RE: Welcome to National Liberty Alliance and our FOUNDATIONAL STUDY / As we investigate the NLA

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Welcome to National Liberty Alliance and our FOUNDATIONAL STUDY / As we investigate the NLA

in familyprotection •  7 years ago 

I don't want to criticize you but you must fix the "there" and replace it with "their" in many places on this post. If you expect to form a legal case for anything you first must cross your t's and dot your I's. Many people will not make it past the first misplaced their.
In a legal document that would quash the document by the first contester.

"Motion to quash" A motion to quash is a request to a court to render a previous decision of that court or a lower judicial body null or invalid. It can arise out of mistakes made by any lawyer in a court proceeding. A lawyer may file a motion to quash if a mistake has been made by the court or any lawyer in a legal case.

I would say this is a good project, but the problem is you have a mass population that prefers "Cake and Circuses"

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Yeah I am working on getting better with the There, Their, They're, thanks for the heads up.

Sadly motions to quash based on the rules of writting have been destroyed by courts. See While Dave is correct written language and so is "dave". "DAVE" breaks all the rules of writing. Last time a court tried a quash based on the rules of writing they quickly decided such wasn't a good idea. So I guess what I am trying to say is that the criminals have mostly taken over the courts and the NLA is trying to get Law abiding people involved to fix the problems. That way proper motions will win in courts, instead of the good ole boy system we have now.