Lemon Blueberry Cake w/ Lemon Zest Coconut Frosting: food fight friday ya’ll

in fff •  6 years ago 

It’s another Food Fight Friday and I’m super excited to share this recipe with you. I made this for a very special persons birthday and in addition to celebrating their life, this, along with a hand written card, was the birthday present. Remember, I don’t have any special mixers or cake pans so if I could make this in my humble kitchen so can you.


Lemon Blueberry Cake With Lemon Zest Coconut Frosting

I set out to create my personal baking masterpiece and although there were some uncertainties during the process I think it turned out spectacular. I have never attempted to bake such a cake before so there was a tiny bit of concern with my lack of tools. I mean I didn’t even have a cake pan let alone an electric mixer for the frosting. I forged ahead anyway…


Lemon Blueberry Cake Ingredients:

1/3 Cup Coconut Oil
200 ml Almond Milk (or a lil over 3/4 C)
4 Tbsp. Lemon Juice
2 Tbsp. Lemon Zest
8 Tbsp. Agave
1 Tsp. Vanilla Extract
3/4 Cup Almond Meal
3/4 Cup Gluten Free Flour Blend
2 Tsp. Baking Powder
1/4 Tsp. Baking Soda
1 Cup Blueberries

  • Pinch of Sea Salt

I also purchased a couple tin cake pans because I didn’t have a cake pan.

Lemon Zest Coconut Frosting:

1 Can Coconut Milk (make sure it is FULL FAT)
2 Tbsp. Lemon Juice
2 Tbsp. Agave (plus a tad extra for good measure)
1/2 Tsp. Vanilla Extract

I used an additional cup of blueberries and zest from a full lemon to decorate


So as this special birthday person is hanging at the house I’m trying to make, bake and create this cake without too much commotion. All the while keeping it a semi-surprise because it is supposed to be a present.

It’s about 9:00am on a Friday morning and once the cake is made we plan to head towards the beach on our bicycles fully equipped with games and snacks like dominoes, smash ball, frisbee, water and delicious grapes from the farmers market. That means I have to hold him off for a good hour and a half.

First, I quietly begin zesting my lemons with my multi functioning grater. I think the lemon zest was so refreshing and beautiful that I made quite a bit more than I needed but that was okay because I added some to my morning smoothie. Super invigorating!


DISCLAIMER: Keep the coconut milk in the refrigerator over night so the meat separates from the water- this is imperative for the frosting to work.

Now back to what I was saying… add the coconut oil, almond milk, lemon juice, lemon zest, agave, vanilla extract, sea salt and almond meal together in a bowl. If you have a whisk then go ahead and break it out here. I do not have a whisk so got to work using a common fork.


Then sift in the flour, baking powder and baking soda whisking everything together.


Right about now my mix looked a little curdled and I wasn’t sure if I had combined everything in the right order or in the right way. I also do not have a sifter so this may have been the problem too, but I continued to forge ahead.


Throw in that cup of fresh blueberries (I probably added a tad more because why not) and gently fold the berries into the batter.


With your oven pre-heated at 350 and your cake pan nice and greased, go ahead and pour the batter into your cake dish. Set your timer for 30 minutes or until the cake is golden brown!

So, again, here I was a little concerned that the cake would rise and volcano over the pan flooding my oven. I placed the cake on the center rack of my oven with a cookie sheet underneath acting as a cake batter diaper. This later proved to be unnecessary.

With the cake safely baking I turned my attention to the mess I had made.


Does anyone else’s kitchen look like this when they cook? Maybe I channel the Tasmanian devil while creating food… 🤷🏼‍♀️

Once cleanup is done I hear the very special birthday person say something about being hungry. This reminded me of my hunger as well so I got to work on some organic rainbow breakfast potatoes.


The purple ones were my fave and this feeding of the birthday person bought me some more time in the kitchen.


Once you check your cake with a tooth pick or with a knife like me, let it cool all the way down to room temp. This part takes a lot of self restraint and even more skill to keep your very special birthday person away from it.


So if you have an electric mixer now is the time to bust it out. I don’t have a mixer of any kind and had to get creative with my whipping (more on that in a minute).

Start by taking that can of coconut milk out of the refrigerator. Remember the Disclaimer I wrote up towards the beginning… I hope you paid attention because if you didn’t then your frosting has already failed. Open the can of coconut milk upside down so the water will now be at the top (you can save this for smoothies).


Add the vanilla and lemon to the coconut, then the agave and beat with a mixer, if you have one (should be pretty fluffy).


If you don’t have one then grab two forks and warm your elbow up because we are about to get serious.


Whisk, whip, mix and beat that cream up into a beautiful fluffy frosting (or do your best with what you have and have faith in the confection gods).


Removing the cake from its pan was such a treat. Look at all of this gorgeous marbling of the blueberries. Only do this when the cake is 100% cooled or else you risk the cake crumbling.


I just poured my not so fluffy frosting right on the cake and let it drip down the sides figuring it’ll harden in the refrigerator while we are off enjoying a beach day.


I added that set aside cup of blueberries and extra zest to finish it off. Even at this point I wasn’t sure if the cake would turn out that well because the frosting was more like a liquid something, but I forged ahead staying positive.



Yes the lemons were placed there for #foodfightfriday picture taking purposes 🤷🏼‍♀️

We went to the beach while the cake ‘set’ in the refrigerator. Playing smash ball, eating grapes and listening to the waves crashing back and forth took up our entire afternoon. Thai food was on the agenda for dinner and on our way home we stopped at our favorite ice-creamery where we picked up a few scoops of chocolate hazelnut almond chip ice cream (dairy free of course).

A few crackling pitchy notes and blown out candles later we enjoyed a piece of Lemon Blueberry Cake along side a scoop of ice cream.


My very special birthday person pointed out that it wasn’t so much a cake as it was a pie… I negotiated the “pie” into being called a tart… and I must say, he loved every bite of that “cake-tart”. The best part to me is that it was gluten free, processed sugar free and dairy free, so pretty much it was basically a Buddha bowl or green smoothie or something. I didn’t even get the least bit concerned when we ate some for breakfast the next day!


If you’re still with me and want to try your hand at this cake, I say “go for it”. It’s much more tedious than difficult and I didn’t use one single special tool to help me. I hope if you do make this then you share your results with me :)

Thank you for all of your support Food Fight Fam and I’m looking forward to today’s food slingers.

Keep forging along & Pura Vida ✌️

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This looks delicious inside out. I enjoyed the process shots from start to finish. There is something satisfying about seeing something yummy being created. My oven needs fixing for me to continue baking at the moment. So the list of recipes to try out keeps piling up. Congratulations on the curie :D

Thank you @adamada! From perusing Steemit accounts ive made quite a ‘todo’ list of recipes to make myself :) Isn’t it great?!? Have a great weekend!

Wow, that looks super amazing I do love a good blueberry dessert!

It turned out far better than I anticipated and the touch of lemon gave it a zesty flavor- my very special person was pretty happy. Now I’m going to have to top this cake every year…🤔

Thank you @jackofcrows !

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Eh, the luckiest guy I know has birthdays too?! That trake tart chake thing was sofa king good though. It didn’t stand a chance!

I never understood how having your cake and eating it too is a bad thing.

But do you know how well you put this thing together? Great job on the post, too, gorgeous! Bra frikkin Vo, as in bravo like MGK standing his ground, bravo.

Haha… I’m so glad you liked it. As I said, I wasn’t sure how it was going to turn out but I forged ahead and you loved it- so success!

Yeah, who doesn’t want to eat their own cake 🤷🏼‍♀️

Thank you, thank you my love. I’m just trying to keep up with you Rockstar.

Ka’pow! “Going.... Going....... Gone!!”

Congratulations on the @curie visit beautifullest, shooooot.
insert my roger-rabbit dance right here

Yummy 😋
Pie or cake
Either way it’s still gonna taste great

Haha when u talked about it rising in oven I thought about this episode I watched as a kid!

Please take 4 min to watch this! It’s so funny

Haha… that’s too cute! Thanks for sending it @geneeverett.

This is definitely amazing the truth is birthday cakes are always what I dream of getting one day, I must tell you, you're not just a fantastic blogger, you're an amazing instructor. I hast to for back to pay attention to your disclaimer and I was thinking that many peppy could have ignored this and then have problem with the frosting process.
It's quite difficult to take picture process with the kind of precision here and that's what I love about the cake baking process really.
It's a beautiful process one that's explanatory enough for me to follow and bake mine.
Well done this is amazing.

Thank you @josediccus I really appreciate your reading my blog. I try and make it as easy as possible and relatable too, you see all of the mistakes I make and how I overcome them. I think everyone should spend some time in the kitchen because it’s quite therapeutic.

I encourage you to have a go at it and take pics throughout the process- it’ll turn out great! You could even swap out another berry for blueberries 🤷🏼‍♀️

Thanks again for the comment/compliment :)

And thank you for a beautifully composed content like this 😀😀

Yikes, this is amazing! Happy birthday to your special person...what a special cake. Lemons and blueberries take my heart away...well done. Beach, Thai food and this, what else do you need, you're in heaven :)

Hey, haha… thanks @birdsinparadise. He thought it was a winner- I’m glad too because I was a little uncertain there for a minute. You know you could plop me on any beach with any kind of food and I’ll be happy as a clam. Always a pleasure having you stop by :)

Truly a masterpiece my Dear Puravidaville, I only wish I could have a piece. But I guess the lucky special BD person ate it, all lol 🌸💖🌸

Thank you @lenasveganliving. Very special birthday person certainly did eat it all. Haha… I can’t wait to settle and get necessary things like a mixer, flour sifter (especially beneficial for gluten free flours) and whatever else I may need. All of the cakes made on Mondays give me great inspiration.

Congratulations @puravidaville !!

You have received a manual curation upvote from @steemkitchen as a motivation and support for your original quality content.

For more rewards and fabuLicious recipes, be part of the food lover community on @steemkitchen’s discord.

Have a fabuLicious day!
@joyrobinson of @steemkitchen

Thanks @steemkitchen. I really appreciate the support!

Your cake looks amazing and yes, whenever I cook, there is messes before the cooking and there is also messes after the cooking, and then there is messes after the eating too :-)

I know it, it seems there are always dishes to be done. My husband is really good at cleaning up the “after” mess. Thank you for stopping by @icybc :)

Yuuummm, get in my mouth you glorious natural masterpiece of nutritional goodness. I need to make a birthday cake for my friends birthday, I may give this one a whirl, she loooves blueberries. Then she’ll have to share it with me ;)

Let me know how it turns out. It was a winner over here. The problem becomes how are you going to top that every year 🤷🏼‍♀️

Thanks for stopping by @stuffing !

Now you have to bake a delicious cake on my birthday. 😀👌 looks really good !

I enjoyed very much the step by step process of the cake 🎂. Now I will be able to make it by myself. 👍


Definitely have at it and let me know how it turns out, if you do. A friend just told me that the technology isn’t quite developed enough for me to pass around pieces of my creations so you’ll have to settle for a virtual piece @avizor for now :)

Thank you for the compliment !

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Is it me or you're bringing your A game with that cakrt? (cake-tart)

Man, I wanted it to be special so tried what I’ve never tried before and with some luck it turned out great. This is definitely one of my best cakes (cakrts) hands down. Thanks for always showing some love Ed !

Yep you can be proud of yourself, especially you doing it in such a limited space every time!

Man, thanks Ed! Believe it or not 4 years ago I didnt know how to cook. Now it’s one of my favorite things to do. You and your family are have a standing open invitation for dinner at our house any time :)

That's a great cake, and seemed really simple, I'm not much of a blueberry fan I might try that with some strawberries though. I loved the awesome step by step shots, thanks for taking the time to put this together.

No sweat, it was truly my pleasure. Definitely try it out with some strawberries, maybe even pineapple if you’re feeling wild. Thank you for stopping by @coinsandchains !

It is very nice to get a birthday cake made with such diligence. I see that you have all turned out well and you coped with this process even despite the lack of some special kitchen utensils.Great recipe! Your photos and detailed description make it very affordable in execution. Thank you @puravidaville !

Hey @puravidaville, thank you for sharing such interesting recipe, I am glad you have done so detailed description with pho-steps, it is always difficult to imagine if you just do according the recipe only. When I read about lemon and saw the pictures I even felt sour taste in my mouth. I love sour and sweet, that must have a great taste.

By the way the kitchen looks absolutely normal after cooking or baking, in my kitchen I call it battel field and I won the battle, the dishes all will go into dishwasher :)

Cheers, from Art-supporting blog @art-venture


Haha… it is a battlefield of dishes when I’m done. Usually I’ll do pre- dishes (that’s the dishes I do while I’m cooking) but often times I’m still left with a mess. Thank you for stopping by @art-venture

@dandays check out this persons art :)

I will definetely check out and thank you for sharing :)

Hey, this is amazing. I try to figure out what flavor you got, and wow, I think I'll have to look for some of these ingredients to experience in the kitchen.

Cooking is an art that has always attracted me. Only sometimes I have no patience for it, but in your case I love that it has been so NATURAL and the visual result is just like a work of art, hahaha, I congratulate you. And I'm sure you enjoyed that great cake on your birthday!

Thank you @fernando.lubezki ! So much of our love and soul goes into creating a meal or making a cake for someone you love. It’s a great way to express your appreciation for people as well. I’m glad you liked my cake and my very special person enjoyed it very much :)

Gorgeous, gorgeous and genius. I love all your foods @puravidaville. I wish i could be your neighbor so i can a free taste each time :D

Happy happy birthday to the luckiest guy. Best wishes!
And yes i will try that lemon zest too for my morning smoothie, what a great idea! Take care and enjoy the day. Xx

Haha… thank you so much @sherylneil. My neighbors used to get a lot of my creations but haven’t stopped by with treats in a while, thanks for the reminder :)

The lemon zest in my smoothie was yum, very refreshing and oddly enough energizing. I hope you’re having a fantastic day yourself. It’s always a pleasure having you stop by.

his is a delightful and simple blueberry cake to make with things that are as a rule available.

Thank you @babai1995

What a good surprise @puravidaville and he is a luckiest guy and how lovely you are to think of that. If I get such a birthday surprise my heart sure melt.

Thank you for you step by step guide. This must be a challenged for you, need to take photos every steps while baked the cake quietly. This definitely useful to me because i also do not have a proper mixtures and cake pans. But i always wanted try bake a cake. and your cake look delicious and make me hungry. Especially I am a cake person. I must try it.It took how long to bake this cake, may I know?

It takes 30 minutes to bake then I check the cake with a knife and if the knife comes out clean it’s done. If not then try to bake it at 3-5 minutes intervals.

Definitely try this out if you like it. Don’t let not having the “proper utensils” stop you. I cook and bake everything I make with only 2 pots and 2 pans. I have a bread dish and a versatile casserole dish and that’s it. If I can’t make it with those things then I don’t make it. Everything I make or have made can be done with virtually nothing :)

Let me know if you try it- I’d love to hear about the results. Thanks for stopping by @oliviackl !

Thank you @puravidaville. ok.. 30 minutes seems achievable for me LOL. Will definitely update you the result.


howdy from Texas puravidaville! wow now THAT is a deluxe birthday cake/pie/tart! oh man, two of my favorite flavors of lemon and blueberry, that dessert is devine and makes my mouth water. lol.

I was also interested in the potatoes because you said that the purple ones were your favorite. ..I didn't know there were purple potatoes! I've never seen them, I don't think they have them in Texas do they? Are they hard to find?

Howdy my friend. I’m not sure where the purple potatoes are from. I bought them at a Ralph’s grocery store in California. It was a bag or organic baby mixed potatoes that I didn’t realize had purple ones until I cooked them up 🤷🏼‍♀️ Check your grocery store and if they have them swoop them up- you won’t regret it :)

Thank you so much for the compliment @janton. My very special birthday person thought it was a winner. The cool thing is I could have mixed any berry in there and it would have tasted great. Maybe next time I’ll make a raspberry lemon cake-tart-pie thingy. Haha

Enjoy the rest of your weekend !

howdy there puravidaville! oh a raspberry lemon cake-tart-pie next huh? lol. that sounds quite wonderful! great job on the post, have you gotten curies before this one?

Thanks @janton! They’ve stopped by once before- makes my day every time :)

well that's wonderful to hear and they will be back again, when they find someone they come back, usually every three weeks!


Wow weee!

This looks Amazing! I can honestly say ive never had lemon blueberry anything... yummy

Thank you! It turned out much better than I expected :). If you get the chance to try a lemon blueberry something then jump on it, you won’t regret it.

This "cake-tart" (who cares what it's called as long as the taste is on point, right?) made salivate, that thick layer of lemon coconut frosting, I want a piece (or two)! Absolutely stunning creation, @puravidaville! 👏 Seems like you had a really nice birthday day! Wish your very special birthday person a happy birthday from me! :)

Thanks @jasmink, I will. The cake-tart turned out much better than expected :). I’ll send you a virtual piece stat. Haha… the frosting would probably be a little better if you had a mixer but it definitely did the trick as it was.

I wouldn't have been successful trying to keep that surprise a surprise, I would have been found out (maybe even before I start baking.. Hahahah

I too love the marble effect of the blueberries at the bottom of the cake-tart". lol. I just imagine how extra beautiful it will look when its mixed with other colors (natural), maybe raspberries or some strawberries.. Oh it would be too beautiful to eat.. Lol.

I really do love how you were able to make this out of the little baking equipment you have, this shows how easy and "doable" this recipe is plus its healthyAbout the mess in the kitchen, I bet mine is gonna be more than that... Lol.

I am glad that special someday enjoyed his birthday and the delicious (I know it is) cake-tart as well...

Haha… thank you @audreybits! Sometimes I look at other people’s crations on here, like Lenasveganliving and think ‘that cake is way too beautiful to eat’. I believe I could have added pineapple, strawberry, really whatever I wanted.

Thank you for stopping by my friend !

I can't agree more... Hahahah! There are some kitchen creations that need to live longer that we let them, admired but not eaten. lol.

Oh yeah, you could have! You could have use just any colorful fruit you wanted. But you would need to adjust the recipe somehow...

My pleasure!

Consider yourself a food artist! What you've created here is wonderful and the most important thing is that it was made with love and that shows! Congratulations! :)

Nice, thank you @erikah. I don’t know about being a food artist but I do try and put all of my love in everything I make. It shows in how messy my kitchen gets 🤷🏼‍♀️ Always a pleasure having you stop by!

Don't worry about the messy kitchen, that can be cleaned up, think about the great memories you have after the cake :) Always a pleasure to see such great recipes and people posting valuable content. not to mention the nice replies :)) Have a nice weekend! :)

Yes, the messier the kitchen the better the food will taste… that’s what my husband says anyway. Thank you @erikah- maybe I’ll run into you on #fruitsandveggiesmonday :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Sure, I'm almost a regular at our lovely Lena's challenge. :) Have a nice day and see you on Monday at #fruitsandveggiesmonday :)


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I actually waited for all the photos to load because it happened that the internet connection here got slow. Of course I was waiting to see the delicious photos! How much more delicious if I eat the whole cake-tart lol ,as you would call it @puravidaville . Any name will do to me. The ingredients speak itself its nutritional content for good health.
If you could only send me some portion, mmmm!

A virtual piece coming your way @ronel. Thank you so much for waiting for the pictures to load.… yea, I’m not sure what it actually turned out to be… a cake? A pie? A tart? 🤷🏼‍♀️ It was yummy though! Very special birthday person loved it.

Got a piece of your virtual pie-tart-cake! So yummy! lol

I hope you enjoy the celebration with your special preparation.
Enjoy the party!

@puravidaville Thank you friend for sharing your delicious cake that you made to the special person who is celebrating their birthday. What a beautiful gesture to sweeten the life of your special person on his birthday. All the ingredients you used were fantastic and natural. A very healthy cake and of which we can eat a little more with a delicious scoop of ice cream. How much happiness comes together on such a special day. It was beautiful that they went to enjoy the sea on this birthday of your special person. All the gifts for him were spectacular. I also love your organic dads look super delicious. You have a big heart for doing everything you did for your special birthday person. Congratulations to him and tell him that he is blessed to have you in his life. I love everything about this day that you narrate in this beautiful post. Excellent cake that I love because it looks so delicious. A big hug and happiness.

Thank you so much @yenisfer! He is as he says “the luckiest guy in the world”. Haha

I thought the cake was pretty healthy too so eating some for breakfast was not a problem :) We actually celebrated his birthday all weekend and I only shared the first day of celebration. All days were celebrated at some beach… who doesn’t love the beach?!? Thank you for stopping by my friend!

Excellent and pleasant spend the days on the beach enjoying all its wonders and enchanting view. I love beach days. A big hug.

They are my favorite :)

Looks so yummy...I wish you had made this for my birthday. It looks so delicious. So nice of you to make it for a friend and you were so creative without proper mixing equipments. I believe I would try my hand at making this very soon. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

Thank you so much @cheekah. Next time I’ll send a virtual piece your way :) If you decide to make it please share with me your results… I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

I am sure i would enjoy it. Thanks for sending me a piece.

No sweat !

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Awesome @curie! It’s always a pleasure to see you, whenever I get a message from you it makes me day- thank you !

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I want to cry, looks superb!!! Also, the potatoes are a great idea for lunch for me today! Thank you!

Yes… potatoes are good for me every day. Haha… I’m so glad you liked it. Thank you for stopping by @kremena.shtereva. Enjoy your weekend :)

Indeed. And baked potatoes are my favorite. Your content inspired me again :) Have a lovely weekend :)

That comment made me smile :) Maybe I’ll see you on Monday…

WooHoo! Look at you go! So happy to see this curie vote when I came in to comment today. This is completely impossible for me in my current living conditions, but it looks very yummy!

"Keep forging along" <<< Very good quote for me lately. Thank you and I will!

Haha… thank you @fitinfun I’m glad you stopped by. “Keep forging ahead my friend”. :)

Very nice! Yeah i bet waiting for it to cool was super tough, it would probably taste like a warm blueberry muffin, lol. Now i definitely have some ideas for my son's cake, thank you! :-)

PS Happy Birthday @dandays!

It actually was more flakey than a blueberry muffin, almost like a pie… I mean a tart. Haha. You have to post your sons birthday cake now or at least post a single picture for me. It’ll turn out great!

Hey congrats for the curie upvote!!!Very well deserved i love that you put photos of every step you took for the cooking process.This is looking soooo delicious especially with the lovely icecream:)

Thank you @drawmeaship! I can’t help but post every step because I take so many pictures… I may try and hone that in a bit. I’m really glad you like it, it turned much better than I anticipated. Let me know if you make some, I’d love to hear about the results :). Thanks again for stopping by @drawmeaship.

It is always a pleasure to look at your delicious recipes:)
