in familyprotection •  7 years ago 

Whether you like Trump overall, or not, im sure you would agree that somethings he perpetuates need to change.

Separating children from their parents for anything less than abusing them is one of those things that need to change.
You only have to look through #familyprotection to know what those kids are likely to experience.
In my state an average of six kids a year die in state 'care'.
3.4 per hundred thousand times 3.2m residents?
3.4m dollars has been paid in settlements.

That has gotten negative press is a clue.
If the mainstream press dont like them you can rest assured that they are threatening the things that the press protects.
You know, pedophile rapist politicians, priests, judges, entertainment and accademic elites.

Their call to action in part:

  • We are horrified and angered at the shocking damage already done to lives here and around the world by the Trump/Pence regime. We recognize that they are poised to do far worse, including threatening WAR, even nuclear war. Through an unrelenting barrage of daily outrages and twitter outbursts, the Trump/Pence regime is radically remaking society – step by step hammering into place a vicious American fascism. This is not insult or exaggeration, it is what they are doing.

  • Therefore, WE RESOLVE that nothing short of removing this whole illegitimate regime from power will stop this nightmare.
This Thursday at 419 Emancipation Drive at 5pm at the juvenile detention center in Houston.
A rally will be held.
Attend if you can!

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thought you moved to Mexico, and if these people are coming in *illegally then what is the suggested way to handle this? what if these kid are a victim of child trafficking?

If people want to go where they want to go then let them, I say.

The average worker here is making around 50usd for a 60 hour work week over six days.
Wouldn't you take your skills to where the market pays more, too?

As for trafficking, look to the buyers, as long as there is a market there will be a supply.

If we stopped crapitalism there wouldn't be a market,...

@freebornangel how are they making USD in mexico?? and you mentioned "state" which some people like myself can understand it to be USA. yes well, the clintons are known buyers and many others,and this was a law if you had not heard initiated by BC, and as of yesterday the EO came out to not separate the families, but they wILL be sent back out of the USA. criminals should not be allowed into an area where they receive free room, board, and food. everyone else has limited borders so why not USA.

The answer to slavery is freedom, not a lesser degree of slavery.
Crapitalism is slavery of the havenots to the haves.
Half measures will come with drawbacks.
If we continue the socialism that we have, we have to decide what to do with the bums.
Better we stop what we have and execute the criminals that harm others as they get caught.

No dollars in mexico, i just did the math, roughly.
They make between 800 and 1200 pesos a week.
For 6 10 hour days.
Ive done it, it was very depressing.

If we keep working, but stop paying the incentive of big money comes out of trafficking humans.
When their market value is zero dollars only the very dedicated to the cause continue, and we can just shoot them on sight.

Anybody using violence to control a peaceful person should know that the wage of their sin is death.
Immediate, not 15 years from now.

Perfection is not an option.

@freebornangel i would more say the bankers and the shadow gvt. than capitalism in general ... i know you love using the term capitalism and yes okay it is not the ideal system but imo better than socialism or fascism.
that mexico rate is damn depressing, that's why i dont live there. lol
shoot on sight, that might work. LOL :p
well ... imo ive seen what mexicans do i know drug dealers perspective --- its a nasty war. everyone has their hands in the pot and want to just keep slaves slaves --- you and I --- us. its pitiful and honestly there are many in the world that are a part of it all and we are puppets.

our day will come. soon.

Dec 21st 2012 was the end of the world as we knew it.
On that day the world was ruled by force.
As we move forward from that point in time the pendulum will increase its speed.
Every day is one day closer to world peace.

Yeah, if you have to work to be here, it can be a bitch.

Crapitalism is better than fascism and socialism, but not as good as communism.
Here is a book that details why i say that:

@freebornangel woo hooo I AM so with you on that DATE! i'm There !!

but things have def shifted and keep shifting, i feel last year alone shifted over 10 times. i feel them within my body and soul. i do hope it is one day closer, i feel there will be total chaos and possibly war before then.

you love communism?

Im hoping that love will keep down the violence of this transition.

Things have shifted, the bush/clinton crime family isnt in power anymore.
Women stood up for themselves.
Child trafficking is being discussed.
Things are getting better.

Yeah, i <3 communism!
I blame this book:

The parents shouldn't be putting their children in danger, they know the risks.

What! So desperate people trying to cross an imaginary line should have their children taken?

The illegal immigrants know what will happen to their children if they get caught.

"illegal immigrants" Actually, I think your talking about human beings, people, who according to you deserve to have their children ripped from their arms for crossing into a country that was illegally obtained in the first place.

Think about what your saying for a minute, take a step back and ask yourself if it's really OK to take someone's child for breaking a bullshit law, made up by a bunch of criminals in suites and ties.

You must be a politician, or watch way too much news, I can't decide.

If someone breaks into my home and starts taking my resources without permission I'm well within my rights to do whatever I see fit to the intruder, no different than people entering a nation illegally. Without borders you'd have chaos, remove all the doors to your property and see what happens.

Who's land?
Who's resources?

If someone breaks into your house it's a different story but that's not what we're talking about. Imagine that you had to flee your country because of Marshall law or you became very worried about the police state that you lived in (which by the looks of things is not too far fetched.)

You are scared so you take your family to the nearest boarder but your kids get taken and you get thrown in jail by a bunch of simple minded, patriotic fuck wits who believe that you deserve everything you get.

Please Mr @enskan, put yourself in that position for 5 minutes before coming back with a reply.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You're not wrong that it would be horrible to experience this first hand, but like I keep saying, they know the law and they know the consequences. They're not fleeing war, they're not asylum seekers, they're economic migrants trying to enter a nation illegally and risking their children's lives in the process.

Ok, I realise that everyone has a strong opinion on this matter and that the "legal" imagrants of America are pretty pissed, but like u keep saying, these people know the risks but they risk it anyway, which just makes me think they are REALLY desperate.

Can you imagine what it must feel like to not be able to feed your children, but you know u have family over that fence that can provide for you and your children. I know what I would do.

Thank you for your statist opinion, when the time comes we will remember that you chose the ruling elite over the people.

The average mexican works 60 hours over 6 days for 50usd.
I would go north, too.

The parents are putting their children at risk not the U.S. The dangers these kids face just getting to the border cannot be justified, they'd be safer staying at home, applying for citizenship and entering safely and legally.

today I just made a post about this, the truth is painful to see how the government does not care to separate families, even disappear children

Everything you complain about is worrisome, and I value all the efforts you make because those facts are of the world's knowledge. Only then will it be possible for such sad things to continue to happen.

Yes, we are in an information war and without the information we lose.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

I heard last night that Trump has just signed a piece of paper (whatever that means) that keeps these families together, I even heard him saying that he didn't like what he was seeing and that these families should not be separated. We'll see if it's all talk.

I'll believe it when I see it.
He has had over a year to do something and all he has done is make things worse.

If people want to come up here, they should be free.
Instead of standing in their way, we should charge an entrance fee.
They are paying the coyotes now,...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

he keeps them together in a shelter that looks like a birdcage for an indefinite time. This at the legal level will generate many repercussions since the reform of the law is made to keep the whole family in prison, if the studies are not carried out and specialists in the subject are considered. Trump will continue to do only advertising, the children are in shelters full of children eating only water and chips, crying for their mothers.
I like the way you think, only people who have fled a nation to improve our children know what it is to face a government that does not care about the people and less children