RE: The Rise and Fall of Yellow Things | 50 Word Story

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The Rise and Fall of Yellow Things | 50 Word Story

in fiction •  6 years ago 

Carol, you had joined us, before shutting down your Discord I guess. Our focus is on the pro publishing side these days. Andrew and I are appearing together in a hardcover collection out this month. We've done the microfictions in the past but these days we're hard on the pro level and blogging stuff makes it ineligible most places.

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That's fantastic!!
Ah, the price of being too isolated. I will try to get out more. (For me, getting out more means joining another internet group! LOL)

When the time comes that you're back on the mainstream writing horse, you know how to find us. But for us, it's working. I've got a pro pub and a growing stack of smaller ones in both fiction and poetry. Just took second place at Balticon's speculative poetry contest.