The downfall of paper and coin [Part two]

in fiction •  8 years ago  (edited)

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

There was a big line going as far as the eye could see, the streets were packed with people heading for the exchanges all over town. Carrying bags and boxes containing coins and paper ready to start anew in a digital form.
I was number four in line, waiting with my box filled with spare cash saved up over the years. When it was finally my turn after waiting for some time i handed the box over to the man sitting in the both and he emptied the coins into a counting machine and fed the notes into another counter. My online bank account was also emptied out, every last dime was converted into E-crown's.

I got out of the line so the cashier could serve the next person in line and i checked my E-crown account on my mobile device, 50,000 E-crowns was now sitting in my account. One E-crown was worth about two Norwegian krown, so i had doubled the value right of the bat.
We would no longer need a debit or credit card as they were useless. Every store, no matter the size were equipped with state funded payment processors which handled the transaction. You just scanned a QR code at the store and pressed pay, you would get your merchandise and the store would receive their money.
The future was now, after three months there wasn't a single coin or paper note in circulation on the market. No one would take them as they no longer had value.
It was a tough hit on the older generation which had never used a technology such as this, they were just getting used to online banking and even that was rough. They wanted something physical, not thin air as my grandpa called it. "Zero's and one's ain't money" he said.

The media was going crazy advertising new gadgets to make payment even easier life-wallet they called it, a chip which was placed under your fingertip. This way you would always carry you wallet with you, you couldn't forget your hands at home and you wouldn't have to worry about your phone running out of power.
Yeah, the future is now.

I woke up one morning during some news broadcast on the radio claiming hackers had been trying to fill the network with fake transactions, disrupting the payment process for every E-crown user. This was being investigated and payments were unavailable for the next hour. It was chaos, no one could pay for buss tickets, gass, food...we couldn't pay for anything. Society stopped for one full hour and people were outraged.
Around noon a new update rolled out which allowed transactions to be made during "dark hours" (Times when for unknown reasons a payment wont process). This implemented update allowed personal information to be extracted from the chip and the vendor would get what information they needed to create a digital invoice which was sent to your e-mail account.
The update also contained what they called a "information saver", which was implemented to trace whenever a suspicious payment were made. This information saver would then collect such transactions in bulk which were to be investigated by the TPSA. (Transaction police security agency)

What a suspicious transaction was had not been described in the release notes, but the media claimed it was to stop criminals from receiving money from stolen goods, drugs and other illegal activities.
It all seemed okay, it had been done before. You couldn't just bring 100.000 crowns into the bank in paper currency and not expect any questions regarding the source of this income.
What got me thinking was the personal information which was collected from every citizen, your social security number, name, address...those were okay.
The banks already had that information.
But my e-mail, ip address, blood type and DNA. That was kind of new.

I was searching high and low on the internet reading up on some of the conspiracy theories made by earlier bitcoin users when i found a article by someone known as @klye.
Klye was a Canadian citizen which had followed the process with a keen interest and great skepticism .

The source is corrupt, the government has lied to it's people in Norway.
There is no final block it was all a lie made to keep a close eye on the people.
There are twenty accounts holding 70% of the supply, all located in the same area...something is wrong.
They are watching all of you.

I got documents proving corruption within the Norwegian parliament, a hidden agenda which will crush the average citizen.
For now i will leave you with this photo, containing the current location of those twenty account.
Stay tuned, more will come.


Photo file

I knew that place, it was a state run office in Bodø where the earlier developers of the E-crown blockchain had been working.
The post made by klye was added two hours ago, i typed in a response.


I know that area, i live fairly close to it.
I'm not known for taking trollbait that easy, what do you suggest we do with this information?
I see fairly little evidence of anything going on at the moment, nothing big is going on.
I'm subscribing to this thread and can't wait to see what sort of "evidence" you can come up with.

Sincerely Harand.

All that was left to do now was wait, i can honestly say it peaked my interest but one should always be skeptical to information provided by strangers on a public message board. Conspiracy theories was always a entertaining read and some of them may contain a drop of truth but usually it's all obscured by the wast amount of crazy contained within the text.

Check out part one here:

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This is wonderful. Cheers for writing me in like that harand.

Sometimes when we take our tinfoil hats off for a minute we see truths..

Even in mad men's rantings. ;D

There will be more, just trying to improve some of my writing. And what there is no better way to do that than actually ...writing .
You will play a great role in the coming parts. :)

very enjoyable writing. upvoted :D

Thank you, stay tuned for the next part :)

ok ..... from now I'm your follower :)