Overcoming Ignorance And Saving Innocence - Enjoy with Troy!steemCreated with Sketch.

in family •  4 years ago 

I often write about apathy as it relates to the foster child ad the CPS. Although apathy is a major concern, it is not the only culprit destroying the innocence of children.

The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it - Albert Einstein

Overcoming The Ignorance

We live in an Orwellian world where state run media propaganda is common and truth is suppressed. We have witnessed this with big tech biased control of information fact checkers of Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. We have experienced their agenda with the 2020 election results and Covid 19. The governmental CPS agenda is no different.



The CPS War On Families

Most folks are unaware just how corrupt Child Protective Services really are. By fragmenting the public, the masses are ignorant to the lies, intimidation and manipulation that families are forced to endure. After all, with a name like Child Protectives Services... well they protect children... right?

Yet, ignorance allows corruption to breed. Children ae stalked, stolen, sold and trafficked. Young girls and boys are traded into the foster care baby farm, or eventually sold into sex trafficking. Many of these children are being forced to perform perverted sex acts with strangers just to stay alive.

The average John Doe has yet to make the connection between child trafficking and the offices of the CPS. They have not been educated to know how the case workers are incentivized with bonuses to tear families apart and steal kids. They do not know of the psychological baggage of tears, trauma and torture that never leaves. Or the bank accounts that are drained by a rigged judicial system. Or still the twilight zone horror that repeats its nightmare tape over and over. 'What did I do wrong?" "Why is this happening to me?" "Will I ever see my baby?"



And Depopulation

The CPS is part of a larger agenda to dismantle the family and depopulate. I have spoken before about the attack on 'Papa Bear', and how Daddy Government has eagerly stepped up to replace his role and 'de-pop' the family. Sadly, these foster children are left with multiple trust issues. This pollutes them their ability to commit in a personal relationship, thus minimizing their chances of having children of their own. In addition, parents are often torn apart by the unending struggles, when the CPS enters their lives. This reduces the chances of them having or wanting additional children. In these ways, the CPS contributes to the depopulation agenda. They are only one of many tools in depopulation of the world. Here are a few more that directly or indirectly contribute to health and the overall agenda.

Planned Parenthood, Abortion, Monsanto, Chemtrails, Covid 19, Euthanasia, 911, War on Families, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, New World Order, Bill Gates, Any war, Smoking, Drugs, Big Pharma, Child Trafficking, Processed Foods, Cancinogens, 5G, Radiation, Singles Dating Sites, Chinese style population control, Sterilization... and the list goes on.

In this Orwellian age, the propaganda press-stitute media would rather promote the fear of covid or a scary vaccine, than the welfare of children. We hear about racism, BLM and a communistic agenda instead of knowing the truth. The voiceless cry is silenced, yet the voices to defund the police are amplified.



Actively Saving Innocence

Our children need to laugh, dance and frolic in their youth. It is up to us to protect them from danger and let their innocence playfully flourish.

I say the time has come to grab that megaphone and be heard. When an employee is deadwood, an employer fires them. When a skin growth is cancerous, it is extracted. It is up to us to educate those who are ignorant, and call for the defunding of the CPS. It is a cancer that is destroying the fabric of our families and our society. I remember how efforts were made, sometime back, to defund Planned Parenthood. Both of these organizations are used corruptly in the Orwellian war on families. It is time that the voiceless are heard.. and helped.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. We need to be that squeaky wheel.

We are their voice. We are their megaphone. There are pro-family groups who are doing that. Moms and dads are speaking up and out to defend families and children. @familyprotection, on Hive, tirelessly serves as a voice and helps to dispel ignorance. I encourage you to support pro-family groups, who work to end ignorance and preserve and protect freedom.

We are the bearers of truth in an Orwellian age. Together we are the voice that overcomes ignorance and saves innocence.

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