
in fiction •  6 years ago 


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This is definitely the happiest moment of my time in high school, the razzmatazz that comes with closing time each day. I grabbed my bag with all vigour and made way for the door, Usman was about four steps ahead of me and decided to make a nuisance of himself. He got to the door and proceeded to block every other student from leaving the classroom save for those that exited before him, he seems to enjoy intimidating everyone in our class as he does not think anyone could stand up to him. There were two mates between us, I was having none of it and I was already fuming with anger. The few seconds I spent being held up by Usman has awaken the 'Undertaker' in me and really I did not care about the consequences,

"This is it" . I muttered to myself.

Usman has been getting on my nerves for a year and a half and this sh*t is about to go down, I gently pulled Rhoda by the right shoulder out of the way as I advanced towards my adversary. Olakunle had jumped on one of the desk and was already making an announcement of the fight of the decade, Semiloore who at this point was the only obstacle between us scram for safety. I clenched my fist as I felt a rush of hormones through my body as I became numb, the time seems to slow down a bit and the noise around me seems to die down a bit.

Usman is now the centre of my focus, he flashed a wicked smile at me, a look of certainty in his eyes as if saying lets get it on. The crowd were already chanting our names, a section of the spectators were yelling,

Uzzi! Uzzi!! Uzzi!!!

My supporters were shouting,

Kila! Kila!! Kila!!!

At this point there was no way I was going to back down because I did not want to let my fans down and I did not think Usman would as he would loose is reputation as the leader of the NFA. My eyes scanned through my foe looking for targets to hit or weak spots I could focus on, I'm quite sure he is sizing me up too in preparation for an all out assault. This is Evander Holyfield vs Riddick Bowe all over again, someone was going to loose the air of invincibility around him. As we were about to square off I heard a loud authoritative voice,

Scaaalliiiwaaagggg!!! Why are you hindering your classmates from going home? Thundered Mr Arigbabuwo.

Usman turned back in a fright loosing his composure momentarily,

Errrrrmmm sir.. I was not... Usman now finding it difficult to express himself.

Errrrmmm what! Mr Arigbabuwo cuts in. My friend you have sixty seconds to find your way to my office.

Sir... it was me and Kil.... Usman mumbled trying not wanting to go down alone.

Forty five seconds remaining, you nitwit! Get going boy! The form master yelled.

I quickly made way past him with the other students as if nothing has happened, luckily for me Mr Arigbabuwo could not see me from where he was discussing with the Principal- Mrs Adenike Soares. A sigh of relief as I tried to get away as soon as possible from the scene, this was indeed a narrow escape. It was a boring day at school and I was not ready to spend a second more, surely not in the company of the dreaded Mr Arigbabuwo.


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The general perception is that the form master is a deportee from America who became dissillusioned on returning to Nigeria. He would take his frustration out on any student who dares to cross his path. He is a chain smoker who spoke with an accent, I'm really not sure if the accent is entirely American. Probably its somewhere between two or more accent but if there is something I am certain of he knows how to break the hardest or most notorious of student. The form master is a middle aged man on the slim side, he has burnt dark lips steming from years of smoking. He has thick eyebrows with a lot of hair on his head, rumour has it that he wore dreadlocks at some point in his life. A jovial fellow most times until you step on his toes and watch him do 180 degree turn like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. I do not envy Uzzi at this instance as I looked over my shoulder to have a last glance at him with a wicked smile,

"Serves you right" I spoke to myself in a low tone. You live to fight another day.

To be continued.....

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