😤Hey CPS, leave our kids alone!!! UK High court rules against CPS for removing a child for NOT BEING ALLOWED TO EAT ICE CREAM!!! 👺

in familyprotection •  6 years ago  (edited)

Yesterday I read a post from a new Steemian called @lane11 telling their tragic story of losing their children to a foster home for no good reason. In fact the reasons for removal were manufactured and based on lies, with no evidence to support the claims made by CPS. Despite this, they have lost their children for 6 months and still have no way to get them back. Even if they are able to undo this grave injustice it will be too late for the whole family, the damage has already been done. This travesty is now common place globally and sharing these stories is our first step to addressing these unbelievable injustices. My heart truly goes out to @lane11 for what they are having to endure every day. To wake up each morning to a quiet home, knowing you child is with a stranger and in who knows what conditions must be like having your heart broken each and every moment. @lane11 thank you for sharing your story with us, our hearts and sympathy go out to you in buckets, and we stand by you and support you in every way we can.

This morning I stumbled upon yet ANOTHER tragic story that demonstrates the severity of the failings by CPS, this time not in the USA but in the UK. This is a very public case that went to the high court and was thankfully overturned which has led to a child being reunited with their family. It is extremely hard to have a CPS ruling overturned, and takes great courage, determination, time and money to go through the lengthy process of taking the CPS to court. @misslasvegas can testify to this, and she is still recovering from a successful but many month long battle to prevent her child from being removed for no good reason.

I realise that some people doubt some of the stories that are told here on Steemit, and so I want to share this UNBELIEVABLE story with you that is so public that it can not be refuted. The details of this story may sound exaggerated but they are not! It is testament to the scale of the problem that if I wasn't able to show you a mainstream news story, you would probably never believe this really happened.. well, unless you have had dealings with the CPS that is!

There are many reasons as to why CPS continue to remove children for either no good reason, or even worse for totally fabricated reasons that are completely made up. It is now public knowledge that around 30%-50% of all child removals by CPS happen even though there is no evidence to support it. If that wasn't bad enough, we are also now seeing a trend whereby they give reasons that are made to sound terrible when in fact they are nothing of the sort. It is SO easy to make something quite acceptable sound terrible, it is an art form and the CPS are quite adept at this. To show you what I mean I need to share this horrific story of a British mother who has been accused of not meeting their child's EMOTIONAL NEEDS! Now that sounds quite bad doesn't it? No doubt a good parent should meet their children's emotional needs, but what if I told you that this statement was based entirely on the fact that this mother had decided not take him for an ice cream or got his haircut in the style he wanted it!? Just to be clear that IS the extent of their case on this mother.. there is no evidence or even claim of other problems or criticism against the parent in this case. I am beyond words to really express how I feel about this.

Now it is very important to realise that the child WAS actually removed in this case, it went through all of the 'checks and balances' (that don't exist) in the CPS system and a child was kidnapped from their family for what I can only describe as totally ridiculous reasons, and is the epitome of injustices at the hands of CPS. Let me share some of the details of this case and comments from a high court British judge.

"A Boy, eight years old, was taken from his family and put in foster care after social worker said his mother didn't take him for ice cream or let him get his hair cut how he liked"

  • Mr Justice Mostyn described the social worker's claims as 'utterly insubstantial'
  • The boy, now eight, was taken away from his mother and made to live in foster care
  • Social worker said 'best example' of neglect was not giving the boy ice cream
  • Mr Justice Mostyn overruled a court hearing in Swansea to rule he can return home

Mr Justice Mostyn described the social worker's claims as 'utterly insubstantial' and 'obviously inconsequential' as reasons for the child to be separated from his mother in court today. The case was brought to the High Court after a lower-ranking judge at a family court hearing in Swansea ruled the boy, now eight, should be taken out of his mother's care and made to live with foster parents. Analyzing the 44-page witness statement from a Carmarthenshire county Council social worker, Mr Justice Mostyn described the evidence as 'very long on rhetoric' but 'very short' on examples of 'deficient' parenting. Speaking at the Family Division of the High Court in London, Mr Justice Mostyn said it was 'very hard' to pin down what exactly the social services had 'against' the mother. He added: 'This witness statement was very long on rhetoric and generalized criticism but very short indeed on any concrete examples of where and how the mother's parenting had been deficient.'

The social worker had been asked to 'identify her best example' of the mother failing to meet the boys emotional needs - to which she replied citing that she had not given him ice cream. 'Her response was that until prompted by the local authority mother had not spent sufficient one-to-one time with (the boy) and had failed on one occasion to take him out for an ice cream,' said the judge.


This case is a classic example that proves everything people are saying with @familyprotection is true. Those who doubt that the vast majority of cases are based on total fallacy do not yet understand the scale of the problem with CPS worldwide. It is beyond my ability to even comprehend HOW this has been allowed to happen, and HOW it is allowed to continue. I have posted several times explaining why this is happening, and sadly the truth is that CPS are a very badly run business who are under great pressure to remove children, and have no incentive whatsoever to try to keep families together or provide any kind of support. Their only power is to remove children, and they do this aggressively for no good reason so that they can keep receiving funds.

The truth is now starting to come out, and we can only thank @familyprotection, @markwhittam, @canadian-coconut, and everyone who has posted here on Steemit to help everyone see the truth about how CPS are destroying families every day, in huge numbers, and with no oversight or control. We have to stop this as soon as possible. The entire CPS system needs to be overhauled from the ground up to ensure that these terrible injustices stop happening. That is why we are here, and that is why I am taking the time every day to read and support @familyprotection.

If you would like to understand a little more about why the CPS are doing this then I have made a very short movie that explains things in a little more detail. I hope that after reading this post and watching the movie below you can start to really understand how the CPS system is broken and needs urgent reforms from the highest levels. People from poor families have no chance of taking these cases to court and are left destroyed, unheard and with no chance of ever being reunited with their children. Do you have any idea how many families we are talking about? Is this dozens of families, or hundreds, or is it thousands? Let me tell you , it is now in the tens if not hundreds of thousands worldwide and is the greatest infringement on our birth-right and human rights that I have ever come across. Together we are strong, and together we must expose this for what it truly is.

Please watch this short movie, and please leave your comments here and on @lane11's post to show support for the people here on Steemit and beyond who have and continue to suffer at the hands of CPS. Your words of sympathy and acknowledgment are a very important form of support to people who feel powerless and totally unheard.




  • CPS has no special right to enter your home without your permission, and you can say no to them. Workers do not have a right to obtain search warrants. You can be cooperative with the investigation without letting an investigator walk inside your door. You can open the door and allow them to look inside and still not allow them to come in. Workers should ask you before coming in your home. If you say no, they cannot and will not enter. If they do enter, you can contact the police.

  • CPS can't test you for drugs without your consent, although there are some good reasons for giving consent.

  • If a CPS worker wants to interview your child at your home, they must ask your permission. They cannot speak with your child at your home with you present without your consent. If you say no, they will not conduct the interview.

  • If you do not want your child interviewed and an investigator comes to their school, you can tell them no. You can even have something on file at the school stating that no one is allowed to interview your child without you present. Once you have stated to a CPS worker that you do not want your child interviewed, they can not conduct an interview without a court order or "exigent (emergency) circumstances."

  • Once you allow CPS into your home, you can ask them to leave whenever you like and they must comply. They cannot look through your drawers or search your home unless you give them permission to do so. Allowing entry to the home does not entitle the investigator to go through your medicine cabinet. They may look around and see what is visible to the eye, but they must ask permission to open a drawer or the refrigerator.

  • It is possible for you to be completely uncooperative. If they never see your child, your home, you, or anyone you know, then there is very little they can do.

If you want to help families who cannot afford to pay for lawyers and get their children back, please consider sending a donation to @familyprotection so that they can help to support the innocent victims of these tragedies. With so many families just here on Steemit, it does make one wonder quite how deep this rabbit hole goes.

Please read other stories in the @familyprotection account. Child removal happens every day and everywhere to normal functional families. It could happen to YOU!

With deep gratitude to @markwhittam and @canadian-coconut for this initiative to spread the truth and save families, child abuse, and lives.



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Thank-you @eco-alex for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

It has never happened to me personally but whoever doubts any of the sincere stories shared on the family protection community needs to be sincere with themselves. The whole government control thing is just really annoying

ooho yeah GREAT Comment @empress-eremmy, ill use that from now on !

Thank you for sharing this post @eco-alex. Let's keep on spreading the word!

Thank u! Yes all we can do is keep on keeping on exposing this! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

I like your list of rights. That's something that should be handed out to everyone with a new baby to be hung prominently in their home.

So in the midst of hand-wringing over the "childhood obesity epidemic", a mom is a bad parent for not taking her kid out for ice cream? I mean, shouldn't she have been feeding him strawberries or cucumbers instead?

(Wry humor here. The story really isn't funny one little bit, but this is amazing.)

I totally agree! Thats the irony!! Ice cream is teally bad for u!! This is why no one should be dictating how we bring our children up.. a bit of humour is very welcome here because if we dont laugh we will cry!!

Actually no one, should comment on the care of our children. These people only use any excuse to separate families. Friend, thank you an excellent list of rights, everyone should take them in cuenya and know them, Excellent work.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Money is no object for them. They can supply CPS with endless amount of it because it's all fictional numbers created from air anyway.

This is way of manipulators showing their power of 'We gonna do whatever we want to do!' CPS workers are just tool for that. Most of CPS workers are brainwashed to believe they are doing right thing. It's important to know how to behave when this morons come, but it is also important to know what game manipulators are playing. That is why is important to see whole picture and from where it's all is coming from. My research show that center of all this Roman Catholic Church. I know it might sound crazy to some, but when you let go beliefs and try to see things they really are and not what you want to believe, you will realize that Roman Catholic Church is the most satanic organization on the planet. They claim to have authority over everything in the world, including your soul. Funny thing is, they don't even hide they are claiming that. If anyone is interested to read more about it, you can read it here: All roads lead to the Rome: Part 1. Also would recommend reading Part 2 and Part 3 because Roman Catholic Church tentacles are spread everywhere! Part 4 & 5 are coming tomorrow...

Thanks for sharing this.. ill have a read of ur posts soon!

Thank you for the support, I really appreciate it!