The Rules : Do Not Stop In The Middle - Peraturannya : Jangan Berhenti ditengah Jalan (1)

in fiction •  7 years ago 

"Whatever happens do not stop in the middle, we must finish and say good bye"


The afternoon breeze in the rainy season mixed with drizzle did not reverse Leon's enthusiasm for forcing me and Lucy to go to the cinema watching the recently released movie: OUIJA, Origin of Evil. I actually prefer a romantic movie, and have to rejected the idea.

"It is raining ya, i think we better enjoy the time in our own home" I said when he told his idea after the class on campus.

"We do not walk Anna, So many taxi around and I call Andrew."

"I don't have money" said Lucy

Then Lucy and I looked at each other. She does not like watching. For Lucy who had winner a provincial-level of Natural Science Olympic champion during high school, there's no reason to wasting money for useless business. Lucy is the most logical person among the four of us apart from Leon. Leon is actually too logical and weird.

"If you want to watch it, do not be that nonsense." National Geographic. I advise... "

"I'll pay you both. Do not need any more excuses!" He said

After the cinema Leon getting sane, he bought a board of ouija. But that's not how, because his madness is fulfilled with a seduction that is hard to resist.

"Let play this .. Oh come on guys not that horrible. What are you all afraid of? That's just a movie, we don't know the fact if you don't try."

Andrew, Lucy and I just kept quietly responding to his stubborn behavior.

"Young is only once guys. You want to live as a loser who is afraid of the story from cinema"

"Fine? See you tonight at the old hospital on the back of the campus."


Without command, we entered slowly, trying not to make a noise.

"Well who knows there's a criminal hiding inside." said Lucy

What ?? What kind of thinking is that? Leon replied

"Hey, do you know the story about this old hospital?" Andrew continued the conversation.

"Do not talk non sense, shut your mouth Andrew." I shudder, trembling, even since I first set foot in the hospital yard.

A very strong charred smell, a picket table that was partially charred and fragile. I could see that some of the rooms were overgrown with shrubs, and there was also a room still full of skeletal beds and messy tables. This scene really terrorizes my soul. Hahaha .. what kind of thinking is this. But I'm serious, this is horrible, much more horror. Among the four of us, I am the most fearful.

We continued walking down the aisle,

"How deep will we go in?" I asked a little whisper.

"we're going to the 3rd floor, I'm sure there's a room where we can use"

Well, maybe there's still a decent room or maybe not. I do not know what, but there's something. These long passage ways seem endless. Do they not realize it or my fear is deceiving the logic of travel time. We are not talking to each other.

! [] ()

"Anyway whatever happens do not stop in the middle, we must finish and say good bye"

Lucy emphasized the message and this was the third time.

"Alright .. just calm down .. It's just like other kind of game, just play and have fun" Leon replied

"Pokoknya apapun yang terjadi jangan berhenti ditengah, kita harus selesaikan dan ucapkan good bye"

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Peraturannya : Jangan Berhenti ditengah Jalan

Angin sore di musim hujan bercampur gerimis tidak memundurkan semangat Leon untuk memaksaku dan Lucy untuk pergi ke bioskop menonton film yang belum lama rilis dan sedang tayang : OUIJA, Origin of Evil. Aku yang sebenarnya lebih suka film romatis sudah menolak idenya itu.

"Males .. ujan nih, mending tidur di rumah say" kataku saat dia mengutarakan idenya sehabis kelas di kampus.

"Kita gak jalan kaki Anna, taksi noh bejibun, aku telpon Andrew sekarang biar dia nyusul ."

"Aku lagi bokek berat" Lucy beralasan.

Lalu aku dan Lucy saling berpandangan. Ia memang tidak suka nonton. Bagi Lucy yang sempat jadi juara Olimpiade MIPA tingkat Provinsi sewaktu SMA, gak ada gunanya buang-buang uang mending ditabung. Selain sangat hemat, Lucy adalah orang yang paling logis diantara kami berempat selain Leon. Leon sih sebenarnya kelewat logis.

"Kalau mau nonton, jangan yang omong kosong begitu. Mendingan National Geographic . Hemat dan ker .."

"Aku bayarin kalian berdua. Udah ya, gak usah alasan lagi!" potongnya.

Usai dari bioskop Leon makin gak waras, ia membeli papan ouija. Tapi itu belum seberapa, karena kegilaannya digenapi dengan rayuan yang sulit ditolak.

"Mau ya .. kita main. Oh come on guys gak semengerikan itulah. Itu cuma film, kita kan gak tahu kalau gak coba.

Andrew, Lucy dan aku hanya diam saja menanggapi kelakuan bandelnya.

"Muda itu hanya sekali guys . Kalian mau hidup sebagai pecundang yang takut sama drama bioskop"

"Fine ya, Deal, malam ini di Rumah sakit tua yang ada dibelakang kampus."

Tanpa di komando, kami masuk dengan perlahan, mencoba tidak membuat keributan.

"Yah siapa tau ada sekumpulan penjahan yang bersembunyi di dalam." kata Lucy

What?? Pemikiran macam apa itu? jawab Leon

"Eh, kalian tau kisah rumah sakit tua ini?" Andrew menyambung percakapan sambil menyusuri lorong rumah sakit.

"Gak usah bacot, tutup mulut mu Andrew." bentakku sambil gemetaran, bahkan sebenarnya sejak pertama menginjakkan kaki di halaman Rumah Sakit ini.

Bau hangus yang sangat pekat, meja meja piket yang sebagian hangus dan rapuh. aku bisa melihat beberapa ruangan sudah ditumbuhi semak, dan ada juga ruangan yang masih lengkap dengan kerangka tempat tidur dan meja yang berantakan. Sungguh pemandangan ini meneror jiwaku. Hahaha pemikiran macam apa ini. Tapi aku serius, ini sangat mengerikan, jauh lebih horor. Diantara kami berempat memang aku yang paling penakut.

Kami terus berjalan menyusuri lorong lorong yang ada,

"Sedalam mana kita akan masuk?" tanyaku sedikit berbisik.

"kita akan ke lantai 3, aku yakin disana masi ada ruangan yang bisa kita pakai"

Yah mungkin saja masih ada ruangan yang layak atau bisa jadi tidak. Aku tidak tahu apa, tapi rasanya ada sesuatu. Lorong-lorong panjang ini seolah tiada ujung. Apkah mereka tidak menyadarinya atau rasa takutku menipu logika soal waktu tempuh. Kami tidak berbicara satu sama lain.

"Pokoknya apapun yang terjadi jangan berhenti ditengah, kita harus selesaikan dan ucapkan good bye"

Lucy menekankan pesannya dan ini sudah ketiga kalinya.

"Udah .. tenang aja. Ini sama kayak lainnya, mainkan dan bersenang-senang" jawab Leon


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Kalau berhenti di awal bagaimana itu . . .


itu batal namanya alias gak jadi maen

Asiiikkk... Penulis berbakat Aceh mulai "panas" di Steemit... Cepat sambung ya Naa.. 😎😎😎

makasih banyak ya @samymubarraq buat semangatnya
moga bisa mengikut jejak samy yg udh lebih dulu

Haha.. Berarti ke Turki dong?? 😂😂

nulis konsisten dan beasiswa

Wahhhh... Bikin penasaran lanjutan nya ni cantik.... Jangan lama ya. I like it

Terima kasih bg @owner99 sudah sudi mampir dan memberi semangat
segera bg, kita tuntaskan rasa penasaran

Bereh na

makasih bg @tarsteem
makasih ka neu piyoeng bak postingan lon bg