Tide Pod Challenge?! Are you kidding me?!

in family •  7 years ago 

Ok, so here and there, I keep hearing the words 'Tide Pod Challenge'...

Finally I decided to look it up. Surely, surely this cannot be a thing? Eating laundry detergent packets?! ON PURPOSE?!

Facepalm... it is true.

I realize I am behind the times here. I read that there have been videos of teens eating Tide Pods as early at 2012.
I don't even know what to say!

Are kids these days that dumb?! Who the heck thinks 'Hey, what a great and funny idea! Lets eat laundry detergent and post a video about it!'
And people blame Tide for making their product too colorful and interesting-looking.
Don't get me wrong, I am not buying Tide Pods anyway, I am not saying this is a good product. I prefer something a little less toxic for my laundry. That being said, they should not be held responsible for the actions of dumb-asses!

Kids! Stop being STUPID!!

Parents! Teach your kids not to be STUPID!!

Well, since I have a policy of only posting my own pictures, and I sure do not have a picture of my kids eating Tide Pods, here is a picture of something healthy to eat: Farm fresh eggs.


Eat that kids. Do not eat detergent. Or feces, or nails, or broken glass, or anything poisonous!

Excuse me while I facepalm my way out of here.

Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful, non-Tide-Pod-eating day!

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Y'all don't hate on the tidepods they're just the forbidden fruit

Seriously - people say it's dumb but they taste amazing...


LOL! Well fine, eat them if you want to!
Crazy person...
No eggs for you!! ;)


You’d think that someone dumb enough to eat a Tide Pod would be too dumb to open the new childproof packaging.....

Hahaha! YES! Excellent point!

I tell you what. If parents these days would actually parent, this wouldn't be a problem.

Heck, when I was a kid I remember having my mouth washed out with soap for saying a bad word. The trauma induced from that would be enough for me to never want to put anything with soap into my mouth ever again.

Your photo is making me hungry. I think I'll go have some eggs myself. But not the duck eggs that were frozen to the ground this morning.


Exactly! It is insane!
It is not that hard to teach your kids how to behave and give them the attention they need so they don't go and do crazy things for it! Ugh!
A symptom of the breakdown of the family, I suppose. Going to get worse as time goes by...

Haha, fresh eggs are the best, but that is a tragedy there! Duck eggs are delish! Tell them to lay them in the nest box! Not on the ground in the mud!
Darn ducks LOL

I don’t think the ducks understand the concept of a nest box. Every morning is an Easter egg hunt. I’ll have to start candeling them once the weather warms just in case I miss an occasional one.

Haha, I know what you mean...
We used to have ducks. I finally had enough of them. Too much poop and mud.
Nowhere near enough eggs... Did not reproduce enough to make raising for meat worthwhile. (For me, anyway.) The pekins made way too much noise. The muscovies were okay, and I kept them the longest, but their seasonal laying was just not enough to be worth the mess and feed.
Chickens won. ;)

That was great! Love your writing style! :D lololol

Bah ha ha, thanks! ♥

I had no idea this was a thing. What's next? I do remember ONE kid (thirty years ago) eating mud for a dare. This stuck with him until graduation. He might still answer to "Danny the mud eater".

Haha wow...
Im pretty sure the mud was a LOT healthier for him than laundry detergent!
I know right? I had no idea this was a thing either, thought for sure no one in their right mind would do something like that...
'What next' kind of scares me...

I saw that on the news a couple of days ago. It makes you wonder about their mental health.

It sure does, doesnt it?!

Yeah, many kids these days aren't mentally healthy. They commit dangerous antics at the risk of their own lives because they don't find purpose in themselves. Plus, instead of actually facing their issues with seriousness, a lot of 'us' have adopted to using humor instead. We don't give much thought to it and we are only thinking about how funny it is to eat tidepods.

Very, very, true...

There are people who think mankind is getting smarter, but this Tide pod antic is proof to the contrary. I will join you in the face-palm.

group facepalm!

I dont feel old enough to be saying this but:
Kids these days....

I'm trying to remember what stupid things kids did when I was a teen. I was raised very conservatively, and didn't even mingle with the "bad kids" very much, so I'm sure a lot went on that I never knew about. I do recall some teens having a contest to see who could stay the longest in a closed vehicle with everybody smoking cigarettes.

I was homeschooled... so I have no idea what stupidity was going on when I was a teen...
I think they were sniffing sharpies...