CPS Failures in the case of the 13 children held captive in California (The Turpins case)

in familyprotection •  7 years ago  (edited)

(55% of the final reward from this post (after curation) will be donated to @familyprotection
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After having posted about corrupt CPS employees that "get pregnant through the ears" everytime anyone tells them lies about people ( what ends up destroying families and innocent individuals) , I will talk about the CPS action about the Turpins. If you don't remember, the Turpins were a couple living in California that had their children living like animals, starving and suffering all kinds of crazy abuses. ( Check more here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turpin_case )
That case made headlines everywhere in the world.
I read someone(I don't remember who and if it was here on steem) writting (and very well) that CPS failed to put all sibblings together.
Yes, that was a big failure, but there was one even bigger failure from them before.
The first CPS failure was its inability to detect the situation.
Parents that are serial abusers think about CPS, how do they work and how to make things to look ok for them if they come.(pictures of kids wearing similar clothing, smiling and photos in Disneyworld are just an example.
They, as all abusers, carefully removed the evidences of their crimes against their children and focused on appearances(to CPS and to the society in general), living in an apparently nice house, etc.
On the contrary, people that are good parents and provide their kids with emotional comfort, often don't even think CPS may come for their children, , they act in good faith, give them all the information, are open to them, etc.
CPS had failed to detect the horrendous crimes against the 13 children for years.(it was one child that was able to escape and contacted the police) because they are busy investigating and removing children from good and loving parents.
So, it was a DOUBLE FAILURE.
In fact, investigating a family that really abuses children would be something that would require work.
First because OF COURSE that these guys would be prevented against CPS, of course these guys wouldn't make things easy to them, woun't let them enter the property without a warrant and, after the first small sign CPS was investigating them, they could immediately move to other town, to other state, whatever.
Investigating this kind of people could even be dangerous because they THEMSELVES would use all kind of dirty tricks against the social worker, accusing her of improper conduct through anonymous letters or they could even become violent. After all, they would know that, if caught, they would spend their lifes in jail anyway.
So, a lot of corrupt CPS social workers prefer to dedicate their time to investigate loving and complying parents, who will easily open the door to them, will deal with them with good faith and, consequently, making easy to find any smaller issue that they could use as a pretext to show work done to their equally evil and corrupt bosses, risking to destrou families forever.


Adding to that, there was also the failure previously mentioned in a steem article(sorry for not being able to find it): the fact that they didn't placed the sibblings together. These kids have a lot of disadvantages resulting from the horrendous treatment they had received from the animals that press calls "their parents"(deep cognitive deificits, traumas of all kinds, psychiatric disorders of all kinds, etc, etc, etc
The only thing each one of them has is the other siblings, as I had read in other article and that is TRUE!!!!!
They could had easily placed the 13 siblings together in a house and hire some good, caring and loving individuals but that is too much for the CPS. So many specialized professionals, so much funding, so many expensive lawyers, so much this and that and they couldn't even figure this out!!!!! This is because CPS DOESN'T GIVE A PENNY ABOUT THE CHILDREN!!!!!!! The only objective is to increase funding, increasing power and trading influences for their directors.
People of good will have to join forces to improve this world. Evil forces will try to divide us, the more we bother them, the more they will try every little trick to put one against the other.
We can't allow it. We can't allow ourselves to get pregnant through the ears. We should use this blockchain and this tag to strenghten ties of justice and cooperation, to create a second family, a virtual family focused on fighting evil.
Today one may be stronger than the other and the help more than the help that same one receives, but that is today.
Tomorrow we don't know. And never ever understimate the power of the gratitude of men with good faith.
Stay safe people and hope you found my article interesting to read!!!!!!!!!!!

photo of the Turpin family - in public domain due to the right to the people to information

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NEW - Interesting posts I had read recently:

https://steemit.com/homeless/@hickorymack/the-fall-into-homelessness - The fall into homelessness
https://steemit.com/familyprotection/@markwhittam/what-is-familyprotection-what-are-the-rules-how-do-i-donate - About what is family protection

About the author: My life until now has been a crazy one. When I was younger I wanted to study math or engineering but the social pressure made me attend medical school.
In Portugal, medical college is a 6 years degree and you start it after you finish high school. Tuition fees are symbolical and your entrance is only based on the high school marks. You need a very high average mark to enter.
Many people with high average marks, although they didn't think about attending medical school, are pressed by their parents to attend it.
I didn't like medical school. It was not what I wanted so I had a profound depression and I left it.
I love to write, and although English is not my native language, I will try my best to offer you interesting articles.
Apart from that, I am a Christian, I love God and I love Christ deeply with all my heart and all my soul.

Other articles I wrote:








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