CPS- The End Justifies The Means & Alfie Evans Comes To America

in familyprotection •  6 years ago 

Life News

I've written over and over again that CPS and other government agencies- in concert with the overall UN agenda- are able to legally kidnap children from loving homes because "it serves a greater good"... The end justifies the means. This is straight out of the writings of Karl Marx- part of the evil Marxist agenda that the UN is the global spokesman for. It's all part of a mindset in which the government is the ultimate arbiter of rights... all rights in their purview are a "gift" from the government. This is the exact opposite of the principles that America was founded on, articulated beautifully in the Declaration of Independence... "We are endowed by our CREATOR with certain inalienable rights, among them LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." If what's going on now reminds you of Nazi Germany and the USSR's totalitarianism, you would be absolutely correct.

I wrote in my last post here about Alfie Evans, that we could look for something similar to happen here in the US... Well, it took only about two weeks. The main thesis in the Evans posts was to disclose the top-down government mindset that pervades ALL countries where the UN is involved- it's totalitarianism on a global level. In the UK, it was a government sponsored hospital that murdered Alfie Evans. Legally, if a hospital in either the UK or US accepts government funding they are bound by certain government protocols. This is why atrocities such as Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans take place. Doctors are now politicized- bureaucrats who now, instead of saving lives, decide who will live and who will die.

Where is Marcus Welby when you need him? The Hippocratic Oath stipulates that a doctor MUST do everything he/she can to save a live... or at least "to do no harm." The legacy of Roe vs. Wade is that the value of human life has been reduced to nothing in the governmental mindset. Many of us fight to restore the dignity and sanctity of human life, but as long as abortion is viewed as "choice" or "reproductive health" instead of ending human life, children like Alfie Evans will continue to be murdered and agencies such as CPS will continue to wantonly kidnap children... once human life becomes meaningless, children are merely commodities and property of the state, as in any other totalitarian society.

But I've digressed... Two children in Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus Ohio were "allowed" to die while their mother begged hospital staff to save them. How could this happen in America you ask? Because of bureaucratic protocols. According to the protocol, babies born under 22 weeks and 5 days are not resuscitated... The twin boys, Elliot and Emery made it to the day, with Elliot living on his own for 45 minutes and Emery, the larger of the boys living 2 1/2 hours- with absolutely no assistance from the staff although the mother, Amanda, cried and begged. The hospital declared the twins "stillborn" on their paperwork.

"Created Equal [as pro-life group] said it helped Amanda submit a private, internal complaint to the hospital, but the hospital 'rebuffed' their efforts. 'The Ethics and Compliance Department has investigated and addressed the concern brought by the caller. … We consider this matter closed,' the hospital said in a statement." This is absolutely unbelievable, reminiscent of Nazi Germany where babies were allowed to starve if they didn't conform to preset bureaucratic standards.

Another case, similar to that of Alfie Evans is unfolding in CHOP (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia) where Anna and Jonathan Auyeung have filed a court motion to prevent the hospital from removing their son Jayden (10) from life support. Once again, as in the Evans case, the state and not the family that will ultimately decide the fate of the child. Jayden suffered a cardiac arrest after a mucus clot because of a genetic motor neuron disease became lodged in his throat cutting off his airway. He was rushed to the hospital where he was declared brain dead. His family wishes to move him to a New Jersey hospital that takes a different view differentiating between clinical and brain death. His mother, Anna, says he responds to touch, much the way Alfie Evans did... Moreover, there are scores of cases where people declared brain dead have made full recoveries. However, it is up to the government is Jayden will ever get an opportunity.

If people don't come to understand that there is a level of evil and inhumanity pervading the powers that run government, nothing will ever change. We need a psychic realignment... a revolution of the heart. The statist worldview is a hive mind mentality predicated on the Marxist maxim- "the end justifies the means," and it's all for the greater good. How can people be surprised by CPS wantonly kidnapping children, or letting babies die, when it's the same people that promote bombing villages in the Middle East and elsewhere brutally killing women and children and stripping them of their organs to sell to the highest bidder. Bureaucracy is not capable of empathy... their only capability is to mindlessly follow orders and protocols. That's how doctors allow babies to die while their mother sobs and begs for their lives.





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Support #OpExposeCPS these CPS criminals need to go.

I'll be happy to... I've been donating to Honeybee's movie about $250 so far. Tell me how to sign up

Thank-you @richq11 for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The statist worldview is a hive mind mentality predicated on the Marxist maxim- "the end justifies the means," and it's all for the greater good.

...the biggest evil wrapped up in candy floss that the stupid fall for.

"justifying the means, means the end of liberty", more like

There... much better..

Imagine what the twins could have thrived after even 3 days on oxygen and medication to boost their tiny bodies. Must all life be politicized now for the betterment of mankind? 🐓🐓

I'm convinced they would have been fine with a little care... to me this is murder, plain and simple. There's a law called "depraved indifference" that's basically watching someone die when you could have helped. In most states the penalty is the same as murder one!

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

I find it incredible, as there are more and more cases, even in different countries. This system is expanding as a disease that increasingly causes more damage.

Because the UN is behind it!

Seems astonishing to me what people are willing to put up with. I keep asking myself -why? But then I realize...They don't care, you know? They didn't care about Alfie, like they didn't care about Charlie, like they won't care about this poor little boy.
Did you see how many people flooded the streets for that damned royal wedding? Did you see how many people protested the inhumanity and injustice of Alfie's case?
Well, that's how things like this come to pass...

I know, But I'm not going to give up... I feel like one guy screaming into a hurricane sometimes. Maybe 20 years from now, somebody will come across it on the internet and do something!

Good. You shouldn't :)

Indeed it has spread to America. Evil is no respecter of age country or sex. It is sad and wrong. That is why we need groups like @familyprotetion to help fight this. Thanks. @richq11

The more people that expose this evil the stronger we get!

The will of the people be damned, it appears.

Ain't that always the case???

I agree with you on Roe vs. Wade - it definitely cheapened life, and combined with radical Feminism has resulted in great harm to the family and 'decent human values'. Society has suffered, 'all for the greater good', as a dim-witted / vile Marxist would put it.

It's all part of a much larger overall plan. To create their Marxist Utopia, the family must first be destroyed- it's the glue that holds society together.

upvoted again.

Sickening, just sickening