Wild parkour (part 7)

in fiction •  7 years ago 

“I know what I want. I am on my way to harmony,” -Meshkov meditated at home, sitting in his computer chair. Then he stopped rocking and stared into the window. Igor is lying at home! And Yura is unavailable! And I don’t want to run alone, it is also drizzling, and we decided not to do parkour alone. “ Meshkov got up and started packing his backpack. “I will go climbing! I haven’t been at the training for a week!”
On his way to the gym, Meshkov heard the word parkour in the street. It distracted him from his thoughts about getting some money, which by now had been the usual normal condition for him. He started listening. It turned out that he was walking in front of some Fellows, who were talking about parkour. He slowed down and started listening. And the guys were just laughing at each other “–O, you are at cool traceur! -one of them was shouting to another, when he had just jumped off the step. –I can do better! I can jump off two steps unlike you!”
Meshkov smiled. “Now, you will get more attention by shouting the word parkour, then when you shout for help! Pretty soon, everybody will know about parkour, and by the time everybody starts practicing, I must be an experienced traceur”.
Nikita greeted everybody at the training, and started warming up. Gradually, the rest of the sportsman came by, the warmup was really silent, and now they had a conversation that started out discussing the recent competition, and then switched two discussing the army. Nikita had nothing to say about that matter so far, apart from the fact that he had lost a good tee shirt, when he was going through a medical examination.
"I remember one of my most favorite birthdays. I woke up. I have never felt so good since I was 15. So I thought –what’s wrong? It turned out that I no longer had to be afraid to answered the telephone and open the door! I was 27! The army had nothing to do with me any longer! Now independent from alcohol, drugs, and army!
"Good boy, you made it! And I ran away!
"You know, you fall under administrative or criminal law only if you had signed the notice. Had you signed?
"In that case your local police officer will come to the place of your residence very often and will try to hand you the notice in any way possible. If he cannot find you, you made it.
"And if I signed it?
"Had you signed it, but failed to show up at the office, you would’ve been fined, and your file sent to the police. But with the people who signed the notice, went through all the necessary examinations, but failed to show up at the office at the necessary time, - that is a different story. That is a crime. The file can be sent to the prosecutor’s office, and the person falls under Federal investigation.
"How do you know all that stuff? - Meshkov asked, fascinated by how much the guy knew.
"You’re going to go through all that stuff very soon. You will know that stuff even better than I do.
"And I heard that the “Soldiers’ Mothers” organization provides the databases to the army office. You go to them, and the army officials c'mon their behalf.
"I don’t know, I haven’t heard.
"Why should I know better? - Meshkov decided to support the conversation.
"Because I, unlike you, went to the army, and not just to someplace, but to the sports division. I wish you have the same.
The conversation subsided. People started putting on their equipment and climbing.

After the training, Meshkov was approached by a middle aged man, in a sweater, with the raised collar, covering half of his face.
"Would you like to make some money with your climbing skills? -he asked suddenly, when Meshkov was heading for the exit.
"I do, -Meshkov reacted immediately, -What should I do?
"Nothing difficult. You need to get up the tree, then get down, then get up, when I say, and then get down again. I will give you 5000 rubles for that.
"Not bad! -“that will almost be enough for the camera!” -and why do you need me to climb up the tree? It is like a palm tree?
"No. Almost no. You just set this thing up…
"O, I see! Forget about our conversation – I will find another person.
"No, I was just kidding, - Meshkov was afraid that the man would find somebody else.
"I was just interested whether it was heavy or not.
"Nothing illegal or heavy, -the man interrupted him, -you will fix a small camera, that’s it. You see, I suspect that my wife is having an affair, and I need proof. I will tell her, that I went on a business trip…
"I see, -Nikita said, -okay, I’ll fix it. But how are you going to operate it?
"Listen, -the man was losing his patience, - the camera has a remote. Do you understand?
"Meshkov moved his eyebrows –it was none of his business.
"I still have another question – when?
Today. You need to fix the camera in 2 hours, and remove it in another 3 hours. Is that OK? Then write down the address.

The man was very nervous, and that nervousness passed on to Meshkov. What’s more, the apartment block where they were to meet, was right downtown, just after you blocks away from the place where the chavs gathered, and where Meshkov had such a blunder yesterday.
"Can you give me a little advance? -Nikita tried to secure himself.
"I will pay you before you remove the camera, - the man promised and passed him a small camera.
"You will point to it to those windows, -the man pointed at the fourth floor window, -near the large branch of the three.
"There is no light!
"There will be. Now look, -them and started showing Meshkov the necessary camera operations. –you get up to the tree, fix the camera to the trunk with a scotch tape, turn it on, zoom in, check the monitor, close the monitor and get down. In 3 hours you will come back here again, to get the camera. I will be waiting for you here. I will not leave. Where is your equipment?
"I do not use equipment for such objects. -Meshkov put the camera and a scotch tape into the backpack and got up the tree. The man remained on the ground, looking around cautiously. Nikita reached the spot quite quickly, took out the camera, did everything he had to do, and got down.
"Nice! -the man praised Meshkov. –you were a good choice.
Then he reached out into his pocket and took out a 500 ruble note. –this is your speed bonus, go to some café, and come back not later than in 3 hours!
Okay! -said Meshkov happily and disappeared.

In exactly 3 hours Meshkov came back into the yard. The man waved at him desperately when he saw him.
"C'mon, my boy, don’t let me down! -he was talking very quickly –here is the money, - he took out five notes, -when you’re up the tree, throw the camera, and then get down. I’m in a great hurry.
"Everything OK? - Meshkov asked, noticing, that there was no light in the windows.
"OK, OK, -the man replied.
Anticipating something bad, Meshkov got up the tree, took the camera and was ready to throw it, when some blokes ran out of the doorway and started beating the man. Nikita froze. But when the blokes shouted –“get down here you little son of a batch!” Nikita said –“mama”, feeling that his hair was standing up.
“How did I get into another history again? -Meshkov was horrified. What do they want? What is my business here? I will get down, give the camera to the man, and let them sort it out. Thanks to god that I took the money!“ Meshkov looked down and saw that the man was taking a very bad beating.
"I’m in trouble! - Looking around, Nikita whispered. He did not want to get down to two of those freaks. Nikita could clearly picture himself getting down from the tree, handing over the camera, explaining everything. But he could not picture them listening, understanding, letting him go.
"I don’t like the idea of spending eternity on the street. Also, they will find a way to get me out of here – they will find a ladder, chop down the tree, or just shoot me. The final thought was the turning point for Meshkov. He got himself together and started thinking.

“OK I need to see my options –get down and run away is not an option, there is too many of them. Maybe I should drop the camera and they will leave me? What if not? What if, having received the camera, they will decide to get rid of me as a witness? By the way, as a witness of what? The man said, that he was going to shoot his wife’s affair. Are these guys all parts of the affair? God, it means he was lying, and there is something more serious on that tape… Fuck, I have been watching too many movies. But if you follow the logic of all those movies, I’d better run with the camera – their will be at least a possibility of them leaving me alone until they get what they want. Good. It is settled. I’m leaving with the camera.”

Nikita looked around. It’s no big deal jumping to the balcony! If you take a little run. Not paying any attention to the curses from behind, and trying not to think of what was going to happen, Nikita got up put the camera into the backpack, checked the branch, took a deep breath, made two steps, jumped off the branch and grasped the balcony railing. Trying not to turn his brain on, Meshkov stepped on the railing, got hold of the balcony above, pushed up, pulled his leg up, changed the hold, pulled the second leg up.
OK. Fifth floor. Now the roof. Nikita grasped the edge of the roof, and was on the roof in a couple of seconds.
Oooh.- Nikita breathed out.
The shouts from below increased. So, what now? Nikita ran on the roof, then ran down to another edge of the house.
“Oops. I did it again. I’ll breaking my heart, my bones, legs and arms” – Nikita turned to prose.

There is nothing to do here. Then he went to another wall of the house, then to another, and backed off -two guys were going up the fire ladder, already on the third floor. Nikita went to the nearest entrance to the attic, but when he put his head inside, he heard the voices. No luck here! Meshkov backed off clumsily, lost his balance, tripped over himself and the roof was empty for a moment. One head showed up, but then another, and some people got on the roof.

Meshkov was trying to put himself together, he was trying to realize what was going on, and why he was rolling on the roof. At that moment he fell on the balcony full of garbage, but only because his sneaker caught on the railing on the roof at the very last moment.
“Good lord! It means I’m alive!” Nikita felt his body. He seemed OK.
"Great! - Meshkov got up, but having heard the voices that were closing in, he lied down again, covering himself with a piece of linoleum. As a stroke of bad luck, the balcony window lit up.
"That is bad timing! -Meshkov exclaimed.
Nikita could feel somebody looking over the balcony is from the roof.
"He probably went down the balconies, little sucker!
"Could you do that?
"No. But I would probably try for money. Let’s go ask that bastard, where we can find his accomplice. –the steps went away on the roof. Then there was silence.
Then the window turned dark, and Meshkov having lied for another 10 minutes just to be sure, stood up cautiously, and looked around. Looks like there is nobody. So, Nikita! -he said to himself, -this is not your usual school fights, where you can stay silent, your tongue in your ass. That is your life, so start thinking! Meshkov considered a couple of options, then took out the camera, ejected the cassette, and put it into his pocket. Then looking at the balconies and with a camera on his neck, he went down quickly. That’s it!
"That is the end of my climbing training, - Meshkov sighed. But now I can finally see Olya. And that is a lot!
Gotcha! -somebody grabbed Nikita from behind.

"This downtown area is a bad place, really! -Nikita thought. He turned his head, and seeing one of the thugs who were beating that man, suddenly threw the camera up. Feeling the weakening of the grip, he pulled free, and ran into the dark back streets with only one idea –to lose his chasers.
He’s got the tape! -he heard the cry, and Nikita heard the chase. Well, it’s not the first time. –Meshkov thought and smiled to an idea to run the route that he knew so well. I just wish the chavs didn’t change the wire! -Nikita prayed, running into the familiar yard.

"So when I’m going to have a birthday, and the treat is on me!
"That’s good! We’ll eat and drink!
"You’re lucky guys! Unlike you I can only drink –I’m left without my teeth at 25, can’t even eat the seeds.
"Go see the dentist.
"I did, they said I need a a complete upper pro tits.
"What tits?
"Well how do they call those false teeth?
"Do you mean prosthetics?
"No, with you it is pro tits.
The chavs were in their regular spot. The cigarettes and beer bottles were changed quite regularly. Not far away an old lady was sitting and taking their bottles, and putting them into an old bag.
"Hey, guys, look – a dork!
Meshkov ran into the yard with two chasers on his tail. They ran past the chavs and towards the garages. When running between the trees, Meshkov ducked, and then stood up again. Meshkov chasers were hacked down almost simultaneously, their legs went up into the air, they fell down and rolled like Bekagaev the day before. Meshkov jumped over the fence without stopping and disappeared.
Yogurt dropped the bottle. The old lady noticed that and got up to pick it up.
"Hold it, lady! I’m not finished. I just was surprised…
The old lady sat down.
"That dork pulled a nice trick out there. Good work! -said Spike, surprised by the speed and creativity.
"What work? -Nelubin asked. –he will start coming here every day, running away from some losers. Do we need it?
"We will teach him! -said Yogurt to Nelubin.
"OK, guys, I’m going. –Spike got up, saying goodbyes.
"How so?
"I get some business at home. And you need to disperse too –what if the cops come, anybody wants to be a witness? Look those guys cannot even get up.
Spike went home quickly, thinking about how well the dork was running.

Having spent the day in bed, Igor Bekagaev felt much better by the evening. So he woke up, worked his face and went to the kitchen. Having looked into all the saucepans, Igor made his selection and turned on the gas under a saucepan full of borscht. Having sat down and closing his eyes to avoid the lamplight, Igor started to wait for the soup to warm up. He heard the neighbors talking and started listening with great anticipation.
"Let’s give me a boob job!
"Looks good to me.
"I have the smallest tits in the banya! On Friday and on Saturday!
"Did you try Sunday?
"I’ll kill you!
Igor laughed covering his mouth –those neighbors and really funny.
As soon as Bekagaev realized that he could hear his neighbors through the socket on the wall (although he got great lickings from his parents when they found him out), he always kept his ears peeled. And when he heard any noise from the socket, he went into the kitchen put up some tea and pretended to start reading some book at the table. He did that only as a showoff, because he stopped reading the books at the table when he found a piece of toilet paper between the pages once. But even if he read the books in the kitchen, no book from his home library could have provided him with the information that he drew from a simple, Soviet made, electrical socket. Especially from a socket that was right in the middle of every family life – the kitchen.

"I just want to ask you –why every time, when Sveta passes by, you stop feeling reality?
"I’m sorry, it is just beyond me –the clacking of her heels stupefies me!
"Then I am stupefied by this sound of an expensive car door closing. You got it?
Igor is face reflected the word “stupefied”. Leaving the socket, and forgetting a soup, Igor went into the bath room. Having looked at his face in the mirror, Igor fought the urge to deal with a couple of new acnes.
"So you tell me that girls can fight acne, - he remembered his friends words, looking at his face once again. –so be it. Let’s go find the one!
Igor went into the room, wanted to get dressed fancy, but fond that his mother watched all his best clothes, and they were hanging on the balcony drying. Damn it, Mom used my staying in bed! What shall I wear? Igor opened his wardrobe, put the first things that he found on, took one bank note outta the textbook, then took another, put on his sneakers, took one off to jump to the kitchen to turn off the soup. Saying goodbye to the flat, Igor locked the door and went out.

The street met the young man with summer warmth. He wanted to spread the lungs but his chest still hurt him from yesterday’s meeting with a wire. Igor remembered Meshkov angrily, and went downtown, to the concentration of movie theaters, and therefore, the young people.
Music everywhere, cars honking, neon lights, friendly faces –everything put Bekagaev at ease, that’s why he came to the theater almost dancing. A girl with a dolly face was looking at him. She was standing at the entrance with her friend, a girl with a Coca-Cola ass. Fingering the banknotes in his pocket, Igor headed to the girls, trying not to lose his playful attitude.
"Ladies could you tell me the year?
The girl with a dolly face put up her hand to look at the watch and froze.
"Broken? -Igor asked courtly.
"You said… A year?
"At least a century.
"21st! - the Coca-Cola ass said.
Igor clapped his hands in mocking dismay. –it could not be worse! You see it was a usual thing! -Igor started commenting, saying that the girls were interested –I woke up really early today, and I wish I had woken up myself, but no, to a steel drum! Do you follow me? That’s it, I thought, that is going to be one hell of a day.
Igor interrupted his story, putting the finger up!
"Can you hear? No, can you hear? -he asked mysteriously.
"What, what? – the girl started looking around.
"Hush, ladies! -he said. Can you hear the sweet smell of the linden?
The girls laughed.
"What linden? We even don’t have any poplars left!
"A! -Igor said, -then it is just the leftover of my worldly life.
The girls started laughing.
"And what was next?
"Next? -Igor went into thinking. -next it is all bits and pieces, as if a giant cow liked away half of my memories. I remember talking to a nice man… I remember it was a bargain… shouting –let’s go, honey!... A man with the old lady… Sitting pretty close… Then the curtain… -here Igor slapped himself on the cheek and exclaimed happily – now I remember! -I was taking the drozhki, saying Stop! Stop! Then some bad thinking, darkness,… And here I am, totally lost.
When the girls stopped laughing, Bekagaev decided to introduce himself.
"We are Igor, -Bekagaev said, in a low voice, patting his chest.
Masha –said the one, at whom Igor had been looking all along.

Meshkov jumped over the fence, and, not losing the speed, ran another two blocks, then stopped abruptly and listened.
I think I got away! -he thought and went home, letting his hands into the pockets. After 10 m, Nikita stopped and looked around. Then he took off his backpack, shuffled inside it, and put the hands into his pockets, took them out and started thinking. I’ve lost the tape! What a loser! -Meshkov trotted home. No tape, it means I have nothing to do with it! -he tried to calm himself down. Now I can call Olya! -he remembered the girl, and his mood skyrocketed.
His mother opened the door and pinched her nose.
"What is that smell? -she said, letting her son in. –where have you spend all day? Maybe you did your lessons and that’s why you are out too late?
"Mom! -Meshkov exclaimed. –why “the smell”? I’m going to the shower. And I did my lessons today.
But Meshkov could never play around her.
There are two forms of the verb to do –did, and have done. The difference is great. It is quite possible that the person did everything he could, but has not done enough. That is one. Two. If you have not visited the shower, and smell bad, there is definitely going to be a person who will tell you about it. Three. Everything that happens to a person –is his own doing.

Spike entered his apartment and opened the wardrobe. Putting the trash away, he finally found what he was looking for. With a happy face, Spike took out the sneakers, which he had once used for sport. Full of dust, my precious, -he said cleaning them. And there was time, when we never parted… -Spike was taken over by his memories. It was 10 years ago…

The sports competitions. Tajikistan. A small town near Hodjent, bore the name of a legendary Russian pilot – Chkalovsk. An evening disco at the park. The sportsmen and the locals on the same ground. Somebody hit somebody with a shoulder. A couple of punches and a promise to get back after the disco. Sergey Chistov, anticipating the fight, came to Spike, who was dancing, and warned him, not to leave after that the school, as there was going to be a fight with the locals.
"How many on our side? - Spike asked.
"About 17, -Chistov counted looking over the heads of the dancing people.
"And the other side?
"Hell knows, I cannot count them now, and they sent for more people!
"Wow! That’s going to be a slaughter! -Spike exclaimed. – Okay, I’ll be ready.
"OK, I will also warn Gartner and Kozloff, -Chistov went back into the crowd.
The disco was soon over, and everybody headed for the exit.
"Stay in the group! Keep together! We’re being expected! - Spike heard.
Behind the dancing spot, there was a large crowd of young and not so young locals. There was a deadly silence in the air. Nobody said a word. The sportsman went out of the disco and slowly headed down the alley towards their hotel. With a grin look, the local Fellows followed them a meter behind.
Then they saw a group of guys, trying to get through the bushes up ahead to cut them off from the hotel.
"So! -shall we show them how to run? - One of the sportsman said.
Kozloff the head sprinter in 100 m run, shouted the usual track and field command meaning start – Hop!
The rest of the events everybody remembered differently. That depended upon how you reacted to that command. Spike had his own memories. In those years many things were quite new for him. That was his first competition away from home. He barely started showing good results, and that was his first and the last cowardly run.
When there was a command, Spike was in one of the best positions for a start – there was nobody in front of him, although he was not the first to go. Spike was running down the park alley, a good 15 m in front of everybody, both the sports men and the local. The passerbys fell away to the size, and not to lose speed, Spike had to run between the young man and a girl, who were holding hands. Somebody, standing on the side of the road, to make way for a giant crowd of running young men, was shouting to Spike –
"Man, run, they are catching up! Run, man!
Spike thought then. – Ha! People think that they are all running after me!
When he got to the hotel, he sneaked between the two heavyweights, who were smoking on the porch, went upstairs into his room, took a metal bedpost. Kozloff and Gartner ran in after him. In the absolute silence they were ready to hold their defenses. Having stood there for a couple of minutes and still not hearing anything suspicious, the guys went out of the room and down stairs. There they found out that Chistov did not run away in time, and took a series beating, that everybody, who was running away, sneaked between the heavyweights, and nobody(nobody!) warned the heavyweights about the chasers. The heavyweights were smoking in silence and watching the sportsman sneaking between them, going into the hotel. But they did not finish their cigarettes. The crowd attacked them, hitting them with sticks. The giant heavyweights dropped their cigarettes, took the sticks from the locals and fought through the crowd.
"How old were those heavyweights then? - Spike thought. –my age, they were 25 or 26.

Next morning Spike cleaned his teeth real good, shaved nicely, put on his old jumpsuit, sneakers, and ran into the park. After a couple of kilometers of easy running he started getting bad ideas. “Hello! I’m out of breath! And my side hurts –not enough oxygen. My throat hurts. Breathe in, breathe out deeply. Over the pain, over the pain”. In some time, just like Spike expected, the pain went away. In another couple kilometers, Spike finally found his tempo. “ If you only knew, who is running here! -cried Spike to the passerbys in his mind. –not just any dork, who thinks he’s healthy, because here does morning exercises, and takes cold showers. This is the junior country champion in track and field. Look how he runs! Look so good he is! What are you looking at, stupid? Follow me while you still can.” –Gradually his old sensations came back to him. His blood was boiling, his muscles were warming up, his lungs were pumping air, and it felt as if he could see again after long years of being blind.
"AAAA!!! – he shouted when he found himself in the middle of the park. –so much time lost! I’m just going stupid in my yard!
There was nobody in the park at the time, and only the crows seemed to be laughing, flying form one branch to another, following Spike.

As soon as his friends came to school, Anton didn’t hesitate to brag about his adventure.
"I fell down from the fire ladder, and barely grabbed it, having fallen two floors down!
"Did you climb it without us? -Igor said.
"I had business to do. My friend asked me two throw some evidence into the window.
"What evidence? -Nikita snickered, remembering his yesterdays events.
Anton told them all about it.
"You are alive so that you could amend the situation, you understand?
"Why you pushing me?
"Yet, Anton, you have been officially dissed!
Anton looked down –
"Are you saying I’m a loser?
"I’m saying you’re worse! You should correct your doing.
"Really! -Igor supported Nikita. –Anton, you should go see the girl, and tell her all about your friend.
"Yeah, that was a blooper, really. OK, I’ll go, -Anton agreed.

"Now listen and behold the thing that happened to me! -Meshkov said in a mysterious voice.
The guys peeled their ears, and Nikita described the events of the previous day, nearly without color.
"You’re lying! -Anton disbelieved him.
"You can ask the chavs!
"So, who is going to ask them?
"Here is 5000! -Meshkov took out five notes.
"Your father gave it to you, -Anton couldn’t stop it.
"Cut the crap! -Igor interrupted. – If it happened, you’re lucky to have stayed alive, Nikita. Do you understand if you’re through with climbing?
"Yeah, I have been thinking about that.
"Listen, why are we having all these things happening to us? -Anton thought.
"It’s logical. I think, had be practiced chess, our lives would have been much different.
"And I think, - Anton whispered, - we’re just different. We’re standing out of the crowd. We have new abilities, so people are flocking to us. We just need to learn to filter people.
"Seems like we haven’t had anything necessary yet.
"It is explainable. Only the sh$t flows in the first place. And then the normal things., -Meshkov said confidently.
"We shall live and we shall see.
"We shall see.
Hush now. –Igor said. –do you think I have nothing to tell? -he looked at them condescendingly. –listen and envy!

Nikita came back home, and the first thing he did was to get a piece of paper with Olya’s phone number. He looked at her delicate script once again, and dialed the number.
In a couple of seconds you could read in Nikitas face the exact thing that he heard on the phone –“subscriber unavailable”.
"Maybe, it is for the best! - He told himself, going out into the hallway. –I will go to the shop first, look for her camera, look at the price, and only then I will call her!
Nikita dropped by at the nearest electronics shop. Looking at different appliances, he went to the case with the cameras. Igor was telling about his yesterdays things so easily! - Nikita was happy for his friend, going around a giant line of washing machines. –I just need to buy Olya a new camera and try to make her like me. –Meshkov couldn’t finish his thought, as he was now near the camera case and he saw the model he needed. –it’s expensive as hell. 7500!
Are you interested in the camera? -a middle aged stranger turned to Nikita.
"- Which one?
Suddenly it Meshkov was happy to see this man, he was expecting to get some really useful information, and not just the consultant’s annoying recommendation.
"This one, - Meshkov pointed.
-I have this one, -the man pointed at a more expensive model, -it is just as good. It just happened that I bought a 10 megapixel one, and I had used this one for only a fortnight. But I have a problem. My wife is nagging me –you spend too much money! Getting back to the pawnshop! But you know, how much they give –it’s a fraction. It’s mint, I’m telling you, I’ve headed only a couple of weeks. Not a scratch, not a piece of dust on it. I can give you a discount.
"That is going to be a big discount.
"How much do you have?
"5000 rubles.
"Agreed! Just without the memory card! Deal?
“I think Olya has the card intact! “ -Nikita thought
– Deal! I just have the card!
"OK, if you have the money, we can do that now.
"Do you have the camera? I have the money!
"No, I have the camera at home, but I live just across the street. Shall we go?
"Yeah, sure!

Meshkov was following the man half step behind.
"You should know my wife! -the man said. If Meshkov tried to catch up with him, he sped up. –she just doesn’t give you a chance for a mistake! Just take this camera. I bought it, but then decided to get a more expensive one. The man just came up to me in the shop, like I did to you, and offered it to me. She is killing me – why and why did you buy it –you have another one! How can I explain, that it has more pixels, then the model is different… Do you follow me?
Meshkov tried to look smart. He nodded his head. It is all working well! -Meshkov was happy. –now I’m going to buy a new camera for 5000, better than she had before. –Nikita could clearly see the picture – Olya was happy to have such a camera, and they became friends.

"Are we there yet?
"It is just across the road. - The man said. They ran across the road quickly and found themselves in the old streets of old six storied houses, built in the thirties for NKVD officers. They entered the doorway. Meshkov felt an old rusty smell.
"You just wait here, I will come in, and be back out, OK?
"Could you just give me the money in advance? I’ll just give it to my wife, just to silence her.
Meshkov frowned.
"C'mon, it’s a good camera, -seeing that Meshkov was hesitating, the man was trying to calm him down, -it has the receipt and the warranty. I will check it in front of you, and if you change your mind… Hear the man fell silent, -no if we give it to my wife, she will hardly give it back.
"OK, -Nikita agreed, hearing about the receipt and warranty. – Which floor?
"We are here. I live on the first one.
Meshkov took out the money, the man counted it, and knocked on the door.
"Honey, I’m home! -he said aloud.
"He knocked again. Still nothing.
"Is she in the bathroom? -the man took out the keys, opened the door, and disappeared behind it.

Only then Meshkov looked around. The house had probably never been repaired. It smelled funny. Signs of burnt matches on the ceiling. Walls with graffiti, and not a single decent word. Meshkov waited for 10 minutes, and expecting the worst, decided to hurry the man up. Nikita came to the door, and knocked politely. He listened. There was some noise. Definitely was. Can’t they hear? He knocked harder. No reaction. Then he knocked real hard, as if he was a neighbor from downstairs. At this moment the doorway opened and the old lady stepped inside. Meshkov started banging on the door. The lady sighed –
"Not again!
"What is it? -Meshkov frowned, still banging on the door.
"That! -old lady exclaimed. It started 20 years ago, and is still going on.
"What! -Meshkov asked and looked at the door –he was afraid to leave some dents.
"Do you think it is an apartment?
"What is it, an office? - Meshkov thought.
"No, honey, it is not an apartment. It is a door outside, on the other side of the building.
"What do you mean, outside? -Nikita felt dizzy, then cold, then hot.
"That’s it! You’re not the first one sweating here, and not the last. What they’re standing for? Run, maybe you can still find him.

Where should I run? East or west?

The old lady went upstairs signing. Meshkov looked at her, and when she left, got himself together, and went outside. What a setup! What am I going to do now? The head felt empty and disgusting. Nikita went around the house and found himself on the other side of the door. He recognized it at once by the white curtain, that he was able to see when the man came in. I now understand why he needs it there – cover the view of the street. Meshkov drew it to the side. There is a latch instead of the lock. And it had been beaten out not once. Nikita switched the latch, opened the door, and snickered. Having closed the door, he went back home, trying to picture all the people who were set up in front of the door, that one and all the doors in general. He could think of many bad stories, and the worse the stories that he had been imagining were, the easier he felt. He was not the only one.
Having walked for around 300 m, Meshkov stopped. The door was locked, the man took out the keys and opened it. And I did not see the lock! He turned around and went back, not even understanding why. He just felt that he had to clear that up. Meshkov entered the doorway again, came up to the door, and opened it. Then he closed that again and examined it carefully.
Now I understand! There is a hole for false keys. You insert any key, and with that key you open the latch. “Now I understand!” Meshkov opened the door again and went outside, then locked the door with the latch, drew the curtain back, and headed back home, thinking about getting the money.

When he turned around the corner, Nikita got a strong hit up his ass.
"Gotcha! Where is the tape?
"At home, -Meshkov applied auYuraatically, jumping with pain and surprise.
Where is your home? - was the second question, and Meshkov realized, that there was one of the yesterdays thugs in front of him. Nikita felt scared. He could not take this man home and put his whole family in danger! Even more, he did not have the tape. He lost it! What should it do? What should I do? -the question pounded on his brain.

"You're going from home now? -seeing the boys hesitation, the thug decided to play smart.
"Yeah, right! -Meshkov was happy to find a decision. –I already have had one such case! Nothing can keep me from doing that again!
"Yes, from home. How do you guess?
"Take me to your place, and remember, we will cut your whole family, if you decide to play dirty with us, understood that?
"Understood, -Meshkov shuddered.
Holding Nikita by the hood, the thug dialed some number.
"Hello, I found that guy… As we had thought, he lives downtown… Where going to his place… He has nowhere to go. –the thug assured somebody.
Meshkov legs started failing him. Can I do that again?
Coming up to the doorway, Meshkov plucked up his courage, and opened the door. Immediately he ran into the familiar old lady.
"O, that’s you, son. – The old lady recognized him, - are you still here? You found whom you were looking for?
"I will tell you later! -Meshkov was afraid that the old lady would say something unnecessary. –I came back for a second, I need to give the tape to my uncle here.
"O, OK, -the old lady agreed, leaving.
"Wait here, - Meshkov asked, when they came to the apartment door.
"Do you remember what I told you? I know where you live now!
"I remember, -Meshkov assured the thug. –I’ll get it out now.
Nikita got out his keys, opened the door, stepped inside, closed it, and disappeared in the urban jungle.
“If that goes on for another couple of days, I will either become an excellent con man, or I will not live past Monday."

For the next month Nikita Meshkov, always wearing the hoody, had been doing parkour with double energy, with his friends Anton and Igor.
Sometimes the training was interrupted by Igor telling about his relations with Masha.
"She’s funny. She invited me, she threw me out. I was telling her about parkour, about chavs of a funny stories and anecdotes… And then she would shout -go home! And never understand a thing. Was she sorry about the chavs? -Igor started.
"Really, a strang girl, - Anton agreed.
"So, put the tea aside, put the cookie down, dressed up and left.
"That’s it, - Meshkov surprised.
"That’s it.
"Impossible, -Nikita objected.
"That was it! I’m telling you, -Igor assured him.
"And you’re telling me, -Meshkov smiled, -that she never took anything up from the floor, never looked out of the window, never went up to get the sugar from the upper shelf?
"Igor started thinking.
"Have you been to her place? -he asked angrily.
"No. I have never seen her. She wasn’t expecting the chavs story from you. She doesn’t give a damn about chavs or traceurs. And you never understood.
"I just wanted to show off. I was telling her different things…
"She liked you without those things, as she had invited you to her place.
"I’m so stupid! -Igor said and felt down.
"Exactly! -the friends laughed and started working on another trick.
The friends were laughing with a little bit of envy –Anton could not get a long relationship, and Meshkov couldn’t get through to Olya –he listened to “subscriber temporary unavailable” a couple of times a day. But even if he could have reached her, Nikita didn’t know what to tell her. The camera was still at the shop. His friends sympathized for Nikita, gave him advice, and sometimes made fun of him :
"I started making money back in my early childhood –Anton said, -me and my elder sister had a joint stock company. My parents made me learn the poems, and I was playing stupid, till they gave my sister some money for her to teach me. Understandably, she was able to do that faster.
"Nikita, - Igor said, showing his biceps, - nobody can take money away from me!
"Why? -Nikita snickered, suspecting some foul play.
"Because I don’t have it! -Bekagaev laughed.

The decision came suddenly. Meshkov went surfing to read some news, and stopped at the banner “-mini –Forex. Start earning money now.”
"I like the word now, -Meshkov said sadly, but clicked the banner still. –let us see what they are offering.
Having looked through the site, he remembered his Dad telling somebody about Forex over the phone. Then Nikita had not paid attention, but now, examining the possibilities of the equities market, he saw the solution to his financial problem. He had not quite decided yet, but he already had the feeling.
"Let us see, -he started thinking not to lose the idea, -if I my father for money to put it on Forex, and withdraw it instead to buy a camera? Will it work? Probably will, if we learn how to withdraw money… What if I don’t deposit it? No, father will definitely look at what I’m doing there. Hello, here is the trading system. Download it. Downloading., -Meshkov was commenting all his actions.
"–A-ha! Open a virtual account! Let’s try, - Meshkov started to study the program.

"I cannot withdraw the money. I’m still under 18. I need to forget about that idea.
Meshkov started close the open windows, and he suddenly looked at USD/CAD currency graph.
"Hold on! - He said to himself and looked at the graph once again. He felt something that he could not describe by word. He realized that that he saw some sense in that graph, but he could not discern what kind of sense. Looking at the ever changing graph curves, Meshkov suddenly felt like he was jumping over obstacles while doing parkour.
"Here it is! -he said happily. Meshkov switched to another currency - USD/EUR. He still had the same sensation.
"Let’s see, -he said excitedly, -all we have to do now is to check.
For the next hour Meshkov was opening different graphs for different periods. He closed half the monitor with a piece of paper, examined the graph, closed his eyes, imagining that he was running through the city, jumping over the obstacles, and when he felt the connection with the graph he gave a forecast of the price. Then he opened the piece of paper and moaned with happiness.
"That’s it! -Meshkov leaned back and closed his eyes. –if that goes well,…
He could not find any more words, he only found the images – cars, yachts, planes,… And after some thinking, the images stopped. Meshkov opened his eyes. “Why is it Saturday today? -he looked at the calendar. Why don’t the stock markets work on weekends! How am I going to live till Monday! Who will tell me?
Now I know where to get the money!"

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