in feminism •  7 years ago 


Mama's role is as big as a mammoth
For you hours she spends making broth
While you asleep away she flicks moths

When sleep is your enemy after frollicking
Mama tends your sore sides without blinking
Your injuries she tends with muffled crying

Many nights have your tongue refused eating
When you lie awake, and eyes refuse sleeping
From a bad day filled with playmate's beating

Day your papa brought her home not to forget
Perfect figure of a woman papa don't forget
Her milky skin dazzled any man with no regret

Papa her skin he smooched freely anytime
Her breasts he fondled to become sterile
How you too drew at it with baby's smiles

Papa leave not mama alone as she inches old
With life's wears and tears she soon gets old
Rock of Gibraltar, she is the rock of household

In the thick of making your home mama slips,
Mistakes, papa please forgive her, let her sleep
For many nights care she gives you un-slept

Momma, mum, mother in- supplantable she is
Your vomits unflinchingly she scoops and cups
Where you sleep not, she will not be at ease

Mama, warmblooded animal for you will labour
Whose big or small breasts fresh milk harbour
The best any child could suck without labour

All I wanna tell my mama is I can't pay her off
All I care to know from my life she can't be off
For my mama's role is as big as a mammoth

All I wanna tell you all I will tell you today
That I can't help but say Happy Mother's Day

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