Alex Jones Supports REX 84
"The plan is called REX 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984. Through Rex-84 an undisclosed number of concentration camps were set in operation throughout the United States, for internment of dissidents and others potentially harmful to the state.
The Rex 84 Program was originally established on the reasoning that if a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA."
"Rex-84 was Oliver North's 1984 "controversial" "'readiness exercise' [that] called for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to round up and detain 400,000 imaginary 'refugees,' in the context of 'uncontrolled population movements' over the Mexican border into the United States. North's activities raised civil liberties concerns in both Congress and the Justice Department." [1]"
The Police State - REX 84 Preparation for Martial Law
"Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was a plan by the United States federal government to test their ability to detain large numbers of American citizens in case of massive civil unrest or national emergency. Exercises similar to Rex 84 happen periodically."
"The Rex 84 Camp Program, states. In an event which a "mass exodus" of Illegal immigrants flock over the border, they would be rounded up and sent to the FEMA camps."
"Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was a classified scenario and drill developed by the United States federal government to detain large numbers of United States citizens deemed to be "national security threats", in the event that the President declared a "State of National Emergency". The plan was first revealed in detail in a major daily newspaper by reporter Alfonso Chardy in the July 5, 1987 edition of the Miami Herald."
Oliver North Questioned - Rex 84 Exposed During Iran Contra
According to scholar Diana Reynolds:
"The Rex-84 Alpha Explan (Readiness Exercise 1984, Exercise Plan; otherwise known as a continuity of government plan), indicates that FEMA in association with 34 other federal civil departments and agencies, along with other NATO nations, conducted a civil readiness exercise during April 5-13, 1984. It was conducted in coordination and simultaneously with a Joint Chiefs exercise, Night Train 84, a worldwide military command post exercise (including Continental U.S. Forces or CONUS) based on multi-emergency scenarios operating both abroad and at home. In the combined exercise, Rex-84 Bravo, FEMA and DOD led the other federal agencies and departments, including the Central Intelligence Agency, the Secret Service, the Treasury, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Veterans Administration through a gaming exercise to test military assistance in civil defense.
The exercise anticipated civil disturbances, major demonstrations and strikes that would affect continuity of government and/or resource mobilization. To fight subversive activities, there was authorization for the military to implement government ordered movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels, the arrest of certain unidentified segments of the population, and the imposition of martial law. [1]"
"REX 84 would eventually become an umbrella term for the entire series of Reagan-era acts and exercises."
"The program was initially tested in 1984, with the goal of dealing with “civil disturbances, major demonstrations and strikes that would affect continuity of government and/or resource mobilization,” writes Nimmo."
"Known as EO 11490, the so-called “omnibus” emergency preparedness decree, it incorporated 23 earlier EOs into a so-called “umbrella ukase” granting the national bureaucracy wide powers, in civil or military “crisis conditions,” to literally seize the entire country and every man, woman and child in it.
The following Executive Orders are some of the consolidated orders into EO 11490:
Executive Order 10995 provides for the takeover of the communications media.
Executive Order 10997 provides for the takeover of all electric, power, petroleum, gas, fuels and minerals this includes well water.
Executive Order 10988 provides for the takeover of food resources and farms.
Executive Order 10999 provides for the takeover of all modes of transportation, control of highways, seaports, etc.
Executive Order 11000 provides for mobilization of all civilians into work brigades under the Government supervision.
Executive Order 11001 Provides for Governmental takeover of all health, education and welfare functions.
Executive Order 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
Executive Order 11003 provides for the Government to lake over airports and aircraft.
Executive Order 11004 provides for the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.
Executive Order 11005 provides for the Government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities."
"Through Rex-84 an undisclosed number of concentration camps were set in operation throughout the United States, for internment of dissidents and others potentially harmful to the state."
**Full text of "Rex 84 H.R. 645 National Emergency Centers Establishment Act.pdf (PDFy mirror)" **
Top Secret - Rex 84 FEMA Martial Law
"Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, is a contingency plan developed by the United States federal government to suspend the United States Constitution, declare martial law, place military commanders in charge of state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens who were deemed to be "national security threats", in the event that the President declared a "State of Domestic National Emergency"."