6 Ideas for Staying Connected With Loved Ones

in family •  3 years ago 

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We human beings value our relationships. Our familial and social networks are important to us at a practical and emotional level, giving us access to support and resources. Making an effort to keep in regular touch with your loved ones strengthens your relationships.

Moreover, it can enhance your quality of life by promoting a sense of meaning and connection. Whether because you’re physically distancing due to the pandemic or simply because you live far away from your family and dear friends, you might be finding your relationships could benefit from some extra effort.

If so, these ideas can enable you to keep in touch with your loved ones and even enrich these relationships.

1. Video calls

Rather than texting or an audio call, why not make a video call to family and friends? Video gives you the chance to see your loved one’s facial expressions and will help you feel closer and better connected. Body language and nonverbal cues enhance communication and enriches your interactions.

You can use a range of apps to make videos calls; these include Zoom, FaceTime, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and much more. You can also make group video calls to chat with multiple people. Schedule regular catch-ups. Don’t leave it too long between calls, and reach out to your loved ones on a regular basis rather than leaving it to chance.

2. Make it an event

Turn your catch-ups into regular events. Whether it’s one loved one or a group you’re connecting with, you can do something together rather than simply talking, although that’s great in itself. For example, you can make it a virtual game night and play interactive games online, host a movie night, or have dinner together.

Turning it into an event makes it more interesting for everyone and you’ll be participating in a fun activity in addition to catching up.

3. Create an online community

Building a community is an excellent way to strengthen your relationships with loved ones. You can start a mini-club of your own or join an existing club, activity, or gathering. For example, you can join or run a virtual book club. You can attend virtual cooking classes, sample wine and beer, or even have dinner together with a video call.

Another idea is to start an online group - such as a Facebook group - for your family members or group of friends. Anyone in this community can chat or leave messages at any time. You can set up discussion topics to inspire conversation.

4. Courses and classes

How about taking an online class with your loved one? Find something you’re both interested in and sign up together. From cooking and workouts to yoga and dance, the types of courses available are diverse. Other ideas include gardening, floral arrangement, languages, musical instruments, photography, nutrition, and beauty. You can find free online courses as well as paid ones to suit your budget.

The great thing about taking a class together is the opportunity to connect with your loved one more deeply while learning a new skill.

5. Virtual tours

Another idea for connecting with your loved one is to take a virtual tour together. You might not be able to take a trip to Uluru, the Louvre, or the National Gallery in person right now, but you can certainly tour them virtually. There’s something to match any interest, with national parks, museums, zoos, major landmarks, and film festivals offering them. Many of these wonderful virtual tours are completely free.

6. Letters and postcards

Instead of using technology, you could make your next contact with your loved one via snail mail. Sending a letter or postcard makes it more intimate and special. The recipient might really appreciate receiving something other than a bill in their mailbox, and they might even write back. Similarly, you can send items you’d like to share with them, such as books and DVD, via post. Receiving something tangible can bring an element of novelty to your interactions with your loved ones.

When it comes to maintaining and strengthening your relationships with your loved ones, the key is not to leave it to chance. Take opportunities to check in with everyone and incorporate your calls into your day. Feeling connected to those who are most important to us could support our mental, emotional, and physical health especially for those of us who are feeling isolated.

Remember, you can still do things together, even if you’re physically apart or having to physically distance. Fortunately, the internet offers myriad ways you can pursue mutual hobbies and interests together, and virtual activities are far more rewarding when you’re doing it with a friend. So why not get in touch with your loved one and put some of these strategies into action today?

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