RE: Does Misogyny Exist?

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Does Misogyny Exist?

in feminism •  8 years ago 

I'm using the terms as most science does, i.e. what is anatomical characteristics is called sex (which you apparently mean by gender) and psychological and social ones are called gender.
ummm, again i think your confusing gender roles with actual gender. sex and gender are the same thing. science shows there are only two genders/sexes. "psychological and social" studies on gender roles is not based in science. if it is can you please provide links to factual based scientific data proving me wrong? gender roles is a social construct and is why we have masculine females and feminine men. it does not change their genders only their gender roles.

You're confusing real and material. Or so I think, your English is beyond comprehension here.
that's funny, it was very simple to read and understand. maby you have no come back so you have to attack spelling and gramer? how am i confusing "real and material". i am only talking about the real. the stuff that is not real is just that, not real. good try on the dodge of the points though.

There's quite a load of anthropological literature about cultures where there are more than two genders.
yep, you have no answer for it? that's great you can say their is literature out their to support your case but you have not provided any of this literature or given any reasons why im wrong. you simply said, yes there is the proof is out there somewhere. :/

so as i said in the last post.
"besides calling gender a social construct do you have any way to support the claim that there is more then 2 genders? if not I rest my case, if you do i would love to look into it so maybe i can learn how i am wrong about it."

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ummm, again i think your confusing gender roles with actual gender. sex and gender are the same thing.

Dude, it's a definition, which means there can be no argument here. It's simply a way people chose to name some notions.

If you want to use other definitions, state them here.

"psychological and social" studies on gender roles is not based in science.

While I myself am often skeptical of social sciences, it's a fact, and a well documented one, that in numerous cultures there are genders (or in what appears to be your parlance, gender roles) beyond masculine and feminine.

the argument on why and how there are more genders then 2 is that gender is a social construct so it is not real. if social constructs are real then we only have 2 genders.

Your English is really beyond comprehension. What do you mean in this last sentence? That if gender social constructs are real then they must be the same as external sex characteristics? What do you mean by is a social construct so it is not real? How does it even follow?

i am only talking about the real.

What do you mean by real if social constructs are not?

yep, you have no answer for it? that's great you can say their is literature [...] you have not provided

Well, start here.