Fashion and Fascism

in fascism •  8 years ago  (edited)

Even when I was young the concept of “fashion” seemed bizarre to me. Something looks great one year, but three years later it looks ridiculous? And then something else looks great? I know that people’s individual tastes change, but the herd mentality of following whatever is “in” always struck me as arbitrary and sort of lame. Then there’s “retro”: now we’re allowed to again think that something that looked good a long time ago, and then didn’t for a while, looks good again. And most pathetically, people will literally laugh at and mock others who have tastes that don’t match whatever the fashion fascists say you’re “supposed to” like today. “Ha ha, you’re ridiculous, because you decide what you like on your own, instead of mindlessly following a crowd of people being led around by their noses from one temporary fad to another!

Well, there is a parallel between fashion and philosophy—or what passes for “philosophy,” anyway. Most people’s “philosophy” comes entirely from watching the news, or hearing what the crowd thinks, or is scared of, or which political scam people are falling for today. In other words, the exact opposite of principles. Most people’s belief systems are a hundred percent reactionary. Screens and speakers tell them what matters, what they should think about, what they should care about, what they should fear, what they should want. And they believe. And then—imagining themselves to be objective free-thinkers—they conclude whatever the mind manipulators wanted them to conclude.

Sadly, even a lot of people who consider themselves pro-freedom and enlightened do the same damn thing. “Oh, the media tells me to be scared of Muslim immigrants? Then I definitely should be!” Anyone living in the U.S. who thinks Muslim immigrants should be his top concern—or in the top twenty—is absolutely a victim of mind-control propaganda. And watching people who at least claimed to be principled before jumping on the Trump bandwagon out of fear of the most recent boogeyman can be rather discouraging. “Well sure, ideally I want freedom, but right now, because people on TV are telling me to be scared of something, I’m going to advocate widespread authoritarian power instead!

Of course, situations change, and different problems come and go, but that’s kind of the point of having principles: so you can know the best, most moral way to approach whatever problem or challenge might arise. If you toss your principles out the window as soon as the situation changes a bit (or as soon as you imagine that it changed), then you have no principles. That’s like being a pacifist except when you get mad, or being a vegetarian except when you get hungry.

And every single scrap of support for the Orange Fuhrer (Trump) is absolutely and totally the result of unprincipled, reactionary fear. Who the hell would cheer for that pompous babbling blowhard based on actual principles? No one, because he has none. He doesn’t even pretend to be pro-freedom. He advocates various authoritarian and socialist agendas, while complaining about and (supposedly) opposing others. There is no rhyme or reason to his position, except; 1) keep people scared and angry; 2) empower and enrich himself through “political” solutions to the things people get scared of. And that’s the template of every single politician everywhere, always. The specific things they use to scare people changes, and the details of their proposed solutions change some, but the underlying pattern never changes: “Be very scared of these things, and then give me lots of power so I can save you from them!

And I don’t just mean that’s how every U.S. President functions. It’s how all tyrants, in all times and places, function. It’s why so many Germans enthusiastically cheered for Naziism. It’s why millions of Chinese cheered for Mao’s deadly communist agenda. And so on, and so on. It’s why a lot of people got excited about the Obama campaign. It’s why a lot of people got excited about the Trump campaign. What’s really funny is that those two groups—Obama supporters and Trump supporters—view each other as mortal enemies, when they are almost identical in every way that matters. “My guy may not be perfect, but I’m so scared of those other people having power that I will overlook the authoritarian, unjust, corrupt and evil crap my guy does! It’s an emergency!

So, as much as they may currently feel cool and empowered, the fashionable fascists who today are proud to be minions of the Orange Fuhrer are just the latest batch of dupes, falling for the oldest trick in the book, thinking they are being rebellious and anti-establishment. And the worst of the bunch are those who had been advocating the actual principles of individual liberty before, only to get sucked back into the immoral, insane game of politics, simply because they let professional liars convince them to be scared—scared of immigrants, muslims, terrorists, “leftists,” “commies,” whatever. Like weak kids who join a street gang, their fears, insecurities and feelings of helplessness made them gravitate towards a thug—a thug who will only end up using, betraying and victimizing them.

Then the political “fashion” will change, and they will do it all over again, licking the boots of some other megalomaniac. Unless and until they choose principles instead. Permanently.

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This post is total garbage.


Interesting and I agree with a lot of points you make. While reading and seeing the title in particular, a little known fact came to mind.

In 1930's Nazi Germany, the fashion designer Hugo Boss (yes, the founder of the clothing company bearing his name) began making uniforms for the German armed forces. He was a known Nazi sympathizer.

Despite the abhorrent ideology, the SS uniforms he produced looked kinda cool ([1],[2]).

I'm gonna have to agree with that. A lot of Nazi stuff looks "cool" it was all very well made including the material was high quality but then there is always the fact that It wasn't cool. Still an important part of history. I have a few reich marks myself and they are not really things I can just show to anybody

Clever bitches the Nazis weren't they.

You need to look cool to control the minds of the masses.

most politicians are a joke. i hope they wear this.

that pick is just creepy. but, yea i agree most of them are a joke. we need term limits for being a politician.

Honestly, this cultural Marxist needs to visit Saudi Arabia and take in some cultural enrichment.

great post, what is the symbol at the end? does it have a meaning or is it purely an artistic piece for the articel

It is the symbol of "The Iron Web," from my novel, "The Iron Web," which I will rudely not explain the meaning of here, so as to not give a spoiler.

very kool!

Nice. Will look up that book.

oh wow!

Its ok if you don't like trump but if you think he is a fascist dictator then you already fell for some propaganda yourself.

Let's see. Trump is a drastically egotistical, narcissistic, outspoken, extremely nationalistic, caustic, anti-establishment individual who rails against the status quo, is a strong supporter of the police and the military (and thinks deserters should be executed)--is a war-monger while pretending not to be; pretends he only wants to "defend" the "nation" from those that threaten it--feeds off of people's anger and fear, wants to disarm enemies of the state while allowing loyal subjects to be armed, focuses on blaming a particular religious group (which he wants forcibly expelled from, and kept out of, the country), who cloaks his megalomania as patriotism, and who rails against communism while at the same time advocating many authoritarian collectivist and socialist agendas. Remind you of anyone?

By the way, "fascism" refers to a corporate/"government" merger, with strong authoritarian police and military presence. Which part of that do you not recognize in Trump's agenda?

I happily voted against the real proven experienced skilled fascist which was Hillary Clinton. I suppose you would have voted for her. Or maybe you are just too good to vote with the little people.

You need to start thinking outside of the statist box. The fact that I oppose Collectivist Authoritarian Megalomaniac #1 doesn't mean I support Collectivist Authoritarian Megalomaniac #2. And Hillary had more in common with Stalin than with Hitler. Lastly, yes, I am too good to vote, because I'm not silly enough to appoint a master over myself, and I have no right to appoint a master over anyone else.


2 party system. The illusion of choice. 2 PARTY WOLVES AMERICAN.jpg

Trump maybe a fascist, but he isnt a dictator. Larken is bad at receiving criticism.

Yes, just what I was thinking. This image of Trump being a Fuhrer is what the MSM has been spoonfeeding the public. Some people really don't grasp what a dictator really is. First thing a dictator would do is to censor the press. Quite the opposite is happening: I've never known of the media in a country to ever show that level of disrespect towards a president.

A well written article about fashion and fascism, thanks for sharing

True, the fashion era was a strange thing, only in a certain period of time. When others are created, the old ones will be considered silly. Not everyone has a strong mentality to follow fashion, although one's taste is not the same.
In my opinion, to follow the fashion it does not need to be expensive just cheap.
No need to LUXURY that counts valuable.
No need to be flashy but flexible.
Sorry if my Comments offend you. I just want to find Family in this steemit. Thank you for giving me insight into fashion.

I hope you don't mind this piece of art I finished on election day. I don't really like politics but this is the image that was in my head when I heard people describe Trump that hated him becoming president. Your post kind of reminded me I did this in the name of art and how dumb it can all be. lol

I find that it helps me develop empathy and patience with the herd followers when I remind myself of a couple of the reasons people do this.

First- It's in our DNA. We have literally been breed to want to fit into the tribe. In our hunter-gatherer days, you don't want to be an outcast - the one dude without a piece of wood stuck in his lip or your tribe's tattoos. Being an outcast meant you were more likely to starve or be eaten. Triablism was a survival tool and identifying people in your tribe (or your enemies) was useful. I imagine this is where "fashion" actually started.

Then you have this evolutionary tendency reinforced in our modern society through factory farmed kids. The tribalism that is fostered in public schools is nauseating. "Clicks" and trends determine your popularity, sexual appeal, and overall social success. It is a training camp for herd mentality. Fit in at all costs.

As someone who has always resisted authority in my life and wanted to stand out as an individual when it came to fashion, I had a damned hard time in school. (as I'm sure many here did). I got along with almost everyone, which meant I was never really close with anyone. I was the loner/floater. Hang out with the band geeks for a few weeks, then the skater-stoners, then the business club, but never a part of any one tribe.

I'm not saying we should accept or excuse the behaviour, only that keeping this in mind can go a long way to developing patience and empathy for those people for whom we are attempting to help think independantly and rationally.

And yes, you are 100% right. Shutting off the damned T.V. is a major step in the right direction.

Good post Larken! Thanks for all your work- it's appriciated my many.

ABBA - liked their songs

The political “fashion” will change, and they will do it all over again, because the US people went to public schools and are Brainwashed followers.

deserve my upvote and resteem

Cool post!


Wwow, i love your article, i think it's trending now XD, Laila.



Hugo Boss design uniforms for the SS

that's they look like this

I wonder who designed for the Americans and the Russians

If a muslim "soldier without uniform" lets loose with a back pack atomic weapon in a major city will you then understand President Trump?

Wow very interesting post and really well written.
I've had a nice time reading it, thanks :D

Love your ideas on the evolution of fashion and how what's in today may not be "in" in a few months time. Many people say they don't follow trends due to not wanting to be a so called "sheep" when they actually do like that certain trend. It rather sad tbh.
I also totally agree with your ideas on media and propaganda. You should always form your own opinions and also want to hear other people's points of views so that your idea / opinion can be challenged. Overall loved your post and followed [would love a follow back :) ]

Nice post!


I love it when the lies and propaganda that government uses to control the sheeple are so brilliantly exposed! Bravo!

Nice post. I interpret your narrarative as being one that promotes internal rather than external motivation. To operate on principles, one must be internally motivated.

Thanks for drawing the connection between fashion and fascism...Never thought of that before.

HAha and if I went out dressed like that

whatever u have said is good one......but is trump good as president ??? just asking :)

I find it amusing the "high and tight" has been hijacked by the alt-right. I call it the Nazi swoosh.


Very well written post. Fashion is just another tool to help control the masses.

really nice post good job @larkenrose hey can you take a look at my blog i hope u like it

I banga to you and I like your post "good, good, good

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

This is on point, it seems like there is no end to this madness.the masses need to wake up and we need to get rid of these lunatics before we all end up dead.

What a great post,
I used to wonder how the fashion designers always knew what was going to be fashionable the next year, then the next year that would be fashion the colors, the styles which don't seem to last long, each season changed.
What we wore in the 90's is now fashionable for teens, the trends cycle around.
As you said in your post it's best to find your own style and be yourself.

Do not follow the dumb sheep is always good advice.

I wasn't particularly impressed by the title, but decided to read it anyway and was surprised to find I liked the article and actually agree with most of what you say, I have always thought that the best way to have people under control is through fear and that is what we see all around the globe. And yes, people actually think they are backing freedom, when what they do is back the same thing that has always been screwing them.

Very nice content, thanks for sharing with us. 100% upvoted from @chanthasam

Interesting link or comparison between fashion and philosophy. It is only now that I have taken that look on its similarity. Followed you!

Live and let live; All styles, all combinations, wear what feels good, then it looks good on you !!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Nice hit with that topic! Congrats! The right place, the right time and the right soil.

I agree. No danger from immigrants. Can you call this a danger? I think not!

Thank you for this. I've written some controversial stuff and been hated on, on steemit. It's ok, I've been at this sort of stuff a long time. You get thicked skinned, but I thought I'd wait a while maybe, before I go hammer and tongs political activist posts, (I'm a Steemit noob), but seeing the success of this post has reinvigorated me.

Brilliantly depictive pic. Very apt.

Excellent post! Fashion is trendiness, which passes away, while true style lasts forever. You nailed it with this post!

There are more evil names then the names mentioned in the post, that are not mentioned in any history books. Victor writes the history.

"Its easier to fool people, then to convince them that they have been fooled" - Mark Twain.

Just another Trump hit piece (yawn)... when will the nasty, corrupt-as-hell Democrats get over themselves?

It's interesting that you assume I'm a democrat. I guarantee that you and Trump have FAR more in common with Democrats than I do.

By the way, thanks for proving the point I made in the article:

What’s really funny is that those two groups—Obama supporters and Trump supporters—view each other as mortal enemies, when they are almost identical in every way that matters. “My guy may not be perfect, but I’m so scared of those other people having power that I will overlook the authoritarian, unjust, corrupt and evil crap my guy does! It’s an emergency!”

While it's true Trump may have won some of us over simply for being the antidote to a career criminal puppet for the new world order he's become a man we like and admire despite his faux pas and mistakes which are of minute concern compared to the devastation left in the wake of his opponent and his recent predecessors including her husband.

On the fashion part, I think what looks good depending on the fashion trends is subjective; not everyone has the same preference to what fashion style look great.

There are people that still wear mullets and drive older vehicles, so it isn't out of the ordinary to me but it would be out of the ordinary to others. People shouldn't be forced into following fashion trends regardless of what your or other people's preferences are.

Let's hope these hears will pass by soon. They only one still happy with Trump are the Russians and some people from New Mexico

great post. Life is a cycle our childish behavior will reappear again when we are getting older. same thing apply for fashion. old time fashions will reappear.
thank you for your great content

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Good job..always be succes

What a interesting post ! Thank you for informative article :)

the orange fuhrer - interesting concept.

I appreciated the parallel between fascism and fashion when it comes to people lacking personal direction and principles. Additional kudos if you intended to use a word that sounds eerily similar to fascism.

I love fashion and I hate fascism!

Fashion is indeed a pretty interesting subject. Loved the post.

The best conversations are with people who believe that Trump is the answer, that he is different, that he is draining swamps. I say "best" when I mean "most frustrating". Most* politicians are the same and your point about creating fears and then providing a solution is spot on. Interesting turn from starting with fashion. Good post.

*I say "most" because there is still a shred of hope left that there are still decent people in some political office somewhere.

worth to study this, upvoted

i love fascism fashion and even ABBA band hahha !


Very well written article. I agree with all the things written here. But hey, that's how society is and in these days, it's very sick for sure ...

Congratulations @larkenrose!
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Congratulations @larkenrose!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 8 with $ 777,67

fashion is different between the different culture for example in my country with is morocco it's really fashion to wear what's called a "caftan" and everyone in the street wears that and thanks for your post

Follow me and vote me and get back same

I've often thought that fashion is just a tool to identify those who do as they're told and those who don't

Well put! Upvoted resteemed and followed!!

This might not be relevant to the post; but that girl is hot af.

Fashion really is strange lol i guess we get bored easily

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

In my country the main media has been saying for over ten years how we should welcome immigrants. How it enriches our culture. How we dont even have our own culture. How we are genetically inferior. That every criticism about immigration policy is racism or fascism or nazism. Every criticism of islam is hatespeech. The police monitors the social media looking for hate crime. People are being dragged to police station because they looked immigrants the wrong way.

The immigrants get 2000€ a month for absolutely nothing. Get big apartments while our people are homeless. Cut the lines. The number of rapes have gone from 400 a year to over 1000. These statistics arent presented in the main media.

The whole immigration is based on government stealing from the people and offering it to muslim immigrants. I guess that is freedom to you. Totalitarin state in socialist ideals is freedom and anyone opposing it is a fascist. Islam is a religion of peace and terrorism doesnt exist.

Islam is a totalitarian religion and every true anarchist opposes it no matter what the media says. Just as they oppose fascism, socialism and democracy.

Great post. Cheers. I love to see that olden days photo which is in black and white.

In the first photo, the attributes of the Soviet army were used in the women's clothing, which defeated fascism and Hitler. I think that either you do not know the history well, or you deliberately forge the facts. My country lost twenty million lives in the fight against fascism and won it. It is very offensive for these twenty million people and millions of their descendants to consider the Soviet soldier's form as fascist. This is bad for your karma. I also wore a similar shape.

I will also note that the Soviet army was multinational - there were Russians, Ukrainians, Jews, Georgians and many other nations that fought shoulder to shoulder against fascism. Therefore, this is an insult to all these peoples.

These are Soviet soldiers at the wall of the defeated fascist Reichstag.

I totally agree and always felt the same about fashion, which was definitely going against the grain as a female. Same thing for anything else, including politics. This was, as usual, a great topic.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Nice job !


I remember the punks i used to be with when i was young.
They all said they was Anarchists, but non of them knew what it was.
It was just a fashion among European punks, to say they was Anarchists.

The same people also was very angry at the people who had to follow the common fashion.
But few people was more strict about their own fashion and how a punk should look like and not.. lol

I know hundreds of people who used to be punk, and only 1 of them know to day(and then) what Anarchy really is.
And most of them get angry at me when i tell them that they was fashion punks.. lol

@ larkenrose.....grateful read your column/article..learned something new ...really new today