The ultimate desire (Part 1)

in fantasy •  7 years ago  (edited)

Tom’s eyes slowly grew wider. He felt tiredness in his body like being through rough labour. Darkness was hiding Eve. With his hand, he searched and found Eve lying next to him.

“Eve?”, Tom said as he was shaking her body.
“Yes, yes”, I’m awake, said Eve.
“What happened, where are we?” asked Eve.
“Don’t know”, replied Tom.
“Why is it so dark here, I feel we are sitting on glass, am I right”, said Eve.
“Yes, I think so too”, said Tom as he helped her to sit up right.
“I can’t see anything”, said Tom.
“I’m so thirsty”, said Eve as she was making sound like a fish missing water.
“Let me get up to see if I can figure out what is going on”, said Tom.

Suddenly, the loud whoosh sound got their attention and then sunlight rushed into the room blinded them temporary. Eve found refuge behind Tom as he hid his eyes behind the palm of his hands.

“What is going on?” asked Eve.
“I can’t really see, let’s turn around, stay behind me”, said Tom as he turned around.
Now with the sun behind them Tom opened his eyes.
The gaps between his fingers helped him to see beyond his hands.
“Your body is shaking, what is going on, what do you see?” asked Eve.
“Don’t open your eyes honey, you hear me.”
“You are scaring me, what is it?”
“There are some creatures out there, and, and the glass room is hanging in the air.”

Suddenly one of the creatures appeared in the room floating in the air in front of them. Tom’s eyes grew bigger as he stared at the creature. He didn’t know what to think or do. The creature with his big green human like eyes was staring back at him.

“Talk to me, what you see?” asked Eve for the second time without getting any answer.
The creature opened his mouth and a deafening high pitch sound covered the room. Tom and Eve started screaming as they covered their ears with their fingers. Then the sound stopped.
Again, the creature opened his mouth, but this time the sound was harmonic, but still it sounded like ten thousand people talking at the same time. They covered their ears again, but no screaming this time. The sound stopped again.
“Who is doing this?” asked Eve.
“Shoosh, one of the creatures is in the room”, whispered Tom.
The creature was listening quietly. Then he opened his mouth again, but this time the sound produced only one word, “Hello”.
“What was that, did you just say hello to the creature?” asked Eve.
“No, it wasn’t me, the creature just said hello to me.”
“But he sounded just like you.”
“I know, I think he is imitating me”
“Does he speak English?”
“Apparently, why don’t you open your eyes, I don’t think he is going harm us.”

Slowly she put her chin on Tom’s shoulder and opened her eyes. The creature and Eve stared at each other for few seconds then Tom got the creature’s attention by replying “hello”.

“Do you understand my language”, asked Tom.
“Yes, we do”, said the creature.
“You are copying my voice.”
“I don’t have a voice on my own.”
“Where are we”, asked Tom.
“Where do you think you are”, replied the creature.
“In Canada, on Earth.”
“Yes, you are on Erath”, said the creature.
“But it doesn’t look like where we were, no trees, or mountains, nothing”.
“How did you get here?” asked the creature.
“We were walking in the forest and suddenly we felt tired, like sleepy tired and then we woke up here, that’s all we remember.”

There was no response from the creature.
“We are human, who are you and where are you coming from?” asked Tom.
“We are human too”, said the creature.
“What did he say?, I thought he said they were human too”, asked Eve.
“Yeah”, replied Tom.
“What do you mean you are human, you don’t look human”, said Tom.
“Let me access the necessary information”, said the creature.

He quietly floated in the air for few seconds and then he began to explain.
“You are what we call primitive one, you are our ancestors, we were not expecting you, what year are you coming from?” asked the creature.
“What do you mean what year, it is 2020 right, what year do you think we are in now?”, asked Tom.
“We don’t use the time concept as you primitive used to, but you can say, somehow you have jumped something like 200000 years into the future”, said the creature.
“It’s impossible”, said Eve.
“What is?” asked the creature.
“Everything that you just said”, replied Eve.
“Don’t be afraid, we are not going to harm you in any way, and I am going to explain it to you so you can understand, I am going to take you with me to my place”, said the creature.
“And where is that?” asked Tom.
“You will see.”

“Do you have a name? my name is Tom and this is my wife Eve.”
“Name? no, but if it makes it easier you can call me whatever you want.”
“Ok, we call you Jerry, like Tom and Jerry”, said Eve smiling.
Tom and Eve giggled softly while Jerry was staring at them with dry expression on his face.
“You need to stay close to me so I can take you with me”, said Jerry.
“You mean like teleportation”, said Tom.
“Something like that.”
Jerry moved so close to them that they could see his eyes had three layers of green colour.
“Ready, here we go”, said Jerry.
Suddenly they found themselves in a beautiful place that reminded them of where they were before ending up into the future.
“That was painless, so, where are we now, where is your place?”, asked Tom.
“What do you mean painless?” asked Jerry.
“I mean we didn’t feel anything, it was easy and comfortable.”
Jerry looked at him like he had no clue what he was talking about.

“We are, with your primitive measurement system, twenty light years away from old Earth.”
“What?, so we jumped twenty light years in a second”, said Eve.
“No, we didn’t jump in a way you think”, I will explain as much as I can, but first let me show you my planet.”
“Ok, but first tell us how do you floating in the air without any device” asked Tom.
“I thought you knew, or maybe not, you said you lived in year 2020, oh, that’s why, I will explain it later”, said Jerry.
“So, can you tell us how did we get here”, said Eve.
“No, for some reasons I can’t access that information, as I said you were unexpected. And I can’t tell you much, because we don’t know whether you are going back or not, let me see if there is any information about you.”

He floated quietly for few seconds before he explained that the information is not being provided and no one knows the reasons.
“What is that means, the information is not being provided, who is providing the information, a computer?” asked Tom.
“I will explain it later.”
“Does it mean we are stuck here for ever?” asked Eve.
“No, we will try to find the reasons for not receiving the information, let me show you my planet first”, explained Jerry.
“So where is your home?” asked Eve
“The whole planet is my home, it is my planet, and no one else lives here.”
“What?” replied Eve.
“I will make it easier for you to understand, just be patient.”

They walked through the forest as Jerry flew next to them. They were amazed by all kinds of plants, flowers, tall trees and water falls.
“Why the leaves and the grass are so green”, asked Eve.
“What do mean, they must be green, right?” replied Jerry.
“Yes, but they are like ten times greener than what we have on earth.”
“Ten times you say?, we are trying to get it right, it is not easy.”
“Get it right, so these are not natural?” asked Tom.
“Natural, I’m going to explain that soon”, said Jerry.
Eve touched one of the leaves and realised it was natural.
“These are natural, they are not plastic or anything, so why do you say they are not natural.”
“In your time, you plant a seed and then you get a tree right, but that does not work anymore, we create everything ourselves”, said Jerry.

“As I said, I can’t explain everything; it would be dangerous for you as we would have to delete some of your networks in case you could go back.”
“We don’t know we are going back or not, we don’t know how we got here, so, we are willing to take that chance, we like to know everything”, said Tom.
“Ok, let me show you around and I will explain as much as I can.”

As they looked up into the sky they realized there were two suns around the planet. One of them was smaller and was producing much less light.
“There are two suns in the sky”, said Tom.
“One of them is really a sun, as you know it, the other is just a link, explained Jerry.
They looked at him like they had no idea what he was talking about.
“You will understand how things work around here eventually”, said Jerry.
“This is such a beautiful waterfall”, said Eve as they arrived at the foot of a small waterfall.
“Yes, my wife has designed it”, said Jerry.
“You have a wife”, said Eve, looking surprised.
“Not in that way you are custom to, but in a way yes”, replied Jerry.

Oh, I’m so thirsty said Eve as she sat next to the water and took a sip.
“This is good and fresh, I love it.”
“It took us a long time to get it right.”
“Get what right, you promised to explain what has happened in 200 thousand years”, said Tom.
“Ok, I will give you a general picture of what has happened.”
“Let me gather enough information first then I explain”, said Jerry.

He then closed his eyes and was silent for a minute as Tom and Eve were staring at him. Yes, he said as he opened his eyes and started to give them a brief history of human in two hundred thousand years.
“What did you do when you closed your eyes”, asked Eve.
“I requested the information, you will understand soon” .“According to the information, it all started in year 2025”, said Jerry.
“Oh, so you mean five years in our time”, said Tom.
“Yes, in that year a famous psychologist published a model for physical reality and suggested that the next jump in human evolution must be completed by ourselves otherwise we will not survive.”
“Next jump, what is that?” asked Eve.
“Evolving from homosapien to homo-creator”, said Jerry.
“Homo-creator what’s that?” asked Tom.
“It means being able to create everything ourselves without going through the process of doing them, you will understand soon.”

“But is it even possible?” asked Tom.
“Let him continue Tom”, said Eve.

“In the initial model the physical reality was divided into three types of information, Type ‘’A’’, which is what you experiencing out there as real world, Type “B’’, which is what you imagining in your head and Type “C’’ is what you get in your dreams, and his argument was very simple, he said, when I see an apple in real world I close my eyes and I can imagine the apple in my head, meaning I am able to convert ‘’A’’ type information into ‘’B’’ type, so the question was why can’t we do the reverse, converting ‘’B’’ into ‘’A’’, in that way we can create whatever we wish”, explained Jerry.
“It sounds like right out of a science fiction book, wish full thinking we call it”, said Tom.
“Yes, no one believed him at first either, but little by little he started convincing people that his ideas were not impossible.”

“What was the name of the psychologist, I’m asking because I’m a psychologist myself”’, said Tom.
“Abner Stern was his name, he was disconnected in 2045”, replied Jerry.
“Disconnected? “
“Then what happened”, asked Eve.
“How did he expect to achieve that goal?” asked Tom.
“He explained that for everything we do we have networks in our brain. So for any specific task there is a certain network for doing that task. First we need to teach our brain to incorporate all the characteristics of ‘A’ type information into ‘’B’’ type”.
“How do we do that?” asked Tom.

“To start with he suggested some brain exercises such as what he called ‘’double bubble’’. For example, you holding an apple in your hand and then at the same time you imagine yourself holding that apple, it is very difficult at first but you get better with practise, then you begin squeezing the apple in your hand and at the same time you do the same in your head with the imaginary apple, then you taste and smell the apple and at the same time you do the same with the imaginary one, in this way when you imagining an apple your brain incorporates the characteristics of “A” type information into it”, and it causes your brain to generate new networks.”, explained Jerry.
“This is fascinating, even though it sounds like mambo-jumbo, how does it work? how can this create new networks?”, asked Tom.

“As I said no one believed him at first, but in the following year two scientists introduced a new way of thinking about our physical reality that helped them describing one of the most mysteries phenomena in nature ‘gravity’, this is how I am floating, so very soon the psychologist used their description of reality to make his own ideas stronger, and within few years the psychologist improved his model.”
“What was the model”, asked Tom.

“The first version of the model was very simple, just an idea. Generally, he argued that all information is being generated and controlled by what he called “IG”, information generator. He described thinking as requesting information from “IG”, so every time you think, you request information, and by having the necessary networks you can request the right and desired information.”

“So, the job of our brain is just requesting information?” asked Tom
“Well, he argued that our brain is on auto-pilot and requesting %99 of our daily information. For example, walking, you are under impression that you decide and then you walk, but, the fact is that your brain knows you are about to make that decision and it will request the information on your behalf and then it receives the feedback from ‘IG’ atleast five seconds prior to your decision, but it happens so fast that you don’t realize it”, described Jerry.
“What? It doesn’t make any sense”, said Tom.
“I know, let me make it even more difficult for you, in most of the cases your brain doesn’t even request the information, rather ‘IG’, based on the previous knowledge provides the necessary information to your brain much prior to your decision.”

“So, you are saying that our lives are pre-deterministic? “, asked Tom.
“No, but, if you have all the information about an action then you can predict the outcome accurately, right?”
“It is really confusing, I have to admit”, said Tom.
“I know, and that was just the beginning. As I explained the initial model was simple and had no real application, in fact

it took our ancestors about five thousand years to improve the model to the point that they were convinced that the objective was feasible”, said Jerry.
“Wow, that long ha?”, asked Tom.
“Yes, they didn’t know much about brain, so, in year 7234 the private companies were convinced that these ideas were feasible so they began investing heavily on brain research, ok, let me show you the other part of my planet and I will tell you the rest of the story”, said Jerry.

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