Genocide is profit. How the USA is killing and jailing indigenous peoples of Turtle Island.

in fascistamerica •  6 years ago 

Native children are taken from their parents at a higher rate than any other demographic of child in the USA. A recent decision from a Texas court has given non-indigenous people increased access to native children.

The system is now fully committed to removing indigenous children from their communities and their culture. This has been ongoing for hundreds of years. From the Spaniards dashing the heads of babies against rocks, to the pilgrims cutting babies from their mother’s bellies European-americans have had a long history of killing the indian.


In Trump’s USA the war against the indigenous people of our Turtle Island has been kicked into high gear with the zero tolerance policy being enforced along the border by the Department of Homeland Security under the auspice of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The people being incarcerated are often non-spanish speaking indigenous people from central american nations. These third world people are often fleeing drug wars and cartels in an attempt at survival. They would be considered refugees by the United Nation, but the fascists running the U.S. government right now classify the people as criminals.

The fact that indigenous people are being killed in central and south america by cartels funded by the U.S. CIA to bring drugs into the USA is not lost on those of us who keep our antenna up. We see who has been funneling money into these countries and how that money has funded land grabs. We see who has been training militants to facilitate the ongoing “drug war” in central and south america. The fact that the mainstream media fails to mention the facts which relate to the drug wars in the countries south of our border lets you know who these media companies serve. Reporting on money laundering for drug kingpins by banks like HSBC and CITI are few and far between, after all these media outlets don’t want to alienate their advertisers.


Interestingly the same banks which are funneling drug money through their systems are also the banks which invest in private prison companies like Core Civics and Geo Group.

Specifically the Vanguard Group and the Blackstone group. These massive wealth management companies have doubled down on their investment in the future of incarceration. Not only are they funding incarceration for nonviolent crimes, they are also increasing funding to lawmakers which are susceptible to bribery through groups like ALEC and the DNC. Massive non-profits which are allegedly nonpartisan create laws and legislation which not only increases prison populations, but which prevent individuals from effectively organizing resistance.


The public seems largely apathetic in the face of fascism on the rise in the USA. We see only a small number of people joining up with the anti-fascists, and many willing to stand by while the alt-right actually murders people.

Among those apathetic towards rising fascism are the prosecutors of the USA. They seem unwilling to bring charges against the fascists who are carrying out ethnic cleansing in the name of patriotism. There are Nazis marching in the streets, and the police are more concerned with protecting the Nazis than the fact that these fascists openly call for murder of reporters and activists.

Imagine how quickly the prosecutors and police would react if anti-fascists were calling for the murder of reporters or activists. Imagine how all of the doors kicked in at 4am so that people could be disappeared into black sites to be tortured. Imagine it, because this is our immediate future.


Section 1021 of the NDAA which is renewed each year gives government the right to indefinitely detain suspects, citizens of the USA without ever bringing charges or allowing the suspects access to lawyers or phone calls.

This section was specifically fought by reporters in 2012. They filed suit against the Obama administration for writing a law which would have a potential chilling effect on journalism. Chris Hedges along with other journalists had seen similar legislation used in foreign countries as a forerunner to fascism. They knew the direction this law would push the country and made a legal stand for the rights of the people.


Now with the supreme court striking down the law which prevented white families from stealing native children and robbing them of their culture, language and heritage there will doubtless be a rush on behalf of the the so called white saviors who want to pray the savage out of the child and help them to assimilate to the “american way” of life.

Bare in mind that native children raised by white families are often victims of abuse by their foster families. Not only physical abuse, but mental abuse which teaches the children to hate themselves for their identity as natives. It is a sickening thing to see the rights of the indigenous people stripped from them. Institutions like Child Protective Services have often cast traditional lifestyles and spiritual ways of native people as being savage, and endangering the child. This has led to a tactic of white parents stripping half native children of their heritage and ancestry. The native child being raised in a white family is taught that they are not as good as the white children. I have seen this with my own eyes, the parents treat the indigenous child as less than. It’s truly sickening to see indigenous children in the care of white parents, not because white parents are bad, but because native children are taught self loathing by parents who treat the native family as less than. Often, very often, the judicial branch plays a role in reinforcing white supremacy in Child Protective Services.

The role the judicial branch played in the past was so evident that a law was written specifically to protect the rights of native parents and children to have access to their own culture and language. This law which once kept native children safe from non-indigenous values was recently struck down. Now native children can be placed in white families.


The genocide of native peoples is in it’s final stages in the USA, and the responsibility is largely in the laps of institutions of finance. Banksters fund legislation, banksters fund prisons, banksters fund schools. If anything is to be accomplished in this so called land of the free it has to be approved by a bank.

I am making a direct call for action. Divest from banks which fund the oppression of indigenous peoples. Remove your finance from institutions which buy and sell politicians. All genuinely caring people have an obligation to remove their funds from banks which directly fund oppression and disenfranchisement.

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@tawasi, this post has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

If you write further posts about CPS/Foster Care issues, please use our tag #familyprotection to make sure that we see it.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

Hello @tawasi.
I noticed that this post mentioned CPS and foster care issues. So I resteemed it from the @familyprotection account for all of our followers to see.
You are right that native children are some of the most vulnerable to the oppresive tactics of so-called "Child Protection Services." If there is actually a real valid reason to remove native children from their parents, they should at least be placed with relatives or another native family.
Of course, CPS does not care about ANY of the children that they steal, native or non-native, and as many people here on Steemit who have had dealt with CPS will tell you, CPS is not doing any of this in the best interest of any children.

Thank you for all that you do for families and children.

I love the fact that Steemit creates a safe space for families to talk about these issues. Other social media sites suppress these sorts of topics in favor of cat videos and such.

Again thank you.

You are welcome. I am glad to be able to play a part in exposing these crimes against children and families.

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 283 (10/16/18)

Most people in the united states don't even really comprehend that north america (and canada, central america, and south america) were all well populated before anyone from any european country arrived.

They don't get that genocide has been the order since day one, that the native peoples were much less authoritarian, or that the invading european countries couldn't possibly let the native peoples be without exposing the fact that life can in fact function without rulers and ruled.

Of course, the criminals that call themselves governments are attempting to expunge indiginous peoples everywhere. They are self sufficient, typically cannot be exploited, and refuse to be ruled.

How are you going to have a ruling upper class when everyone refuses to obey? The native peoples aren't the only victims here. In time everyone who doesn't work directly for the man will be suspect.

The civil war did not free the slaves, it enslaved the free.... and the end of it let those who enslaved the south almost completely destroy the people who were here before us.

The problem with CPS isn't that it abuses native peoples more. It is that it exists at all and that we let it.

Learn some law.

If they don't own you and don't have a bonafide contract with you then they have NO right to tell you what to do. So... Do they own you?

The second amendment has nothing to do with hunting.

I have free will. Does free will exclude me from the rule of law? I would say yes, assuming that I also have morals and ethics. Without morals and ethics the rule of law, allegedly, maintains equality and keeps society functioning justly. This however is a sad sham in our modern day. The ruling class does not honor the right of individuals to free will and self determination. They are hell bent on getting everyone to sign up for their lithographed documents.

I wish it was different than it is for me. At the moment I have all of their certificates and documents to justify my existence in this reality. Documents my great grandfather never owned, and his existence didn't suffer without european authoritarianism. In fact my ancestors were able to thrive without the concepts of private land ownership and modern agriculture. This is a huge part of my challenge in this moment. I want to move ahead, but the way things were in the past were better. Maybe the new way is the old way.

Well said!

To me, there is the rule of law (harm no one) and then there is legislation (the rule of some men...).

I firmly believe that your ancestors had it right and that the new way will indeed be the old ways.

It sounds like we share similar problems. For a while I was looking into native tribes as potential people to join (My great great great grandmother was a native) but only a few tribes seem to be resisting and almost all of them seem to be pretty exclusionary.

So these days I'm working on permaculture while continuing to study common law and attempting to find enough work to keep things going until I become fully self sufficient.

It's too bad that european diseases wiped out so many natives... this might well be a different land if they had not. Then again, things are what they are and we can only move forward in time, learn from the past, and attempt to make a better future.

The fact that most people in this country cannot see the authoritarianism and past (and current) criminality of those in power just boggles the mind. I didn't see it clearly until I was about 23... even though I knew something was very wrong.