Aceh Traditional Culture Art

in fhotography •  6 years ago 

Selamat sore sahabat steemit dimanapun anda berada, bagaimana kabar anda hari ini saya harap semua dalam kabar baik dan sehat semua, pada sore hari ini saya fhotography seni budaya aceh.

Good afternoon steemit friends wherever you are, how are you today I hope all in good and healthy news all, in this afternoon I am fhotography art aceh culture.
pertama di buka seni budaya ini sangat mulia di berita salam ke pada semua penonton kelilingan mereka dan di ucapkan salam nya dengan sekalian gerakan tangannya.

first open the art of this culture is very noble in the news of greetings to all the audience their kelilingan and in pronounce his greetings with all his hand gestures.
lalu ia menyanyi seni budaya nya yang mereka susah lelah belanjanya seni tersebut seni musik mereka sangat-sangat merdu bisa di bilang indah saat mereka gerak dan suara nya.

then he sings his art of culture that they are hard to spend shopping art that their art of music is very, very melodious can be said beautiful when they are motion and his voice.
gerakan mereka turun demi turunannya ini lah budaya aceh bunga jumpa.Adat aceh gak pernah hilang sampai saat ini dan ini lah sejarah aceh.

their movement down for the sake of this derivative is the aceh flower culture meet. Aceh aceh never lost until now and this is the history of aceh.
berdiri duduk gerakan nya yang membuat orang di dapan fokus melihat nya sangat-sangat menegangkan kawan ku.

standing sitting his movements that make people in focus focus see his very, very tense my friend.
sekian dari usah saya apabila ada salah saya mintak maaf sebanyak-banyak nya.

so many of my efforts if there is one I apologize as much as possible.

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