It's no easy task my friend, many of us battle with it everyday. We want to be followed and liked, yet we are stupid. We hath no original thoughts to be seen! We're robots! Much to your delight, I have outlined step by step how to come up with a good article idea.
#1) Have Thoughts
Woah woah woah, slow it down you might say. But to that I say, full steam ahead! One of the most important parts of my article brain storming process is thinking, and I suggest you also give it a try in your spare time.
#2) Be Creative
Being creative is hard, but one thing that kills creativity is thinking about it. . The best way to overcome this is to just go for it! Have a thought in mind? Go ahead and put it out into the world. What's the worse that could happen?
#3) Be Persistent
If you're persistent you will create a feedback loop you can learn from and advance upon. Rome wasn't build in two days, it took a lot of work. So keep creating articles daily and learn from yourself, build your audience, and show people who you really are. With clothes on, of course, unless you're.. nevermind.
If you're having trouble coming up with articles ideas I will pray that one touches your mind soon. Remember that once you have an idea you need to follow through and create the article, even if you doubt yourself in some cases. Just do it. Hopefully this will motivate you to get creating if you aren't already!
Good luck