Cassava (Yuca): Types, Benefits, Uses and Cultivation

in farms •  6 years ago 

Cassava (Yuca): types, benefits, uses and cultivation



Cassava, also known as cassava or cassava, is a type of plant from which its root is consumed. This root is highly appreciated for its high nutritional value. It belongs to the evergreen shrubs of the family of the Euphorbiaceae. They can reach two meters in height, while the edible part reaches can measure up to one meter long and have ten centimeters in diameter. The bulb can be yellow or white with a membrane that passes through the center of it, the root is cylindrical and oblong.

Types of Cassava:

Sweet yucca:

This type of cassava belongs to the Manihot utilissima species. It has a sweet flavor when boiled and can be fried. It is used as a vegetable.

Bitter yucca:

This type of cassava belongs to the Manihot esculenta species. This is toxic for consumption if not treated properly. However, this type, after a cleaning process is used to make casabe. You must be careful when cultivating it, since you may have bad experiences with its consumption.


It provides vitamins (C, and those of the B complex) and minerals (calcium and potassium).
The tubers of the plant have a high concentration of starch.
It is ideal for intestinal transit, improving metabolic conditions.
It is a great source of gluten-free flour and starch.


It is consumed as the potato or sweet potato (fried, roasted, boiled).
It is used for the production of glue or glue.
It is used to make a roasted cake called casabe in some Latin American countries.

Cultivation of yuca

*Germination:*It is best produced by cuttings. These are planted directly to the ground leaving between seeing the cutting. After a few days it will begin to germinate.

Soil: the yuca easily adapts to any type of soil.

Climate: this plant prefers intertropical climates. Cold zones affect your growth.

Irrigation: is a resistant plant and its irrigation can be done inter-day. When planting the cutting, a humid environment should be provided, but without puddling.

Harvest: Can be consumed after 9 months. To harvest it you must look for a tool that allows you to remove the earth until you reach the bulb. You can moisten before you start with this task.

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