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I'm so sorry to hear this!

I can't believe how the all the judge's stick together even when they know their wrong.

The fact that they still have your daughter is a crime, and they all know it.

I know how you must feel like your losing every battle, but this war will never end until you get your daughter back.

Keep telling your story and making noise and your daughter will see how hard you tried, and both she and the world will see just how evil mcfd really are.

thank you, im not giving up, just looking for another door....:)

Dear @mayaabb I feel so sad to read this. It tears me up knowing you almost got there, and now the outcome is still against you and your daughters happiness.. I am lost in words, don't even know what to say to you now. Please, like mark said in the comments, don't stop making noise and keep sharing. This is what I also keep doing, so I can show my two oldest in the future that I never stopped loving them, thinking about them and fighting to get them back. We are all in this community to help each other where we can, so please take your time to grieve for now, and then shoulders back up and be that strong maya you were before this judge didn't want to overrule the other..
It will never be over, she is your daughter and a sister.. but I do know what this feels like , and I remember how desperate and depressed I got after it happened to me but you will find strength again I promise you, I've read in your posts how strong you are.. Big big hug for you!

thank you so much, no, Im not giving up...just regrouping and yes I have to think about my other child at home, and he says that to me....:)

Thank-you @mayaabb for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

My heart goes out to you! This must be a case for the court of human rights.. in europe at least we have not sure about usa and canada!

i wonder if anyone has ever thought about going down this route!?

Maya!! Your pain is so intense. And I know that part of your pain is knowing that your daughter is in pain.
None of this is fair or just, and not enough people in this world care.
But those of us here who have been following your story DO care and are grieving for you and your daughter and family.

{{ hugs }}

your awesome, thank you for so much support and help :)

This makes me cry, I am so, so sorry about what is happening to you. I am under investigation myself and have 5 kids. They haven't been taken...yet. Your daughter's picture reminds me of my daughter...

I can't believe that judge doesn't stand on integrity and acknowledge - not just acknowledge, but make a ruling - that you have every right to be a family again.

As if you didn't have the right to be a family you were in a bad relationship and you smoked pot? Really?? My mom's boyfriend beat my brother black and blue all over his body when he was 5 years old because he left his backpack at school, and no authorities came around. That man continued on to be my stepdad, and we were subjected to his abuse with no intervention whatsoever. This is so screwed up...

I feel for you. Hang in there and don't lose hope. Much love @mayaabb. ❤

thank you, I appreciate the comments

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Unbelievably sad... as yourself I am lost for words. @mayaabb I am thinking of you and your daughter.

Sons of bitches. What province you in?

She's in BC.

a very sad story when I read it, let alone who experienced it would be more very sad again. stay patient, pray, and in trying mom @mayaabb it is one of God's trials that befall you, keep excited in trying good mother. @mayaabb.

My heart and prayers go out to you and your family!
This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

Maya, I'm lost for words. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Congratulation mayaabb! Your post has appeared on the hot page after 81min with 15 votes.

whoo-hoo...keep sharing....I also have my public FB @ mcfd-legal-kidnapped.....hoping to get many more shares, the only way for people to see :) thanks

Maya I really can not imagine what you are going through, what you have been through already is way too much, their is no justice here, know that all that you have written here will stay on the blockchain and your daughter will know how much you fought for her, how much of an amazing mother you are and the injustice that was done to you both. xx

friend that sad, and outrageous that the judges even when it is so obvious that they are not right continue to act against you. Even this system is capable of continuing to cause so much damage to your daughter. I only ask you not to abandon this fight, that if you can recover your daughter and all this will happen. Much strength a hug for you

My heart breaks for you and your daughter and my mind just rages with the injustice. I am so sorry you are going through this and I hope that someone on here is able to give you some sort of concrete help with this situation. As a mother myself, I can not imagine.

that's terrible, I thought weed was legal in Canada now. We passed a voter initiative here that among other things included a clause that they can't take your kids from you or use cannabis use as a reason to take someone's kids.

this was over 4 years ago....and it was growing, not smoking. it doesnt matter, it was a long time ago. Im not giving up, thank you for commenting and please share if you can :)

They can't take your kids here for legally growing it either.