Fireflies - chapter 3

in fantasy •  7 years ago  (edited)

Thank you for being a part of the journey! If you'd like more Fireflies - contact me in discord! I'll be happy to point you in a new direction!

Always, Dreemie

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I landed on your blog to read the answers for the Steemit name challenge and ended up reading three of your Fireflies posts/chapters. I was captivated from the first lines on chapter 1, but when I read the description of the fireflies, I was hooked! Fascinating story! I am looking forward to reading more!

Oh wow!!!!! I hope each chapter keeps you excited!!!! My plan is to add chapters every Wednesday and Saturday... So you can try to remember that schedule if you want to see what's next! Hehehhee (or I can tag you if you like!) Thanks so much for the excitement!! I really hope I can make it an enjoyable journey for Talia's friends 😊

I just posted chapter 4 :) I hope you like it!!!!

Yes, please keep telling me too!

I also really like it that you put the last paragraph of the previous chapter as a little reminder. With some other stories, I have to go back and look at the last chapter to remember where I was.

Hehehe yes! I have to do the same!!! Lol I'm glad I'm.not the only one! Ok! I'll add your name to the Sweet Subscribers then? ;)Thanks for being excited about my story hehehe and is today the day???? If so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! ♥️

Almost! Today was the 60th birthday of a friend, so I have been to a birthday party. But my birthday is Tuesday. And my birthday party will be the following Saturday. So I'm all good to accept any and all birthday wishes any time over the next week ;-)

Yesssss birthday month is better!!! 😍

Hmm, wonder if I can stretch it that far...

Ohhhhh you can!
Plan something two weeks before the date as the onset of your birthday month. Plan something 2 weeks after as the closing games.

Fill with as much laughter, love, visits, food and dancing as possible in between.

It's the Birthday Olympics ♥️

You have me hooked that's for sure!!! How about 3 times a week?????? or maybe 4? Can we negotiate? :P

Hahahhaa right now I have enough to release at 2 times a week for 2 months (maybe a bit more) before I "catch up"

Obviously... I'm going to be writing in the interim! So then I'll have more!!! But I just am nervous that I'll get stuck hahahaha

I know where it's going but I don't know exactly how it ends yet ;)

So... I want it to be reeeeeeally perfect. Hehehe

If you want it to go faster you really have to talk to Talia and Bryd... They are the ones who whisper their story in my ear... Hehehe

Hahahahah funny you😉

Please add me ... id love to notified

I would be honored to!!!

LOVE THIS! That connection. When you're reading you feel like you're living it with them :) ... next chapter, here I come...

That's so good to hear! I want you to be fully immersed! 🤗

I just saw another reply from you hehehe you've been busy !!!

I'm finding myself anxious to see what happens next (good thing I don't have to wait, although I still have other things to do).

Hahahahhaa the nice thing about starting late!!! You get to read as much as you like!!
(Or as much as you have time for hehehe)

Okay, I've read all three...where's the fourth??? What the heck?? I have to wait and I'll forget what I read!!!! I need it noooooooowwwwww.

So yes please I'll be a sweet subscriber too.

I sense familiarity in this story. I kind of did the "aha" thing a couple of times.

And how do you pronounce Bryd? Like Brid? or like Breed?

hi!!! :) I'm so glad you finally got a chance to read it!!!!!!!! :)

and like Brid (not breed)

and do you sense familiarity??? ohhhhh I love that!!!!!! normally that would make me nervous that I was somehow copying an old story that I had heard. But i'm fairly certain that this is nothing like I have ever read before - so I'm giggling, hoping that I do have some surprises for you!!!! :)

I'm super excited to get this next chapter out because you are all too sweet to want more!!! :) (hoping that i can fulfill your expectations!!!! aghhhh) nervous now hehehe

performance anxiety is the to a migraine, that is.

Familiarity not in that I've read anything like it....but in things you've said over time. I think I get it. So too soon, but we'll see .

after i wrote that comment - a few hours - i did get what you meant about familiarity hehehehe yes... ;)

Lol, you hopeless romantic.

Hahahhahahaa she is only 12... It's not love she's feeling lololol
Wait to find out more!!!! 😉

12 year olds think they fall in love and, but I'll read on.

They sure do!!! I think I was convinced at 11!!!!! Hahahaha
Whatever happened to Jay!?!? I'll never know hahaha

I'm glad you keep visiting !!! 😊

Thanks for tagging me sweetheart!! I'm enjoying this story so much!! A page turner, and now I can't wait to see what happens when the meet at 8 when the sun is full!!!☉☉☉

Hehehe.... I feel like I'm dying to share a secret!!! But I have to wait... Lol

I'm so bad with patience!!! Haha well.... I hope that each new "secret" is worth the wait for you! Thanks for the love!!!! ♥️

I'm so excited to see the way their relationship unfolds! I also want to learn more about what Talia can do!

eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! I'm excited that you're excited!!!!! I'm getting chapter 4 ready right now (and i'm sitting in urgent care doing it because my husband did a flying Superman off his bike and broke his collarbone aghhhhhhhhhhhhh poor guy!!!)

Ahhh! Oh no! That has to be so painful! Did his tire hit something??

I never really got the whole story.... lol

but it was a long day today - and another long day tomorrow... but not sure when he will have surgery.

which is so frustrating!!!

Oh crap! Surgery?? Yikes! Does he have to stay in the hospital or does he get to come home? I hope he's not in too much pain.

Surgery on Monday - until then - he's in a sling to keep him immobilized.... sigh.
and it will be outpatient surgery.... so i'll be with him all day. He's actually not in too much pain - because the bone is so far apart that its not rubbing or anything.... and the sling is keeping everything supported.

but after he gets the plate and screws..... :(

Poor guy! I'm glad you'll be with him all day. I hope it goes ok on Monday, and I'm sure the wait is hard to bare...but then you're probably not looking forward to the plate and screws. Has he ever had surgery before? Is he handling it okay?

no he's never had surgery... so he's not sure what to expect. but i have! LOL so i'm like awwwww its not so bad! hehehe surgery is fine - its the recovery that's awful!!!

and yeah - plate and screws.... so so so not fun :(

but i told him he'll be like Iron man now! hehehe

(if they were made out of iron. but shhhh don't tell him that)