Invaders (The Chosen, Act 2, Part 3)

in fiction •  6 years ago 

By bliksemsteen on

Act 1:
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part7

Act 2:
Part 1, Part 2

September 17th, 2171

The strangers came out of nowhere. Like ghosts, the ships appeared in the morning and landed in the area usually designated for the vessels of the society. How had the alarm systems failed? Who were these people? Or aliens? Not even that was sure at the point Joel was called in on the emergency conference, as the passengers hadn’t bothered to leave their three ships, or at least establish contact via an audio transmission.

Guards had been positioned around the medium-sized vehicles, which were expected to carry a maximum of twenty people each. If they weren’t stacked upon each other, that was. The guard surrounding them thus consisted of almost every healthy adult that was able to fight.

”And nobody saw them coming?” The head of the council, Jeremiah, asked, disbelief written all over his face. ”How? We have everything secured! We take care to obtain the latest surveillance technology before it is even sold mainstream! How could this happen?”

”We don’t know”, one of the scouts, who had been assigned when the ships had breached the safe zone, replied. ”They were just … there. No heat readings, not even air vibrations! It’s like they materialized in our airspace.”

”Alien technology?”

”Maybe”, the scout said. ”Then again, the ships look human. The way they’re built doesn’t fit the visuals we’re used from the aliens. They’re less … translucent.”

Joe knew what he meant. The aliens, while otherwise not very focused on aesthetics, appeared to take great pride in the creation of their ships, which tended to look like they’d been crafted out of insect wings: Shimmering, translucent. But in contrast to insect wings, it was not possible to see through them. They only appeared like it. The ships that had landed at the south pole were obviously made out of some kind of metal. @suesa

”No aliens then”, Jeremiah rubbed the root of his nose and grimaced, as if in pain. ”Or humans working with aliens?”

”Hybrids?” Someone in the room suggested, and Joel felt suddenly cold. If the ship was indeed full of hybrids, they might be coming for Lily. But how did they find out where she was? Did Mia contact them?

”We’re still not getting any readings from the inside? No attempt to contact us? Nothing?” A councilwoman asked. One of the present technicians shook their head. ”Then what are we supposed to do? Wait it out?”

”I don’t see another option”, Jeremiah said. ”Wait for them to do something, and then …”

The door was thrown open, and one of the assigned guards stumbled into the room, panting. Joel couldn’t help himself but admire the dramatic effect of the man’s entry. He had brought complete silence, and all eyes were locked on him.

”One of them left their ship”, the guard wheezed. ”He wants to speak with someone in charge.”

”Alien? Human? Hybrid?” Jeremiah wanted to know.

”Human. A woman.” Relieved sighs, skeptical looks, and hurried whispers followed this revelation. It didn’t make sense, but most attendees were just glad it wasn’t hybrids or aliens. With humans, they could deal. Humans were willing to discuss.

Humans were human.

”Any other information?”

”I’m sorry, head of council. But she refused to share any information with me, or the other guards. She only wants to speak to a superior,”

”It could be a trap”, the councilwoman who had spoken earlier, Giselle, said. Joel had some trouble remembering her name, she had been appointed to this position only a month ago.

”Of course it could be a trap”, Jeremiah replied, annoyance in his voice. ”That’s why I’ll be inside a protection force field when meeting her.” The decision to use a protection force field surprised Joel. These things consumed enough energy to run the whole base at the south pole for 3 months, in just 10 minutes. Usually, they were avoided at all costs. The head of council was clearly worried.

Jeremiah gave instructions to prepare for the encounter, and everyone hurried away to complete their assigned tasks. Only Joel was left out.

”Excuse me”, he tried to catch Jeremiah’s attention. ”But what is my task?” His question was met with confusion.

”You’re going to protect the chosen one, of course. We can’t risk her getting in touch with these strangers.”

Of course. He would have to babysit Lily, as he always did. Joel knew that there weren’t many people deemed qualified to take care of the child, but sometimes he wished for something else to do. He had never wanted children, and the only real qualification he had was that he knew her parents. Any of the parents in the society would have been more qualified for this task. But with him being the one who had found her …

”Is something wrong?” Jeremiah asked, raising one eyebrow.

”No, no, of course not”, Joel quickly said and left the room, then the building. The snow crunched beneath his shoes, as he walked towards the residential buildings. Upon entering Lily’s room, he was greeted with a tennis ball flying at his face, which he barely caught.

*”Lily!” He called out. Giggles was all he got as a reply. Joel took a deep breath. Teaching a five-year-old child telekinesis might not have been the brightest idea anybody had ever had. Then again, it was more harmless than telepathy, or reading thoughts. At least she stuck with the tennis balls they had used for practice, only months before. It was almost unsettling how fast she learned, throwing the ball with nothing but her mind seemed to be as easy for her as using her hand.

”What’s going on?” Lily asked. ”Everyone is running around like scared penguins. Finja told me to stay in my room, but it’s super boring! I want to play with the others!”

”The others can’t leave their rooms either”, Joel pointed out.

”But then we should all play in one room together! Being alone isn’t fun.” Lily pouted.

”That’s why I’m here”, Joel said. ”I’ll play with you.” Immediately, the child’s face lit up, and she started showing Joel the latest game she had come up with. Joel only listened with one ear, while he was wondering what was happening outside.

Who were these strangers? Why were they here? How had they been able to avoid detection?

If he could only be there and see what happens …

Signature by @atopy

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This story becomes more tense every time, I hope these visitors come in peace and do not risk the chosen one.

The woman is @suesa and coming to kick ass of everyone due to them kidnapping children and being booger-heads.

Oh no you found out the plot twist!

Indeed I found it.

Or should I say... tit plwost!

@suesa I was very interested in the fiction that was delivered, so I also learned to write about fiction that became a guide to everyday life.
about a mother who raised her child. and attention to mother.

Strangers from Mars? I hope not.

This story only gets more and more interesting. But the suspense is killing me.