The Search for Snow (Part 1 of 9)

in fiction •  7 years ago  (edited)


About a month ago, I returned from my trip to South Korea. As with my trip to Singapore last year, I decided to write a sort of love letter to the land of the morning calm. Unlike with my Singapore series though, this one is more experimental and involves a lot more mixed media. After all, I'm only adapting these to the places I visit. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to finish all of them, that's why I won't be posting them sequentially. This is part one of a nine-part epic.

It went unanswered, and the other brother continually stormed off, heading towards his respective fork. The brother angrily stomped inside the elevator, took out his keys and entered his room. He kicked off his boots and dove on his bed, his body sinking in the cushion.

"Quit acting like a child and let's talk this out!"

"Screw you!"

"Hey," one of them called out. "Slow down, will you?"

Enraged, one brother got up and walked out. The other finished his drink and slowly gave chase.

"Those minutes don't matter, quit fooling yourself."

"I'm still older than you."

"Actually, it kind of does."

"What? Just because you live in a fancy apartment and rub elbows with other fancy folk? That doesn't make you better than me."

"Look," the other reprimanded. "Don't let your pride get in the way."

"I don't need your pity," the other rejected, with a biting, sour tone. "Take that money and wipe your ass with it."

"Let me spot you some cash," one of the brothers proffered. "I would love to help you get back on your feet."

They caught each other up on what the other missed in their lives. It was impossible to tell whether they were telling truths, half-truths or flat out lies. As they spent more time with one another, it became apparent that an uneasy tension was building up between them. The buffer that longingness provided slowly faded.

The brothers shared a hearty laugh and clasped hands. One brother invited the other for a drink, and the other accepted the offer. It had been years, decades even, since the pair had crossed paths. Whatever animosity between them suddenly vanished. Perhaps it was the time apart or perhaps they were both playing a larger game.

"We both aren't."

"And you were never good with compliments."

"You were never good with insults."

The pair came closer to one another with each line exchanged.

"It was a compliment, I assure you. I never meant it as an insult."

"Don't you dare mock me."

"I see you're doing well," the other replied.

The other refused to reply, but also refused to move. Their gaze were now transfixed on each other, scanning the other from head to toe.

"Brother," one of the two greeted, after a few minutes of awkward silence.

One day, the pair came across each other at the point where two forked roads met. One thought it was fate, and the other thought it was dumb luck. Both of them agreed, however, that fate was dumb. They refused to meet each other's gaze, but their feet were frozen in place. It was a busy time, and the streets were filled with people and cars. So, the two of them became distinct against the fast-moving environment.

Unbeknownst to both of them, after years of no communication, they ended up living in the same city once again. The brothers lived on opposite ends, much like how their lives ended up becoming. One brother came into some fortune, and have since used that momentum to increase his wealth. He lived on the posh side, where the upper class resided. All the while, the other brother lived in relative squalor.

They would have a tough time achieving that goal separately. Both of them knew that, only one of them cared. Together, they would be unstoppable. But, again, only one of them cared to admit it.

The differences between the two couldn't be more stark. One brother longed for them to reunite, while the other wished his brother never existed. The way they tackled situations couldn't be farther from each other as well. However, both of them were working towards a common goal. A sort of manifest destiny that their mother had ingrained on them while they were young.

The other brother was the opposite, caring greatly about his image. He became well-liked, and he got along with many people. There were days when he was completely exhausted with putting up a facade, but the benefits outweighed the negatives, so he carried on. The goodwill he developed translated to a number of profitable connections, and he took advantage of every single one he was afforded.

One brother became notorious for getting his own way, and his stern demeanor gave him a rather unpleasant reputation. He couldn't care less though, and he went on with his days not caring about what other people thought. The carefree lifestyle had led to many enemies, so he learned to be guarded and untrusting.

It went on like this for quite some time. Peaceful resolutions were achieved without any apologies, and hostilities were only prevented by an unspoken compromise. Eventually, the pair let their animosity consume them, and over time, they drifted apart.

Unfortunately, their mother wasn't around anymore. Nobody else had the patience to stop the two from bickering. Truth be told, nobody cared.

"Boys, boys," their mother would interrupt, separating the brothers before they come to blows. "Stop arguing, you two!"

"Minutes that matter!"

"Only by a few minutes!"

"I am older than you," reasserted the boy, puffing his chest. "That's what gives me the right."

"Who are you to tell me how to do things?" his brother asked. "You're not the boss of me."

"No!" shouted the boy, knocking his brother out of the way. "That isn't how it should go."

As you might have already figured out, this was meant to be read in reverse. Go on and give it another go, this time starting from the bottom. Confused yet? This was meant to play with the identities and keep you guessing who's who. I avoided using the distinction of richer or older to add in more confusion. I assure you, everything was carefully planned. Sincerely though, I do hope that you still enjoyed reading.

한국, 정말 고마워요!

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  • from Clean STEEM activity supporter

Hmm.. thanks!

I read a few paragraphs and then I was like, Hang on, something's not right … well played, sir, and a very interesting story once I figured out it was backwards. Actually it was kind of interesting both ways 🙂

Haha! Thanks! I'm glad it was able to pique your interest both ways. I feel like stories only ever capture people when read from top to bottom, that's why I was so sad for the bottom-up approach. Here's my attempt at evening the scales! Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment :D

I thought that the beers that I took early did not make me analyze well, until I read "read it backwards" hahahaha I think I will need many beers to write something as thorough as your writing, you have talent!

Thank you for the compliment! :D I felt very experimental, so I'm definitely glad that it was received well!

WOW Jed, that was really amazing, even reading it backwards it made a poetic kind of sense. And this line One thought it was fate, and the other thought it was dumb luck. Both of them agreed, however, that fate was dumb. Awesome!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That was the intention! :D I'm so happy that it translated well! I had structured it to be read both forwards and backwards, with the tongue-in-cheek dialogue "No! That isn't how it should go" as a sign that something was amiss.

This story was actually inspired by a tale of two brothers that fought on different sides in the Korean War, which is sort of an allegory to the divide between North Korea and South Korea. But, when I tried searching for the movie to show you, I came across the story of Hungbu and Nolbu, which coincidentally is about two brothers as well! I guess the divide between two factions run deep in Korean history. What a coincidence!! I really didn't intend to write something similar.

Coming from a writer whose work I admire so much, that really means a ton, sis! :D

That was my favourite line as well!

You did get me with that one, there was the odd bit that I thought was a little odd but carried on reading, the I got to the bottom and was like ahhhh so re-read it! Smashing stuff!!

Ha! :D That line "No! That isn't how it should go." at the end was my fourth wall breaking line to readers haha! Should I give your mind some cab fare for the ride home? I really feel I should. I mean, I would tell it to spend the night, but I have to get up early tomorrow so...

I guess I took the opportunity to make a statement that there is no one way to read something, and there are always many sides to conflict. Even though certains sides seem like they're wrong, there's a story behind it and we shouldn't simply dismiss it. High praise coming from the Boomster! You already know how much your words mean, and no matter how red the cryptos get, your word still continues to Saturn!

You know you are so right that there is no one way to read something this is something that myself and friends would argue over in the past.

I really believe that even the author of a life cannot may claim to the how something is read. I've saw a thing on goodreads once in which an author was arguing the this about what the story actually meant. Which was way different from what was implied in the writing. However the way that most readers took it was way different from both what the author meant and what was implied in the text which was quite funny because the author was getting in quite the lather.

Anyway yes, it was a gifted piece and must have taken a while. I read in other comments that it was a commentary on the North south thing, I am glad I read that because I was so busy with the story and the bank to front nature of it that I kinda missed that. Most likely cos I can be a doofus.

Aaah, isn't life good!

I got you, broseph. Your friends who says otherwise are wrong. There's no one way to read something, but there's just one correct response to that argument. It's so ironic.

Oh man, I totally agree. Great stories take on a life of its own, no matter what the creator tries to dictate. The author should've just rolled with it if the interpretation of the majority was way more awesome than what he intended haha! I feel like whenever we write stories, we could be biased to our initial intent. But, readers would have varying interpretations based on their own experiences. I'm sure a seasoned storyteller like you would agree.

I had just replied to ze weemer that's why I opted for a different side of the explanation for you. As you can see, when taken together, my response to you and @dreemit make up the full explanation behind this piece. Yes, now I'm even experimenting with comments. It has indeed come to that.

Life is good. But, do you know what's better?

I know whats better than life!! I do!! Ermm, the thing. That thing that is waaay better than life. Oh man, I cant get enough of that thing. Goddang it. Love it. Love the thing. .

What was the thing again? ;O)

I am off to check weemys comment now. ITs like if my commenting reading eyes had feet they would get sore from the workout you are giving them, hehe

Sandwiches. God, I love me some sandwiches!

I am a licensed commentortionist, so it's all part of the job ;) What did I tell you about the soreness? Put some ice on them in the first 24 hours. If they continue to bulge, that's when you can pour hot soup.

This is wonderful work! I figured it out about half way through, and headed for the bottom, to have my suspicions confirmed. Looking forward to the next installment.

Thanks, Deb! Tsk! I knew I couldn't pull one on you! The true first line (aka the last line) was a tongue-in-cheek statement to readers that it's not how this story should be read. This story was inspired by the conflict between North Korea and South Korea, but as I was replying to @dreemit, I came across an ancient Joseon (old Korean dynasty) folktale that involves.... two brothers!! With one wealthier than the other. What a coincidence, huh? It seems stories like these run deep in Korean history.

This is fucking brilliant! It's pure art!! Please do continue. I can't wait!!!

Thank you, thank you!! I like the enthusiasm, and I appreciate you stopping by to read and comment. The compliments are cherished and I hope the other installments don't disappoint :D

That was awesome. I ended up reading it in both directions twice.

Thanks, man! Even when you're on a trip you took the time to read this multiple times, so I definitely appreciate that :D

Holy cow, respect pare! I can't imagine how difficult/time-consuming this must have been to craft something that makes sense when read both straightforward & backwards....VERY very impressive!!! Where do you find all your inspiration from, and do these two bickering brothers represent anyone close to you in your real life?

Thanks, kapatid! I must admit, it was pretty difficult. I had wanted to post this during January, but it really took time to complete. I haven't even started most of the other parts! It's a shame only 45 people viewed this post, in which only 34 voted. Can't complain though. I appreciate all the high praise, man!

For this one, this was inspired by the conflict between North Korea and South Korea. The bickering brothers represent those countries, and not anyone in my own life.

Ah wow, the two Koreas angle makes it even more fascinating! Gonna read through it again with this in mind.

The context does give a whole different meaning, doesn't it? Who's the North and who's the South? Does it even matter? Will you be able to keep the identities in check? Haha! So many questions!

You had me for a bit there. I felt like I wasn't quite following it, like I was missing something. The story was there, I could see the bones of it. Then when I read the end note it fell into place. Needless to say I think the idea brilliant.

It would have taken some time to get it to work enough reading forward, but have it be complete in reverse.

Since I couldn't hang with the big boys or the cool crowd in fiction, might as well go crazy with the experiments :D "No! That isn't how it should go" was meant to signal to the reader that something was amiss. The whole reverse thing is sort of a commentary about looking at things with different perspectives. While we can dismiss that something is wrong because it goes against the norm, doesn't mean that it doesn't have a reason for being that way. I hope that translated well in the piece.

This story was inspired by the conflict between North Korea and South Korea. As to who of the brothers they were, I'll leave it for the readers to decide. I'm glad you liked the idea, mate! Nice to see you back after you took a few days away :D

I'm still waiting for my invite to the big boys or cool crowd brigade. Maybe it got lost in the mail? Anyway, I like your handling of the situation - go unique, be different. It really was out there in its approach. And I mean that as a compliment. The more I thought through what you had achieved, the more I realised the difficulty of getting something like that to work. To have people read past the initial not quite right feeling before either getting it, or like me having it explained to them. And then the aha moment!

The North and South thing is great. The squabbling brothers idea works, especially for that situation.

Thanks, mate! You're just piling on the compliments, aren't you? I appreciate the analysis, and I fully agree with it haha!

Didn't you send an application not too long ago? Haven't heard back?

That application was for a medium sized club :) - and one thing I have noticed with some of them is that just because you're invited in doesn't mean you actually are in, if you know what I mean. Favouritism exists everywhere. Still I persist, because well, that's what I do.

Haha I totally get you. That's why I feel most groups are quite useless for me. Even if I'm a member on paper, I don't ever feel like a member for real. Persist we shall. This is, after all, a year of resilience!

From the start I set out with an agenda of my own. Still trying to apply it. But with all things, especially crypto related, things change quickly - so I'll adjust as need be. But ultimately it is about getting noticed. Writer's need audiences. I'm sure you understand.

For sure! That's what I've been struggling with the most. With many new writers coming in every day, it's getting harder and harder to get noticed.

I was getting so confused til i got to the bit where they greeted each other and thought okay let's try reversing and suddenly that made more sense. Okay well fine then! XD And jumping to the bottom confirmed my suspicions. Are you going all Pulp Fiction on us then? :)

I love the bit where they both agreed fate was dumb. Fate's gonna get 'em for that I reckon.


Ha! I should've known I couldn't fool you, mate! The whole reversal thing is a commentary about things not being as cut and dry as it seems, and that there are more ways than one way to look at situations. Even though we could dismiss that one thing (or one side) is wrong right away, it doesn't mean that it doesn't have its own side. This was inspired by the conflict between North Korea and South Korea, but when I was replying to @dreemit I found out that there's an ancient Joseon (old Korean dynasty) folktale that involves.... two brothers!! With one wealthier than the other. Crazy coincidence, huh? For all my intentional experiments here, I did not intend for that. I guess conflict between "brothers" is ingrained in Korean culture.

Yes, I'm going all Pulp Fiction on everyone hahaha! Will Fate get 'em? We'll see. Better them than us, right?

Thisone wasn't too bad, I sense I'm going to get stuffed by the next one or perhaps one of the other future ones though XD

That is pretty coincidental :D Though not terribly surprising, it seems to be a fairly common trope. The real question is, did you subconsciously tap into the collective Korean subconscious to somehow independently come up with a modern version of the same story without knowing of the existence of the ancient folktale? That would be trippy XD

Probably better them than us yes, if this thing goes the way of Pulp Fiction XD


I don't want to give anything away, but this isn't like the collection I made for Singapore. I wouldn't want to be predictable now, do I? Do I!?

I do agree with you that I may have inadvertently tapped into their collective consciousness. I feel like my daily intake of kimchi helped. I have even started speaking common phrases without any guide when I was there!

I don't know about you, but I feel like being on the standing side of a trunk shot if this does go Tarantino.

I must admit I like the story more from bottom up.

Heh. That was the intended way to read it ;)

I am looking forward to the 8 either pieces of the snow story - by luck I just posted about snow too :-)

I'm pretty sure it's not going to be what you think, but I hope it doesn't disappoint! Heading there after I go through the replies here :D

Nice story.. Actually it is story of many other families.. I saw many families where brothers have thinking like this.. One us kind and other is harsh

What I wanted to portray here is that it's not so cut and dry, that everyone is living in the gray area with no apparent black or white. I do appreciate you taking the time to read and comment though :D

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