The Truth About Aerys' Madness (Interesting Game of Thrones Theory)

in fanfiction •  8 years ago  (edited)

WARNING! Spoilers ahead!

The truth about Aerys' madness

So as we came to the end of Season 6, we finally found out about Jon's true parentage and the R+L=J theory was confirmed, thanks to the vision of Bran.

But ever wondered what could the mysterious glimpses of the Mad King mean in those visions?

So as we all know, Bran became the Three-eyed raven and now can freely travel through time, and though at first sight it seemed that he can not affect the past, our favourite giant's heartbreaking story proved us wrong.
In case you don't know what I'm talking about in Season 6 Bran, Meera and Hodor had to flee from the attack of the Others while Bran was still in trance.

Image of Yaktocat

He was in the past, despite the Three-eyed raven's told him that it could be dangerous and so the sound of Meera screaming "Hold the door" somehow managed to find it's way through time.

Image of Yaktocat

A stableboy, named Wylis from the past, later known as Hodor heard it and also saw his own death caused by the Others, all he could say after that was "hodor" shortened version of "hold the door", and so his real name was forgotten. If such thing can drive a person crazy, this could very well have happened to Aerys II, also known as the Mad King. What if Bran (accidently or on purpose) showed him the threat, Westeros faces: the White Walkers.

Image of Yaktocat

As we know these creatures are very hard to kill, only possibilities are dragonglass, valyrian steel or FIRE. Now the reason Aerys chants "Burn them all!" could be, because Bran told it to him through time, and from the vision he saw, the death, the suffer he went mad. So this is the theory I wanted to share with you, there is not much evidence, but some hints dropped here and there.
I still think this is an interesting theory and made me wonder a lot.

Thank you for reading :)

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Love reading different GOT theories. Lately you can definitely let your imaginations run wild with the implications that Bran has some powers we do not yet fully understand. I've read some interesting thoughts that he is kinda the cause of all the things happening in westeros, even his own demise of being pushed out the window. "burn them all" specifically being linked to the whitewalkers is something I have not yet considered.. thanks for stiring that up for me. se

Great to see some GoT stuff.
I've heard this theory before, personally i'm not convinced :P

Targaryens are often batshit insane due to um...sister fucking.,

Going to post more got soon