am lying in a bed with 2 ibalgins in my body, i have got two teeth removed today. I would rather be at the beach with no worries :D

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Perfect day to go on

That has to be funny feeling if you know that if you will just pick phone out of your pocket for 3minutes you will make at least 100/150bucks in rewards on Steemit.

Your definitely getting some quality beach time in. Have fun...

cool :)

Seeing is believing. You really keep the crypto dream alive for me craig

That beach looks so beautiful! Kinda wish I was there! Enjoy your vacation man!

This is why I live in Florida, well except lately all the rain but always a beach close by.

You doing fabulous
I wanna join your party

Thank You for sharing your such wonderful videos

I watched your youtube video on ethereum being past $140 and the day you posted it, ethereum was at $80. I should have bought some follow up vote and follow back. Thanks for being awesome!

Good day to do nothing and earn money, and do nothing and earn money. Im dreaming of it, get money for nothing.

@craig-grant you deserve it. Everyday's a holiday!

Dam right!! Thumbs up. Continue living the dream.


I love to have vacation by the sea or ocean

Relax after busy days in a nice beach.. you deserve it

nice post

forgot where is this?

Live Steem in the beach. Mr. Craig. I see through the video your greatest reward and joy for the hard work you put in the Crypto game. That is ,seeing your wife and kids totally enjoying themselves in the beach that "Steem " help to create. After all, that's what it's all about. Working hard for your family so they can reap the rewards and that when you look deep in their eyes, you see glisten and sparkle conveying , "You're my hero. I'm so happy."
From this you can "flow" and be totally content and at peace with the universe. On lighter note : How you keep you cell phone dry and not get wet, bro?

Keep up your work and you will inspire each newbie on this website!

Enjoy life ! Have fun with your family !

Nice video man! you motivated me :D

Cool you rest on the warm sea! I directly envy :)

At us in Latvia the sea cold.

ahan really so amazing you are enjoying on beach on monday

Man I loved the video, nice views, so beautiful !
Have fun and enjoy it !

You are sharing this because you know that we will wish we were there and you want to remind us that we can!!! :) Thank you Craig - we will keep on - steeming on!!! Enjoy - like you alwasys do.

Craig's Candid Camera!! -- I forget how beautiful that water is and I stay maybe 10 minutes max from Miami Beach when I'm in the South. I got a place here many years ago because of that same beautiful water and now, I barely go over there. I must make time to enjoy this NOW and the powerful, beautiful nature all around me everyday.

You are a great example of Time Freedom not just Finacial Freedom!!


Happy to see people o the beach. Thanks for sharing.

Miss the waves and ocean. Stuck in my cubical - enjoy man!!

That's what I'm talking about! A good time with a great family

You living the life, Craig! This is what I'm working for, a life free of financial worries

Why you have all the pleasure.... very nice man. enjoy it.. Hope to see a beach soon..

Free and easy feeling! Every day is a holiday!

Now that's a great way to spend your Monday.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

This is the most profitable vaction ever with these videos :), is there any jelly fish there?

Chilling like a king :D

looks refreshing

nice to see you enjoying Jamaica Craig i live in Jamaica too so trust me i share your joy

What city you in bro?

I'd be upvoting my own content every damn time if I could earn $10!!!!

Ah man!! Looks freakin beautiful out there!!

I'm still a small fish in the youtube ocean and they don't let me live stream.... Hopefully when SteemQ is ready it will have livestream available!!!!!

Bro I'm one of your fan follower on youtube i just love the way you explain stuffs and helping people and keeping them motivated certainly you are the one to follow and I'm just a newbie on here learning lot of stuffs and your blogs are really helping me to keep it clean and add value to the community..Thanks

Nice place! Enjoy your rest there and think about next steemit writing :)

Craig is a steemit whale on the beach lol #salute #morefiya

Can never get tired of that!

Looks like a beautiful place to cool off...from all that Steem your pushing! Keep On Steemin On!

Live Steem in the beach. Mr. Craig. I see through the video your greatest reward and joy for the hard work you put in the Crypto game. That is ,seeing your wife and kids totally enjoying themselves in the beach that "Steem " help to create. After all, that's what it's all about. Working hard for your family so they can reap the rewards and that when you look deep in their eyes , glistening and sparkling conveying to you a message , "You're my hero. I'm so happy."
From this you can "flow" and be totally content and at peace with the universe. On lighter note : How you keep you cell phone dry and not get wet, bro?

The sand and the sea!! An awesome day at the beach!!

Haha Live Steem is the incidentally the name of the live video streaming service that we're currently working on adding to Steemit. That way, no one on Steemit has to use YouTube or Facebook to start a live stream and then upload the video later to Steemit. Using Live Steem, they can do everything directly and automatically on Steemit.

I definitely need to take some swimming lessons so that I can go deep into the sea or the ocean like that and catch some waves! Great video Craig!