More Development=less Children or More Feminism=Less Children? It's more Feminism!

in feminism •  7 years ago 

Somehow people think that less development means more children, but this is not the case. In this article I want to tell the truth: it is feminism and the general destruction of the family that is the cause, as the belief spreads that government can substitute the family.

How is it in third world nations

In third world nations everybody knows that the state cannot save you and that the best way to guarantee some stability is to have many sons and daughters and a strong family, where mutual love is the thing that makes one help each other in situations of need. And everybody knows that those family members will also measure and evaluate if you are doing everything that is in your power in order to get out of your bad situation. If you are just lazy the support will drop for sure.

The state in first world countries on the contrary just hands out money without evaluating your situation with the same scrutiny. The more errors you make, the more money you get. In many situations the subsidies can be as high as a low income wage, especially in the US and Western Europe. If you start working your subsidies are just been replaced by a wage which after all the deductions equals the subsidies you had before. So essentially there is no incentive to work for dumber people anymore, at least in the beginning. This demotivates people to start working and they never get the opportunity to climb up the ladder...

The good side of this is that there is in third world countries never the dependence on the state, and so the system is stable and cannot crash. People care about their children much more in regards to their ability to help them when they are older and need help. You can see in this something like a pension with love. You give them love and care about them, so when you are old you will receive the same love and caring back.
It is like with the banking system. If less than 50% have an account they do not care if the banking system crashes.

In first world nations it is like this

People prefer to not have toddlers cry and have not to worry about them or take them to school or anything. The majority "knows" that the pensions are there to care for them, the government insurance for a home in a residence for the elderly. Not the children will care for them, but an underpaid (and frustrated) nurse. This nurse obviously does not give shit about the stories the elderly person tells them. They just change you your diapers once a week and injects you medication to keep you calm.

The good thing is that you can boost government in the short term, as young women who typically try to study and work until they are 40, bring in much needed taxes. If they would have a toddler and care for him and give him love the whole day, there is no way to get any money to the government. And right now the situation is already critical as more and more pension funds are in trouble due to the problem that they do not have any income because of the zero interest policy in the first world.

In the mid-term you can imagine that the impossibility for "smart", working women without children will lead to some problems, in the next generations, but this is a long-term problem and as John Maynard Keynes said "In the long-term we are all dead". Now that we have been living for generations in a keynesian system, we already see the implications for society... Only the lower classes multiply and gain political influence

Feminism is essential for a growing state

This is a perfect vicious circle: Dumber and more ugly women are feminists, the more stupid women are, the more feminism, the more necessity for the state and the more powerful the state becomes. If the state is more powerful the more women can lean on the state instead of a caring husband.

Political Correctness is also essential for a growing state

It is important that those things cannot be said openly, as it is quite obvious that this is true and that the sustainable approach would be the family instead of the state. No Journalist would write this today in an article, he would be fired without hesitation. I would advise anybody to not tell those truths out loud... in today's situation this would equal a suicide.

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@mexbit Feminis is not a dirty word it's does not mean you hate men , it's does not mean you heat girls that have nice legs and a tan , and it's does not mean you are a bitch or a dyke , it means that you believe in equality

I am just describing what they made out of this word in today's world. I believe that everybody should have the same opportunities. I would not discriminate anybody because of his/her sex, if he/she makes a good proposal. I think everybody is different, not everybody is the same. Equal opportunity, but not equal results. Everybody is equal only in communism.

i agree with You The world is crazy , sometimes this make me sick

Agreed... it is getting crazier by the day...

yes I hope this changes soon i support you @mexbit

Thanks for your support! Perhaps upvote? :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I guess you will have to define ‘feminism ‘ first. What kind of behaviors belong to ‘feminism’... In old days, women are not allowed to work in certain areas, or go to certain schools and are not allowed to vote. Do advocate getting these right count as feminism behavior?

I think democracy is not something that works. So I think nobody should vote. :D
I believe in voluntarism. And yes, the old days were not ideal neither... right now I think man are suppressed.

Lol, as a woman I kind of agree with you to certain degree. But I wish you realize that there are women suppressed too right now. There are always radical people, no mater men or women.

I think yes... the way they are suppressed is this society is making women unhappy... the society does not allow women to be a very important member of a family.

I figure you should characterize 'women's liberation ' first. What sort of practices have a place with 'feminism'... In days of yore, ladies are not permitted to work in specific regions, or go to specific schools and are not permitted to vote.

I agree, women should be allowed everything, as well as man should be allowed everything. I am against any restrictions from a third party. 2 individuals should be able to do any agreement they please. No matter if it is a woman or a man.
In my text I refer just to the fact that the family is better than state subsidies or childlessness and that feminism destroys the ideal family.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I concur with you. I perusing actually illuminated the compose. I said it's consistent with myself. Thinking about the world. Where there is yearning and starvation there is unclean reproducing. This isn't the situation in places where peace and success are high. I affirm and concur with every one of your colloquialisms. But one (however you additionally said it ideal) to your last say. So I will share this article. More individuals read this. Illuminated like me. We can not live in dread of the legislatures.

Thanks for resteeming! Did you use an automatic translation for your text?

Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes.But the meaning of this word is changed completely by people. Thankyou for such a good article. Welcome back you posted after a long time.
Upvoted & resteemed

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Thanks for resteeming!

100% agree with your article. the points you discussed are valueble to all of us. impressive topic to discuss. excellent article @mexbit


Thanks for resteeming!

well i think i better be quite on this post hahaha

It's a difficult topic... but I think it had to be said. ;)

Excellent !!!
This is the best post i have read thanks for sharing
upvoted ^ Resteemed

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Excellent post. thanks for sharing
For your post propagation.

Thanks for resteeming!

You have nice explained here with compared between 3rd world states and 1st world states. Definitely less development countries has lot of big problem in feminism. Thanks for gave more information @mexbit.
Upvote/ Resteem.

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The biggest problem I see is the way sexists have campaigned for a generation or longer to make feminism a dirty word, and to impute to "feminism" all kinds of crazy fringy beliefs that are not canonical or even authentic elements of feminism at all.

I think feminism was never about equal opportunity... It was about destroying families and getting tax revenues sooner. The flip side is that then the next generation is been destroyed.... falling birth rates and mentally ill youngsters who grew up in daycare and kill their parents sometimes for money...

Without a doubt it has destroyed families and more families to come. The vast majority of men want equal rights for women and in my opinion they have them. It is now just a case of women trying to get one up on men and trying to use the fact they are women to get places easier and quicker than a man can.

I think men are disadvantaged today... think about the diversity stuff... if two people, a man and a woman, are equally qualified the woman will get the job if the quota is not reached...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great!! You are awesome @Mexbit DQmZB7zENGZGEUGErxoLmvC2eq5izqJcEc2fEtmwTfnc1pS.pngDQmPvziZjvqGVmWF87b7gtwyebBQx7gThMdiDN8BRSVHfsS_1680x8400.png

Thanks for resteeming!

You said it really well in your words ...resteemed

Thanks for resteeming!

lots of research you have done onto this one thanks for sharing resteemed

Thanks for resteeming!

wonderful and magnificent post thanks for sharing this i will resteem this

Thanks for resteeming!

This is great article and great topic. useful. thanks for sharing.

Thanks for resteeming!

I love this your update steemit post. upvoted How is it in third world nations

I describe it in the post... please read it... I guess you are a auto-commenter. ;)

This is very impotent information and useful.
Great writing experience .
Thanks @mexbit
Have a great day

Thanks for resteeming!

Great writing experience and good topic. thanks for sharing .
(((( Resteem Service)))

Thanks for resteeming!

@mexbit - Sir I think you are correct... I am a woman & trying to keep minimum Feminism, but sometimes it didn't work well... This is a valuable topic to discuss Sir.. Nice you decided to talk about this serious issue...

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Thanks for resteeming!

@mexbit, Yep seriously Feminism is a cancer. This is long discussion title. Look at currently society. Totally now increasing feminism. before long year ago not happened these. You have better description in this post. So need to talk any more. Thanks for said advance details.
Resteemed your post.

Thanks for resteeming!

resteemed and upvoted
useful post thank you for sharing

Thanks for resteeming!

Yes...1000% agree with you my dear friend...
your creation is really nice
thanks for sharing
sir can i resteemed your blog???

Yes, of course you are welcome to!

Hahaha...such a wonderful ideas by @mexbit
Yes...1000% agree with you my dear friend..
.your creation is so nice
I'm always trust steemit is very good social media platform..

I think the main problem are fundamentalisms in japan is the opposite are man that prefer virtual girlfriends to real ones.
In the western world many woman think having a man is just to take care of them and they don't need that.
I think in all there should be Balance Man and Woman should have the same rights and both are essencial to the future of our civilization... Fundamentalisms of any kind are just bad!
Upvoted ;)

A man should be the provider of a healthy family. And it is very sad that japanese man have given up on their women...

Ideally, what should be said to every child, repeatedly, throughout his or her school life is something like this: 'You are in the process of being indoctrinated. We have not yet evolved a system of education that is not a system of indoctrination. We are sorry, but it is the best we can do. What you are being taught here is an amalgam of current prejudice and the choices of this particular culture. The slightest look at history will show how impermanent these must be. You are being taught by people who have been able to accommodate themselves to a regime of thought laid down by their predecessors. It is a self-perpetuating system. Those of you who are more robust and individual than others will be encouraged to leave and find ways of educating yourself — educating your own judgements. Those that stay must remember, always, and all the time, that they are being moulded and patterned to fit into the narrow and particular needs of this particular society.

My vote on this comment does not mean I support the contents of the article. Actually I think (with only a light read) that the main article is mostly tripe. Firstly, why the emphasis on children? I think we are at a time where quite clearly 'survival imperative' of humanity as a whole is being 'overmet'; a unique time when we could choose to live for ourselves, rather than 'bringing a child into an increasingly broken world'. I realise that only a small percentage of humanity will be able to process the above without resorting to a zealous online rage. Give it some thought tho. Secondly. Am I wrong or is the article generally quite narrow-minded and quite 'thinly veiled' contempt of 'changes' to the status quo?

For instance. Like Logan Paul, whose content is only ever intended for entertainment, there is little proposal of something different, and 'assurances' that basically I'm a 'nice guy'...


Lots of ladies loving the post so its gotta be right, right?

You have to learn to distinguish reality from tripe. Why not try to fix the broken world. That is what I am trying to do instead of advocating stopping people from bringing children into a broken world.

Give this some thought bro... Do not give up on trying to change the world for the better!

@mexbit We Move Forward when we recognize how resilient
and striking the women around us are

I figure you should characterize 'women's liberation ' first. What sort of practices have a place with 'feminism'... In days of yore, ladies are not permitted to work in specific regions, or go to specific schools and are not permitted to vote.@mexbit really awesome post

Thankyou for such a good article. Welcome back you posted after a long time.

Feminism is a range of political movements.

Yea I think this also cuts close to what I'm saying, this is what I'm meaning when I say "The main article appears somewhat narrow-minded"; also why the children again??

A healthy species replicates. A broken one disappears.

You may be right. but children are the most beautiful flowers in the world.

During the 1980s international relations kuramlarında "the third discussion" so-called a series of fracture experiencing a period. This discussion within the scope of international relations traditional approaches to be questioned started and discipline, theoretically inexperienced in addition to being male prone and gender for insensitive, but also criticized. International relations the discipline of social Sciences in other areas of compared to gender issues for more unrelated attitude and this topic discussions other than to remain in intensive criticism has taken. In addition, the international relations male area as seen in and "high policy" (high politics) creator international security, state, management and military policy, women's area as accepted and "low policy" (low politics) within the scope of assessed family life, individuals between relations, local issues in a distinction established that the effective. Feminism another important criticism of the discipline the most basic kuramlarından realism to have been. Realism for this criticism the basis of first unit of analysis debate has been involved. Traditional international relations approach to analyze the levels of the individual, National and international system to address have taken race, ethnicity and class, such as differences in the gender differences based on the analysis units of the location did not.

too much of anything is excess and that later hurts

hahah loved that feminism is cancer resteemed

What a great important advises post ,Thanks for share this post.

feminism is now getting out of the hands i know it

@mexbit Interesting...I appreciate the growing transparency into institutional movements but without a doubt, it's going to be increasingly harder to understand BTC movements. I think overtime BTC will track its fundamental value better but not a reason to ride the volatility unnecessarily if there are other potentially better investments.

I think this is another plug for alt coins! Less institutional interest and money chasing profits, so more focus on fundamental values in my opinion.

Except that they all accept BTC, so ultimately the alt coins become an echosystem underlying BTC which promotes its value growth over time.

Remind me what this has to do with the post tho?

This seems to be a bot....

It's a great post....Thnx for sharing this post....
Upvoted & Resteemed.....

No. Feminism does not "encourage" being child-free unless with "encourage" you mean merely "accept".
Feminism does want the freedom for both genders to live their lives according to their own wishes, without being constrained unduly by strongly gendered norms that say that if you're a woman you "SHOULD" want certain things (for example marriage and children) and if you're a man you SHOULD want other things (for example a "career")
But giving people more freedom to live their lives as they see fit, is not the same thing as encouraging them to live their lives in one particular way. @mexbit

@mexbit It is about keeping yourself motivated to write better..
It is about broadening your thinking..

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It is about making you think from a different perspective..
Excellent post good analyses thanks for sharing.

download (7).jpg

Definitely I agree with you. I reading literally enlightened the write. I said it's true to myself. Taking the world into consideration. Where there is hunger and famine there is unclean breeding. This is not the case in places where peace and prosperity are high. I approve and agree with all your sayings. Except one (though you also said it right) to your last say. So I will share this article. More people read this. Enlightened like me. We can not live in fear of the governments. We stand by them all standing upright together. @mexbit Thanks for Enlightened me.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

woman is a part of family
i also recpcet woman they also help all family men mamber
thank you so much for your blog

@ mexbit I love this your update steemit post. upvoted

Nice auto comment.


@mexbit having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with women, especially delicacy and prettiness.

Excellent post good analyses thanks for sharing.