Fear Of The Known: To Homeschool Or Not, A Call Out For Advice (Guest Post-George)

in familyprotection •  7 years ago  (edited)

Warm greetings to everyone reading this humble post of mine, I am George, I live in Vermont with my Two daughters both aged 4, they are the only two twin stars in my universe. I always get to brag, saying, "the earth has one Sun, but I have two". That is how precious my little twin Angels are to me and I have being guarding them and nurturing them ever sine they were born. Guarding?, yes I meant that, literally.

After we had our daughters, my wife and I were subjected to horrible displays from DCF(FSD) because we refused vaccination for our daughters, this caused a lot of harassment and the whole situation became very troubling. We were happy that after a time of constant fear, we momentarily escaped DCF. This was short lived, when my daughters turned 6 months old they came into our lives once again, this time with a denser stake that gave our home another terrible season. We were accused of medical neglect, and my family was under constant scrutiny and intrusion from the FSD(Family service department) of Vermont DCF. We still got out of this mess with all the trouble and trauma we passed through, though I was the man of the home, I appeared to be scared as hell about the thought of loosing my little Angels, but my wife was my Rock as I was hers.  We came out alive even though my daughters were taken away for a few days. It was all gone and done after a few months. I will share these experiences in the future here. 

The Worst Happened 

My family was happy, and then another chapter started. It was as though we had a circle of trial times, and this was waiting by the corner. But I was always proud of my wife and my two beautiful angels, that was all that really mattered and nothing was going to change how I felt about them. I lost my wife, she was sick and we fought this for a while, unfortunately she couldn't wait another day. All I had left was my little girls and all they had was an "okayishly-broken" dad. My girls were aged 1yr and 4months when this happened.

Her Wish

I strongly believe in the values of homeschooling, since I was was home-schooled at a point in my life. To be more precise, I was schooled for about 2 years initially, then home-schooled for 5 years then I went to school again. My time being home-schooled was much more comfortable and I enjoyed learning, unlike the period I was schooled. So, I completely admired the perks of homeschooling when compared to the government organised education system we have now.

Not just me, my wife was completely unschooled  until she went for college to study Education at the Michigan State University. She has practically dreamed of teaching her own kids, I like to say, "she was prepared for the world". When we had our girls, we already decided to home-school, with her capabilities and experience with unschooling, her degree in Education and my computer science oriented background, we had it all figured out, so we thought 

Back then, we had it all figured out but right now all the odds are against me, if I said I know what is coming, I am simply lying. Before my lovely wife passed on, by her sick bed, she said "George, hope you haven't forgotten the deal, about the girls". I replied, 'not one bit, they are as clear as the day we talked about it'. 

Now That They Are 4  

Along the way, I was out of my 7hrs per day job, and as God was so faithful, I was working from home so I could be with my daughters personally, I had more flexibility for outings, sightseeing and visiting relatives and friends.  Jenny's younger sister if only I could say "yes", was ready to have them with her 24-7-365. We only get to visit for a couple of hours a week and spend important holidays, or we get them to come over as well. 

They are now 4yrs+, and my panic has begun to get a better part of me. I have heard a lot of stories in my state about CPS taking kids from their homes. I have seen two cases were children were taken because they were not in school. Homeschooling have been used as a loop hole for infiltrating homes here in Vermont, afterwards other allegations follows. 

I have a strong conviction of homeschooling and I owe this to my kids, I owe this to my Jenny. But things are becoming rougher over here compared to previous time. And any honest failure on parents end could lead to DCF sticking their noses into homes. I have less than a year to map out exactly what I need to know and what I need to do.

To Homeschool Or Not

This is not a question per se, I know I must homeschool, I have all the time a day to do so. Still I am in between decision on how to do this without getting nosy DCF into the matter. They already failed twice trying to get my daughters, something within me tells me they are still watching my movements, like I am under their radar and any allowance or loophole will get them into my home a third time. 

Two years ago, this homeschooling issue was still far away, but they grow so fast, and now I have less than a year. I have already started making some mild preparations, but every month cases keep being flung around about Child protective services and homeschoolers. I have spoken to @kryptocoin about my case with DCF before and about some other concerns, and he advised me to make a post about it here with this community. 

Though I have begun preparing myself for the nearby future, every advise here will be much appreciated, I just don't want to encounter DCF anymore, and I owe it to my Wife, my two Suns and myself as well, I want them having a valuable childhood and spending time connecting to relatives, friends and others in between. I just want them to get the best childhood they can get, they already miss a Vital part of their home(Jenny), and she is irreplaceable. I don't want them missing anything else.  

I am grateful for your time and every advise you all can give to me. God bless you all.--George

Peace to you all,
( @kryptocoin )

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This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection
Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

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Rest assured that you are making the best choices for your children but always be prepared. @curlfamilyvlog has given you some great information. I might add as well that we are living in a time of change and there are a couple of things working in favor of homeschooling.

One is that Betsy Devos is the new Secretary of Education here in the U.S. and has been vocal of her support for homeschooling. She actually home schooled her own children for many years. https://hslda.org/docs/news/2016/201612050.asp

As for the procedural changes that have befallen the CPS agency here in the U.S. you also may want to study up on the new law. As with anything new it takes awhile for those involved to get the memo so it is best to educate ourselves on changes that may effect us and our loved ones. https://steemit.com/fullyinformedpublic/@vickiebarker/u-s-president-signs-buchanan-bill-aimed-at-keeping-families-together

As you mentioned already suffering the abuse over the vaccination issue here is a link to information on the new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division. We have a team that is now streamlining the process to be sure vaccinations will be addressed and I'll be posting that soon. But this will give you an idea of where we are headed:

My best to you and your family. Now may be a good time to reach out to the local home-schooling community for support and a way to expand your knowledge base.

Thanks alot for responding with this comment. It really means a lot. I have gone through the links attached. I am most grateful--George

Amen, regarding Betsy DeVoe.

Welcome here, and what a journey that must have been.. I understand you want to do this as you promised your wife, but I also understand your fears of them invading in your life again.. I have a almost 2 year old that only had her 2 first shots of vaccines because we were under the radar in holland of CPS (a whole other story about my 2 oldest) and I did not want to take the risk of them taking her. They would have, I am sure. So we left the country, and since we did we never gave the vaccines again. But like you I will be facing the moment she needs to go to school also and still wondering what is best to do, and how I am going to arrange everything as I don't want her to be vaccinated either. Tough decisions and I hope you will figure it all out. Hopefully you have some support of family/friends now your wife has unfortunately passed away. Luckily lots of members here are thinking the same things about homeschooling and vaccinations, so I bet you will find lots of help here. I will be reading with you.. Take care!

. I comprehend the feeling of being under the radar of DCF. Thank you for your thoughtful reply dear friend.

Unfortunately you are not alone in this. I hope it all works out. Please keep us posted here, and please search for other posts here about the subject. You will find them helpful for sure!

Hi I want to start by welcoming you to FP and also welcome you to the home schooling world. It is a journey that is not for everyone but those that choose to take this path find it to be both very challenging and very rewarding. A few things I wish to bring up is that it is legal to HS in all 50 states although some states have more rules and requirements than others. So this next comment only talks about the state of Vermont. Please take a look at the following link for Vermont state law. http://www.homeschoolfacts.com/state-laws/vermont-homeschool-state-laws.html
Posting links is not something I usually do on someone else post however this link will also give you links to other sites that have information on local HS groups. (which I encourage everyone to get involved with a local group). Also have your children involved with some sort of sport. This will come in handy when they are required to have PE in their studies. They will be used to the extra activity and can be an additional source of the dreaded "socialization" aspect that everyone talks about.
Another thing to keep in mind is to reevaluate your needs to HS every few years. If there ever comes a time that your children want to go to PS give them that chance. You can always go back to HS later on.
If you can afford it I highly suggest joining HSLDA. Here is their link to Vermont https://hslda.org/hs101/VT.aspx They have more legal resources and more information as well. I suggest highly to become a member especially if you have fear of CPS already. They will help you defend your case if CPS comes after you solely for being a home school family.
On an educational note I suggest getting to know your child's educational style before settling on a type of curriculum. And keep in mind that what works for one might not work for the other one. Each child learns differently and it is best to address each child with their needs and abilities. Otherwise there will be more struggles and frustrations than fun and learning. Remember to take a break and give yourself time to be yourself. HS takes more than you think and you can burn out fast.
If you can not afford HSLDA than my advise to you is follow your local laws and know them well. And if they come knocking be prepared. We have HS our 2 girls in Florida for 8 years.

First of all, thank you for your elaborate comment and urgent response. I will definitely look into hslda tomorrow. About the learning style, the twin seem to be on the same page, since we are involved in a tiny form cognitive activities a few times a week. They enjoy it. But I can't be too certain yet though. Thank you again curlfamilyvlog.

Hello George! I am so glad you decided to share your journey with the FP family and reach out for some advice about your concerns. Let me say I am very sorry for the loss of your wife Jenny and I pray that God is keeping you and giving you comfort and guidance. I was asked by @kryptocoin to take a look at this post because I too am a homeschooling parent and we also refuse vaccinations.

I am not sure if you are still being targeted for refusing vaccines but if you are, as a guardian of your children you can fill out an exemption form (Department of Health Supplied Form) stating that you have religious beliefs or philosophical convictions opposed to them. It’s sad that they use scare tactics or threaten parents when they refuse them but you have every right to. Once you fill out this form keep a copy for yourself and give one to your family physicians office for their records. Also, it may take some searching for a doctor that doesn’t pressure you to vaccinate or ask you questions. We searched high and low and finally found a Christian doctor that we trust who believes these types of decisions belong in the hands of the parents. Another option would be seeking out a holistic doctor that encourages natural healing and won’t pressure you to give your kids shots of chemicals.

I see that @curlfamilyvlog nailed it on the head when she gave you the link to read about the Vermont HS laws as well as suggesting you become a member of HSLDA. I second that advice! Becoming a member will allow you to have access to legal advice and counsel and they will fight for you! However it is very IMPORTANT that you do your part. They can’t defend you if you don’t meet your state laws requirements. Record keeping is one of the most crucial things that you can do. You can claim to have been teaching your girls until you turn blue but if you don’t have any written evidence or records of it, it’s no use. Record everything that is educational so that you can meet the hours that your state requires you have in a given school year. You can record playing outside for P.E., Science when they are investigating rocks, Math when they go to the store with you to help you count out the change at the register, Home Economics when they help you in the kitchen, Life Skills as they learn to make up their beds and keep their rooms!!! I record everything that deals with learning and place it in a subject. Read over your state laws and get to know them!!! I’m not sure if your state requires you to register your school, but if it doesn’t I wouldn’t. When you register your HS it is in public records and anyone can find out that you are homeschooling. Our state doesn’t require this so we have never had to do that.

Another form of advice I can give to you is only share information about your HS to people you trust and to people who Support what you do. A lot of families are turned in by loved ones that think they are doing what’s best because they feel homeschooling is not the way to go. They don’t realize how much damage they do when they try to step in. There are only a handful of people in our lives that we share this information with, it’s all about protecting our children and being cautious.

I wish you the best and I hope you continue to get more advice and guidance from the HS community. Please let me know if you have any questions, I’m here to help. God Bless you and your little girls~ 😊

Hello crosheille ,
I am happy to see your comment,
For the vaccination, I have already gotten an exemption signed and documented, however I am yet to get a good doctor I can trust fully over here. Jenny's brother is a doctor but doesn't practice close to home, another state. Sincerely, I have not seen a doctor I can trust over here, but I am still in search.

You got a lot of things listed above, I will keep each and everyone of them to heart. I really appreciate your help, Crosheille. God bless you and your family in all divine and godly abundance!. --George

That’s good that you have an exemption signed and documented! I really hope you find the doctor that is good for your family.

It’s my pleasure :) I hope you continue to get the help you need and are able to make the best decisions for homeschooling.

as parents we are supposed to have the ability to choose what is best for our children and in case we do not comply with what is expected by law, they must verify that our choice is based on balance and health for our children . In one of your publications you noted that you received certain emails asking for help or suggestions, starting from there I made a post to acquire psychological tools of easy application, I hope you read it

Hello psicmarynes, thank you for your comment. This post was written by a friend who needed advice. Yes, concerning the comment you left me in my other post, I did read it and found your comment applicable. Thank you for your contribution.👍

Hi there,
I think you find yourself in a very precarious situation. I support homeschooling, as I think that our public schools have basically become government indoctrination centers where kids learn less and less. We did both, homeschooled and public schooled. If child protective services already has you in their crosshairs, maybe you should relocate. There are states where vaccinations are not mandated by law aren't there? Perhaps more homeschooling friendly? It's either that or just to keep your kids you may have to send them to school. It's a pretty shitty state of society when those are your choices. I feel for you, it seems parents have very few rights these days concerning their kids. It's unacceptable. I know I haven't really helped you, but maybe just knowing that there are people on your side helps somehow. All the best to you and your two suns.

Thank you Sauna for your comment. You've being of help and encouragement to me--George

How feasible is it to leave the state? Or would that throw red flags?

I can't say what I would do. I can only imagine the paralysis. You have every prayer I can muster as a liberty minded homeschool kid.

Thank you for your prayers, I need them. God bless you. --George

Welcome to the friend community. It is remarkable that you want the best for your children, that you want to fulfill what was promised to your wife, but also the fear that you must feel to be separated from your children, my recommendation is that you instruct yourself very well regarding the information of the Homeschooling. I hope everything goes well.

Friend, there's a post that I'd like you to watch. Https://steemit.com/familyprotection/@marynes5/what-do-i-do-with-the-rewards-of-familyprotection-please-read-carefully

Thank you.

I wish I could help, but I only have experience in dealing with the education department here in Australia. I wonder if @wwf can offer advice on dealing with FSD if they do come calling.

Your comment means a lot to me. I have become conversant on how to deal with DCF, since I have dealt with them like twice now already. But the Homeschooling Ground in connection to DCF seems a bit blurry though strongly connected. I have had a talk with @kryptocoin about it but being very preventive when I start Homeschooling is what I am after. And kryptocoin mentioned I could get specific help regarding this from very helpful homeschoolers here. And there is no expert when it comes to do with these legal thieves, hence asking for specific help here, to reduce my chance of bumping into the government and its DCF via homeschooling. Thank you once again.--George

What jurisdiction do you live in? I know here in Alberta, the School Act allows homeschoolers to follow state curriculum or make our own. But it is still covered. However, homeschooling is under attack and in my view, it may come down to removing oneself from the jurisdiction all together in order to protect our young.

Get it of that state! Vermont sounds like a shit hole. If they harass you for not vaxing and for homeschooling, move to another state. Homeschooling is a right.

Thank you @dhn0411 for replying to my post. I know it is legal to homeschool in all the state in the US, still they use homeschooling as a hole through wish families are infiltrated. I a, really thinking about moving out since some state are milder than others when it comes to homeschooling, but that seem impossible for me to do right now, but I think of that always. Thank you so much.--George

I don't know much about home schooling, but if it is legal down there in Vermont, and you are able to handle it, then go right ahead and home school your girls.