How Did My Vanity End Up In These Movies And Song Lyrics?

in familyprotection •  7 years ago  (edited)

The vanity is too vague to suggest it supports me the victim, the rule of law, or stands against the specific crimes and atrocity done to me. Despite that it is there and being done intentionally with the aid of the Police and State and Church et al.


It overall has led to no just solution, and to see those who broke the law charged and my money, property, and good name restored. Despite this ongoing for over 50 years of my entire life.

It also largely admits guilt and the fact people have been aware and acting on it for some time, a long time really. Despite what I would know and the fact you all lied to me about it.

It would be used to suggest a higher power or force is at work akin to conjuring and the offer I am wrong and being harmed and punished for it. A curse and offer of occult to protect Police who harmed me as a child. Simple really these people broke the law and must be charged, you are obligated to do that.

As in God's Mighty Sword is upon thee. Crapola.

The vanity is vague enough as to be turned around and used to suppress my witness, to cause me to be misled about seeking justice and to obstruct justice overall or in the hope to aid in having me harmed or killed by me or others.

It is also predicted and shared among my friends and family and spouse in order to cause harm to me with it. Leaked and used in advance if you will, etc.

Theories of conspiracy need not be paranoid or persecution complexes just since you decided to do this to a child you harmed. For instance. They do exist and you conspire in this one now.

It is too specific and numerous in one work (Media event, news event, song, or movie) or across many others to be ignored, in other words too deep and centric or about me and the problems to be about something else.

Often it involves direct quotations of things I said which are too complex and specific other than "I had coffee".

It proves you are interloping, meddling, and doing other things to observe and influence with no legal basis for doing so.

I'd not be a person of interest you would arrest this way just because you raped me as a child. Either do or do not, this is just meddling and obstruction. Akin to threatening or bargaining which says you have no claim against me and never did.

You falsely suggested that more than once and that is again collusion. Your first defense again is ignorance. You might as well defer to being a child raping felon in lieu of Police. Your solution? Lie about it all and offer indifference.

Being related or unrelated is rhetorical since Police are to blame for it all.

That largely will matter mostly only factually and would be more incriminating as opposed to less for State and child raping Police who did this. Your obstructions, denials, and additional related or unrelated atrocities and felonies make it what it is and always will be. Wrong and your doing.

It ALL relates. And begins at the beginning and moves forward in time.

This vanity is also useful to pollute the collective psyche and would be used to obfuscate guilt to protect the guilty. It would also be helpful in order to smear the victim and offer support for the atrocities done to him, gather public support and politic on the matters. Ouch.

Problems are that it is separable and would only make the problem worse being trapped now from above, below, inside, outside, forward and backwards in time. And it traps more people.

The intent is malicious given the length of time and the euthanasia and other events used to remove witness.

You are playing God again.....

It is akin to having a sexually abused child like me in your village or town and you all make efforts to avail yourselves of your rights such that you all purchase large fridge magnets forming a sign out of magnetic material you can place on the doors of your cars and drive by my home displaying the white text on black background with the two word statement:


Why be concise or make a statement? Just be clever....

This is essentially what you are and have been doing.

The rest ends up looking like slurs and innuendo and casual and informal blame the victim support, retaliation, and reprisal and other attacks that no person can defend against.

It is the same situational vanity and problem that this image of me and chicken connotes, it is not apropos on the face of it.

It ends up being opportunistic, dishonest in offering a potential solution or imply one is on the way and enables the crimes moving forward.

More torture.

Again the behaviors are self evident as being wrong and against the law and these stalking behaviors are out of the normal patterns of YOUR life behaviors. Wrong on the face as just that, stalking and witness intimidation and suppression.

Accusing victims of being vain is one thing but when you intend to play upon the vanity of the crimes then this is your doing and wrong doing.

And you are too clever at confusing your shame for my guilt, a dirty problem for your "screw".

These events come to mind and there are others including Quentin Tarantino's work Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Dusk Till Dawn, and others that other people point out is my vanity.

Russell Crowe -- A Beautiful Mind 2001

"I don't like people much and they don't like me."

I said that to Heike circa 1993 in our duplex at 182 Berehaven Drive in Amherst NY. Crowe's character said just (verbatim) that in the movie version we watched at home in 2002 at 6178 Campbell Blvd Lockport NY 14094 USA.

So for the Police they have had a meal put in front of them for 50+ years and offer that they are not able to eat since they are unable to locate their mouth and with that end up sticking the fork in their eyes.

The rest of you end up looking like a bunch of Shriners running around on Go Karts wearing a Fez. With grown men crawling around on their bellies, pretending they are not there, and largely as my father says "The Circus is in town..." meaning I guess you knew of a problem.

Your collective behaviors and lies.

And for the law and my father etc, you are not able to get the past behind you, in that you can't get past your past.

Again it could be used to compel me to take my life and ends as the other problem, saying too much and saying too little.

You can NOT have it both ways.

I can not compel others to act upon my vanity and do so by arriving at locations they'd not be aware of to attack me in person, or otherwise. And do so based on vanity I was not aware of or did not recall at that time.

This proves premeditation. And that Police and State are doing it since it overlaps with events that are Police actions. Such as traffic stops involving me or others and attacks on Interstates.

Including the vivisection homicide in 1981.

You as child raping Police and idiots in the State, don't like the fact you got caught in your game of cat and mouse.

The People of the USA love the fact you consider them all child sex slaves and toys in your human ant farm you create for your lust and profit.

So now you got caught with your pants down playing God on it all and don't know what to do.

Your death chambers await. Use them on yourselves.

'Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks is also remembered for Mr. Jinks' rhyming but ungrammatical lament, "I hate those meeces to pieces!"'

The vanity plays and the rest of the God play are designed to do a number of things that are not Service via State.

They end up being a bunch of dishonest behaviors designed to have people stand for acts that are even more severe than mere felonies, including murders, that most blood loving Americans don't care about, and by that stand for things which are not defensible but then remove the notion of being accountable for what you do or believe in.

And in that play on the vanity of the victim to suppress.

That is called collusion.

Hence the term "hogwash" is born.

So the question then becomes for you, since you are tasked with enforcing the laws instead of breaking them, why meddle and masturbate with the vanity as you have for these past how many decades?

This admits you are aware of what the problems have been all along.

And did so before, in many cases when I moved, before I came into your jurisdiction.

Such as was done in Arizona who acted to protect the felons in law who harmed me in New York State.

Why expect me (or the people) to pay for them? Being I am the victim despite you being dishonest about that also?

You have invested too much in, and overly enriched and protected, those who did these murders and child rapes such as my father, mother, and former wife who I now learn did this to me intentionally.

The final fantasy and foolishness in all of this is?

That you, being State and Police, wanted to negotiate on this, and offer some kind of deal, or not fix it as some kind of way to trade your want to wrongly and falsely accuse me of something and by that let those who did murders to me and others go free. A crime becomes a favor in other words. Nonsense!

This is always built upon another threat of your wrongdoing. That is not law.

Wrong again in other words. Why negotiate? You have no leverage and that is not law anyway....

Why negotiate with ME since it is THEIR or YOUR wrongful act(s)?


This is YOUR JOB!

Best damn movie I ever saw and it just got better today, since the joke is on you all..

"Are you the police? No, ma'am. We're musicians."

This relation with you ends same as it does for all the others that being:

I was always there for my family and friends and the State or my employers and I regularly worked 7 days a week and over 12 hours per day always.

Any time a friend or family member needed help with something, a flat tire, a broken car or garden tractor, or had a problem at home I would come and help with the notion sure I can leave early today, it is only 2pm but I've been here 80 hours this week..... why look the gift horse in the mouth?

In the end of it I now learn I bled all over the place for you for no good reason other than to have you do all that with people making more than one effort to murder me as a child, cut me apart with knives to the point I am left dead and then crippled for life, and now you want me to do something for you? To solve your last effort at murder?

Your IOU's are about as useless as your credit given that you don't have any money.

And you never pay. And brag about just that. Well lets ask someone to compel you then.

Since your solution is cowardice, sloth, and lies and verbal abuse and stalking...

We don't pay for that or you to do that since we don't sponsor criminals in the State's employ to harm our children.

None of this really had to be said since this is self evident, obvious, and self explanatory.

The problem with the collection of works, being movies or sitcoms on TV, musical works, lyrics, or Hollywood movies etc is as follows:

  1. I treat(ed) each work, or analyze it, apart from the others and see it as being a standalone work.

  2. I view(ed) all such works as being innocuous and having nothing to do with me personally.

  3. This is done now to avoid making this akin to a slur, you have to treat them as you treat people, that being they are individuals and avoid the traps of assuming something. Since as of now I find points one and two are in error.

  4. Points one and two were logical to assume with the notion you'd re-evaluate them later on. This time is now.

  5. Once you find one such work that panders on your vanity too deeply, others were aware of this back in the 1970's and spoke to it, then you need to accept the fact something is wrong.

  6. This is analogous to the problem with my parents. Find one horror then all bets are off.

  7. As we see now, these works, many of them, contain a literal expression of the maker's intent.... along with that is what I'd call one or more "Sub-Channels" where items you'd assume are present by random choice, are placed there to convey meaning.

  8. That hidden message along with the literal messages many times pander on specific vanity of child rapes and other atrocity done to me personally.

  9. Many of those aggregate across many decades of time and many other works and are a deeper form of manipulation.

  10. Doing this then would prove intent with malice, it seems to remove the notion that these are spontaneous acts of creativity, but are really some form of evil and perverse offer to support such atrocity and to mock the victim and the problem.

  11. One would not legally or ethically find it entertaining and no person would associate themselves with the problem this way.

  12. You can not profit from it or use it to harm me or to support felons and child rapists who did.


Comment replies made to those who attempt to dispute witness and this problem in total. It is worth the read since it points out failings in logic in this process --


I think for you other than your rash reply being wrong on the face despite any of this, or the fact you make too much effort being wrong, you'd need to accept not knowing anything or being able to see this point of fact does not prove me wrong. And that for the set of all things you prove you won't see since you don't understand the concept and/or did not witness the event(s).

Any specific feature, vanity, allegory, innuendo, or aspect of any single work will escape you for the following set of reason(s) and I'd not consider that even all inclusive, there may be more and not less making you more wrong and not less wrong:

  1. You did not witness that particular event in my life. That is given. You can not speak to my vanity at all. And you prove you have no clue what vanity is. You feel it is a bathroom fixture alone. With your initial offer here.

  2. You did not witness events in the lives of others this work or any work may be about.

  3. You did not witness the product who cites or refers or displays any of that vanity.

  4. Even if you did witness the work the allegory may not be known to you, made generally enough to apply to a particular event or concept as it may be abstracted with one or more layers of indirection, say being about my childhod and only I and others who harmed me, culprits, would know that. You won't see it.

  5. It may be abstracted across this one work alone and not be plain to you or across more than one work over time and escape you also.

Once the suspension of disbelief is in play, same is true for parents like mine, as in you see one and are sure of one egregious harm and a pattern with that, you then shine another light on the problem that says you need to look back and be sure you understand what went on. In other words they are not suspects they did one violent or sexual felony to me, and lied, then you open the door and leave it open that says they are not friends. Then events come to you and make sense with an adult point of view and grasp that says you are lucky to be alive and something is very wrong. Same is true of vanity in these works, others speak to them, including my father, people that I met from High School, a fellow member of my community in Lockport, the other "Friends" who harmed me, they were visibly shaken and disturbed, etc. The problem is there. And there is a lot of it.

And this was going on for me as far back as I can see for the vanity aspect alone since the 1970s and includes Syndicated TV shows like Rockford Files etc, the other harms went on since birth Circa 1960s.

You might better waste more time admitting you are wrong with insulting people you don't know about things you likely can't know since you can't see them.

Beyond that your reply is useless, inaccurate, and trite. Be a man and use your head.

For another vanity includes age... dont assume all you harm this way has your defense to call them a loon or criminal later. It may backfire on you.

The movie or work could be about Walt Disney but in fact have allegory and vanity that relates to one or more other concepts, acts, agendas, etc. Just since you decide all things need to be about only the event on the surface as plain to you does not mean that someone with vision, imagination, knowledge, skills, and wisdom won't hit you in the face with another brick to say hey my intent was to also say this... you just proved you won't see it and why and add you just are more worried about how you can blame and discredit the victims if only so you can later rape their kids as you supported doing to them that way. Touche`

And as I said your and other's efforts to obstruct and soil character of your and their victims makes you do as you claim to say is not possible, you conspire and soil your character by doing so.

It is beyond pollyanna...

Good luck fool.

For George you now have a problem since you waste all this effort in the want to claim as I can of you that all you witness in your life never happens... it makes as much sense as your want to claim that making efforts to murder a person and rape a child need to be blamed on the child since the Police won't make other efforts to remove the problem as they already did.

Where did I need to live in order to accommodate that "prejudice", the area it happened or all other areas that will suffer same problems given you can't speak to how many people are involved and the next traffic stop or visit in the airport has them conspire anew.... your practical problems just got worse.

And beyond that George you are full of shit.

Good luck getting murdered legally by your child raping piss drinking pedophile murdering cop "friends" in the USA....


Beyond all of that this has been discussed with Police and others including those doing this to me like friends and family, I have made 1,000s of submissions to courts all over the USA and if most all of this and that were not very close to being substantially correct I'd be in prison on 1,000s of counts of perjury etc.... that won't happen.

But then again you never bothered to read those court documents since you were too smart to ask for them. And now you remove words that others have spoken.... Good luck anti-confessing on your own murder. Cheers fool!


These people act as fools and make a fool's argument to support this.


Hard to know about the intent of vanity related to the references in media. Take my concerns. Specific portions of my vanity do exist in popular culture say in movies etc. It is there, I see it now. It is about what was done to me or people like me.

Problems with vanity are many. A person needs to know the motive for it and the reason for it AND they need to know the truth to have it be a positive thing. It may not be, it was harmful to me.

My play lists can cite better what I mean. For instance scenes about child abuse in Casino the arm in Terminator and the involve of the law it gets maybe less obvious in other things such as Syriana and Michael Clayton but it is there.

I was quoted directly by Russel Crowe's character in "A Beautiful Mind" when I told Heike "I don't like people much and they don't like me."

I heard that verbatim statement when the movie was released for home view. Word for word.

What does one do with it?

This is about what was done to me. Not all of it but some of it.

It is too much to ignore.

These people did NOT want me to witness this.

And for some of it the vanity leads and follows the crimes done to me.

So others knew I had been harmed, many are involved, they lied to me about it and lied about me to you.

Others adopted the baton of my vanity and sprinkled it around as hints like a treasure hunt with my blood.... there were predictive statements or harbingers made to me or leaked in advance etc.

This is how I see it.

I need more than the vanity since I had to act.


I would not be so quick to defend these people since they are guilty:

In defence of Matt Damon --

My site links about some of this problem:

About DMCA --

About My Vanity --

These people assumed I'd be dead already, that nobody could or would witness against this, and this is their dirty little secret and inside joke..... well guess what?

This is ARROGANT as hell.


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Hmmm what should i say.?

You have invested too much in, and overly enriched and protected, those who did these murders and child rapes such as my father, mother, and former wife who I now learn did this to me intentionally.

Thanks for that. It is a hard problem and initially a sublime one.... B UT it is true. SONY RD Interview confirmed that personally with and to me in late 2005. Others who knew me including my father, spoke to this before 1987.... Friends became disturbed when we viewed Lethal Weapon, Blade Runner, etc in theatres.... I see now why. They knew the context and saw the content, I was not recalling the harms as of yet.

Still ongoing with new Jason Bourne, James Bond, etc movies.... true !

And my Avatar photo of the boy with Chicken is me. I am the boy and the photographer did this intentionally being the features of the photo are there to make a foil or allegory of the current violence and sex abuse done to me as a child. He knew of it and did this to my parents intentionally.

That image is being marketed by others to OBFUSCATE that harm and to remove the witness against it.

good post & important information, thanks for this.

Thank you for that and yes you are welcome.

I went through another Bourne Movie last night (Bourne Legacy 2012) and my vanity is deep and ALL over the work. That and the other works.

This is very real and was spoken to when I did an engineering interview at SONY RD San Diego CA on Balboa Avenue circa late 2005.

A High School friend in 1987 spoke to the ZZ Top song "Nationwide". I see it as did other friends in Pulp Fiction and Reservior Dogs as well as QT's other works including Dusk Till Dawn.

This is my vanity and that of these horrid crimes.

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