Date: February 4, 2015 at 5:54:36 PM PST
To: [email protected]
Dear Ms. Clyburn,
I've addressed you in writing before but I did not receive a response. I'll simply try again, but
this time I will use a different approach:
Here I will list a few key specific points
I will use a simplified format so that anyone (even an idiot-child) can understand:
Ms. Clyburn, you are a paid and ranking employee of the FCC;
The FCC is a taxpayer funded agency whose functions are very specific;
The FCC agency itself was created for specific reasons
And for a specific function:
- To protect the public, the consumers, from abuse(s);
- To address citizens' grievances in a meaningful way that produces remedy;
- To address issues of impudent price-gouging, price-fixing, unfair business practices; unlawful monopolies; etc; et al
So I will ask you again:
Ms. Clyburn, do you in fact work for or on behalf of the corporate entities that comprise the telecommunications industry;
Those such as Comcast, Verizon, Time Warner, et al
If your answer is NO to the above,
Then do you, Ms. Clyburn, in fact work for and on behalf of the taxpayers, those of us who not only pay your salary based on good faith, but who pay for the entire agency, the FCC, and it's continued existence.
After having spent decades staring at the WRITING ON THE WALL, your answer does not matter.
Now YOU Listen up!!
The costs of the building of the entire telecommunications infrastructure, including the www internet infrastructure, have been paid in full by the taxpayers.
The FCC is a government agency; The duties and obligations of the FCC are to protect citizens from corporate abuses;
By using you and your agency, the FCC, to act on behalf of the public interest; Oversight, regulation compliance, etc.
WE, the Taxpayers, have already PAID IN FULL. Period.
And now YOU TOO, in a very long line of minions gone awry, are GUILTY: Complicit in so many ways.
NOW you have 2 options to choose and you can be one or the other:
- A Two-bit Street Whore; A Prostitute selling her very own self... to filthy control freaks...for filthy lucre
- A heroic and dashing figure, hell bent on saving the many innocent people from the monolithic telecommunications monopolies
I fervently hope that 1. you see a difference and 2. you make the right choice.
With Condescension,
What do you people DO EXACTLY???? And on OUR, the TAXPAYERS', Dime????
Do you people not even realize or understand that these monolithic DEREGULATED MONOPOLIES are literally SCREWING each and every one of us, US, the taxpaying citizens, just as YOU PEOPLE, in the "FCC," turn and LOOK THE OTHER WAY?!?!?
Whether it's Internet, Cable, whatever;
ALL [telecommunications] CORPORATIONS are SCAMS!!!
And YOU do NOTHING!!!!
I want my money back...ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!
With Loathing Contempt,
Dear Ms. Clyburn,
The costs of the building of the entire telecommunications infrastructure, including the WWW internet infrastructure, have been paid in full by the taxpayers.
The FCC is a government agency; It was formed to regulate the telecommunications industry, the corporations within that industry, and to respond to corporate abuses on behalf of the Taxpaying public.
So, tell me, Ms. Clyburn, does the FCC in fact work for the telecommunications industry and the corporations in that industry?
The internet is INDEED a PUBLIC UTILITY. You Jackasses.
WE, the Taxpayers, have already PAID IN FULL. Period.
By the way, you filthy, crooked, contemptible animals,
I disagree with Any Person, Any Group of Persons; Any who Represent Interests Above, Over, and in direct Opposition to the interests of the Common Good, ALL the people; "We the People," the Tax-paying citizens of the United States; The Un-Represented; The Under-represented. That's US indeed.
It is simply criminal and totally contemptible how any government "employee(s)" would continue to work Directly and Impudently against the interests of those who pay their salaries.
The very hands that employ YOU.
And let us remember the fact that these "employees" are there ONLY to represent OUR interests; The interests of the Common Good; The interests of the United States' Citizenry. The TAXPAYERS. ME.
These government agencies and the elected workers within them are decidedly NOT elected to be mere props who LIE to the citizens. And who represent, de facto, the Corporate interests.
It is MOST egregious, indeed, that ANY government would represent, to the point of collaboration, Wealthy Corporations directly at the Enormous expense {THEFT] of the average U.S. Citizen, not to mention the poor, the needy, the elderly, the working-poor, the disabled and the obliterated Middle-Class-Cum-Slave-Class.
The facts, however, remain. The sole function, the Raison D'être, for every form of government is to represent the common interest of the electorate. Therefore, it is indeed AMORAL and utterly unconscionable what government "officials" are in FACT doing to...WE THE PEOPLE, the very ones who've apparently been naive enough to have entrusted these "people" in OUR Government to "DO THE RIGHT THING."