The Cure for Cancer

in fiction •  7 years ago 


”Did you know that the cure for cancer was discovered very recently, but the pharma industry is keeping it from us to make more money?”

”Which cancer?”

”What do you mean ‘which cancer’, it’s the cure for cancer!”

”There is no absolute cure for all cancers. Every cancer is different, that’s why it’s so hard to find cures in the first place.”

”No, you don’t understand. It is the cure for cancer! They were just hiding it from us!”

”Again, there can’t be a single cure for every cancer imaginable. Even if you’d say it’s the cure for all carcinomas or all sarcomas, it’d be more than unlikely. The causes of those cancers are just too different.”

”What are you talking about? Cancer is cancer.”

”No. A carcinoma is a cancer that develops from epithelial cells, a sarcoma cancer that develops from fat, connective tissue or muscle. That alone is already a big difference. And even if you compare breast cancer and prostate cancer, which are both adenosarcomas, the difference is huge! Breast cancer alone has several sub-types that different kinds of treatment.”

”You are wrong. My aunt’s best friend’s uncle’s cousin had bone cancer and this new cure healed him completely in just a month. He didn’t even need chemotherapy and it cost him only 200 bucks!”

”So you’re telling me the cure is actually available?”

”No, he got it from a friend who works in one of those labs. A true whistle blower.”

”Ok, let’s just for the sake of this argument assume that is true. Which kind of bone cancer did this… cousin have?”

”What do you mean with that, it was bone cancer.”

”Leukemia, although that is usually considered blood cancer? Cancer from a different part of the body, like the lung, that spread to the bones? Or one of the many kinds of primary bone cancer that actually starts in the bone?”

”You don’t believe me, I see that you’re brainwashed by all the big pharma propaganda. You don’t want to believe the truth! They report frequently that they found a substance that can kill cancer, but you never see it applied in medicine!”

”Yes, that’s why all patients with cancer go untreated and die…”


”That was sarcasm. Look, just because a certain substance can kill cancer in a petri dish doesn’t mean that works in the human body too. A gun can kill cancer in a petri dish but that doesn’t mean that we can just start shooting at people in the hope to cure them.”

”People with cancer are not being cured, they are being poisoned with all that chemotherapy and radiation.”

”That’s the thing about cancer cells. They are your own body acting up against you. If you want to kill them, you’re always very close to killing yourself. It’s a dangerous balance.”

”That’s bullshit. I know several people who just stopped eating sugar and their cancer went away. Cancer cells feed on sugar.”

”And what do your other cells feed on, stupidity?”

”It’s impossible to have a civil discussion with you, you’re too brainwashed to accept the truth! The cure is out there while we’re being poisoned by greedy scientists. I’m not talking to you anymore!”

”I … Yes. Maybe that’d be better.”

Disclaimer: The price for certain medication and treatments, especially in the USA, is outrageous. I’m not denying that the pharma industry is making way more profit than is appropriate. But that doesn’t mean the medication and treatments are useless.


Types of Breast Cancer

Types of prostate cancer

Types of bone tumors

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"A gun can kill cancer in a petri dish" i love this really much XDDDD
Cancer research is always a hot competitive field and seems immunotherapy is rapidly growing now.
Sadly, nowadays, chemistry research shift heavily to these applicational one and get less attention on the fundamental.

”That’s bullshit. I know several people who just stopped eating sugar and their cancer went away. Cancer cells feed on sugar.”

”And what do your other cells feed on, stupidity?”

ha ha ha ... i think he was talking about processed sugar (yak!) but sugars in organic fruits are fine because they come with all the minerals and vitamins that regulates blood sugar spikes and overall body proper functions...while processed sugar is just glucose any excess goes to feeding unwanted organism like cancer cells or just disorder your metabolism into what is diabetes...

Yeah. But the issue is not whether or not processed sugar is bad, but this idea that you can cure yourself of cancer by simply changing your diet...

It's a part of this hype that if only you ate enough organic food, and did enough yoga, then you would be forever young and healthy, have clean skin, be full of energy, and your children would suddenly like eating broccoli.

it is because the last part of your comment that the problem exists ! "your kids never liked broccoli because they tried nutella first, they were offered everything without order because of daily corporation tv bombardments and "dad i want this and dad i want that" and dad feels sorry and try to fill them with garbage since early age. cancer starts right there with "dad i want that"...statistically cancer victims are very young kids that are tender and vulnerable to "everything" or old and self abused adults...meanwhile a fisherman in the phillipines is living at 100 and pass year maintains same body weight of when he was 20 years old and smokes a cigarette just for a bluff

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Are you a professional nutritionist with many years of scientific study evaluating the pathology of disease and cancer? Of course what we put into our bodies can prevent and treat cancer. Just as how interaction with chemicals and certain compounds can cause cancer, one can eat certain foods and ensure the right nutrients are available which govern cellular repair processes. While medical treatment has it's place in the treatment of cancer, so too does proper nutrition. Just because some of the proponents say crazy stuff about yoga and organic food doesn't mean they aren't sometimes right in their assessments. Even if it's beneficial for different reasons than they suspect. They don't have information and neither do you. Go learned yourself on polyamines , autophagy, and prostaglandins and then try to knock the importance of nutrition

No evidence has been shown to demonstrate that you can treat an already existing cancer by simply changing your diet. The burden of proof is completely on you to demonstrate that it does. Until then, I don't need to have any credentials to dismiss your claims. What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

PS: I'm not at all saying that what you eat is not of massive importance to your health. It is. But suggesting that you can treat cancer by stopping to eat sugar is an extraordinary claim, that requires extraordinary evidence.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I would never make such a claim as avoiding sugar cures cancer. I disagree though in that you can neither dismiss nor accept. To do otherwise is an injustice. One which is consistantly made. Give me a cancer patient and I would gladly treat them nutritionally to see if we can change your mind

Another awesome post as always, keep them coming.

Got a scientific topic which you want to see as a story? Leave me a comment!

By any chance do you have extensive knowledge of the effects of MDMA and the clouding of spinal fluid? That would certainly be an interesting topic, as far as i am aware we currently only know that it can cloud the spinal fluid, but no further knowledge is public.

Thank you in advance, :D

MDMA affects the 5htp-2a receptor which activates nad(p)h oxidase. I know little of the effects on clouding of spinal fluid though

Thank you but it is the effects on the fluid I'm interested in, I've broken my back after what I'm calling a misspent youth haha, it would be nice to know if I have any surprises in store for me. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Seems as though both infection and improper white blood cell function can be to blame. Seems without proper treatment that cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, and impotence could be in store, of course the underpinnings of dementia, depression and anxiety as well. Not to be attributed entirely to mdma usage though

Seems I was saddled with 80 -90% of those ailments, just awaiting the onset of dementia for the full set :/ not sure this is a good thing though :/

speaks to my reputability in diagnosing your underlying issues. Go eat some natto, you'll feel better.

Dare I ask what "natto" is?
Quick google search shows me thisō
I cant say that looks appetising or like anything I would entertain, I do eat quite healthy though, meat and 2 veg at least 4 times per week :)

Natto is a fermented soybean which contains nutrients you will need to regain health. I admit it is an aquired taste and likely hard to come by.

I'll have a look!

brilliant news, many thanks. :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You are talking about cancer, even if it's a story.
The image is like a piece of blood. But not a problem, because blood is also one of the effects of cancer. But a little I Added.
According to my knowledge, cancer has two categories, primary cancer and secondary cancer.
Which is said to be primary cancer is a cancer that develops directly from the bone itself. And what cancer is said to be secondary to cancer that is present from other bodies and its spread to the bones of the human body.
According to your discussion above, the latest drug that is not published.
In my opinion it is only natural and legitimate. Because of that we should be nurtured and should we consider, related to copyright.
Thank you for sharing, interesting post.
@suesa : With pleasure, I will wait for your next posting.

lol. Thank you. I read the title and just rolled my eyes. Then it gave me a laugh when I saw what you had written.

Glad that it wasn't as bad as you expected :P

All the yes. I have to be honest I'm a vegetarian spiritual hippie type, but I'm not deluded enough to think CBD oil and green juice is going to cure cancer! Nothing worse than an armchair expert who thinks they know better than people actually trained in scientific research.

I totally tolerate vegetarian spiritual hippies as long as they don't endanger others so thumbs up to you :P

I personally met the founder of that type of treatment and he had many personal experiences of curing people with both Cancer and other diseases I did not know were applicable to that type of treatment. I had only seen things online too, him included, but meeting him and hearing his stories, successes and struggles to get validated made me want to chime in here. At first I thought you were actually going to discuss ANY of the proposed treatments... Vitamin B17, orthomolecular therapy with Vitamin C, mistletoe extract injections or perhaps Paul Stamets work with trametes versicolour AKA turkey tail mushroom. All of these substances have studies that can be checked out at anyone's leisure, but reading the rants and ravings in the comments sections, no doubt, evokes the same skepticism as anything else we read online. I enjoy your stories @suesa, however this one lacked the balance of Science and fiction you are so dependably known for. Perhaps I missed it, but the story part was strong and the science part was somewhere to be found in the argument? just my 0.002 SBD, but I thought I would share those to see if those were the BS cures you might be sick of enduring. Keep Writing! We'll be reading :) cheers @ecoknowme

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Those are not the cures. The cure is fresh young coconut water from non-gmo coconut trees. Though I'm glad for the laetrile reference.

i pictured you saying that with an authentic soldier uniform and pointy weapon lol...i am not sure why


suspect a draft?

have you taken the time to look into the clinical research that has been done regarding the effects of cannabinoids on cancer? i suggest you might want to visit and do so before dismissing the possibility that CBD might help... although some research has shown that THC is more effective than CBD...

@suesa same question to you...

the combination therapy works best. I just did a post as to why this would be the case

interesting post... the cancer research i have seen points to combined thc and cbd (or whole plant extract) being the best bet as they have different beneficial effects, and as you point out, the cdb can negate some of the potential problems with thc...

Oh don't forget about the recent hit topics of cancer stem cells!!!
Within the cancer, there are stem cell like cancers cells that make chemotherapy hard to eradicate cancer!!

Pharms later will be: "we have discover a new drug that targets cancer stem cells, and it will charge 10X more"

mean while in antibiotics research pipeplines....

The cure for cancer is called Marijuana. Of course big pharma wouldn't want anyone to know that hence the whole marijuana gateway drug scare bs since the 70's. Big pharma do not care about cures only profits. They need patients to make money from not healthy happy people. It's a sad truth. There have been many cures found over the years and each and every one of them have been suppressed.

i want to be in cancun smoking a big cannon that blows me away in a big explosion ... xd

Lmao! 😆

Marijuana has been known to cure people, but it is not within reach of everybody who needs it. Apart from that, the quality, quantity and the frequency of the treatment all need to be careful monitored by somebody who's really knowledgeable about using it to treat illnesses.

Also, I'm not sure of the long term effects of consuming marijuana.

Thats actually my point @sandzat Marijuana is a natural plant known to heal and cure cancers yet its use is suppressed because of big pharma. As for long term effects I have many friends that have smoked for a very long time and are in excellent health, physically and mentally. Im an occasional smoker. I dont really like the feeling of smoking anything but im certainly interested in Marijuana Oil. One of my friends was an original grower back in the 80s in Mendocino, Cali. He has smoked his whole life since being a teen. He's now in his 50s and fit as a fiddle. Thats the evidence I have personally witnessed of long term effects.

sativas can mess with your mind. I just did a post on this

How cruel what is their purpose of hiding the cure? That is so inhumane!

They don't. This is a fictional recreation of a discussion I had and comments I saw on the internet.

Oh, to you this is fictional?, research has found the compounds in foods and herbs which cure multiple cancers and the biology has been in the scientific literature starting since around 1996. Pharma companies wouldn't be able to make cash on a natural substance unless they own a patent for its modification and they certainly wouldn't go out of their way to explain the science behind the natural remedies. Rather, they'd go out of their way to create products using taxpayer money which do not treat the underlying biology and therefor they can continue to sell hundreds of billions of dollars worth of marginally effective pharmaceuticals

A great deal of studies is done by universities too, which are not funded by pharma companies. Have the other researchers outside the "big pharma" studied these foods and herbs and where can we find the results? :)

big pharma
will slowly die from decreasingly
small kharma

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Universities are funded by pharma as is the NIH, good luck trying to avoid pharma's influence at the fda as well.

I'm getting a feeling you're looking at this only at US level?

Depending on what kind of supplement you are going to produce, you can always gather up some money and aim for subcontracting to produce supplements you are looking for, getting the price lowered than buying at regular consumer prices from retail.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Amanaplanacanalpanama, gohangasalamiimalasagnahog

So you have actually some kind of good idea for this? It'd be interesting business. Well what you need is work, work and work to make it work, unless you want to sell the idea to someone else for money/starting a new company with an investor who shares the profits but invests money.

The business is tough, hope your idea is actually as good as you think it is.

Did you just edit this comment of yours? :D

Talking about cancer, wow ,, very afraid.
I've heard some very dangerous bone cancers, until now there is no definite cure.
As the doctors say "chondrosarcoma", this cancer can attack humans on the thighs.
Then "Ewing's sarcoma", this cancer is also very dangerous, this cancer grows on the nerve tissue in the bone marrow. This cancer attacks many people who are younger age, a habit that I often find the age of 5 to 16 years.
There are many more cancers that I might not mention one by one. Of course the cancer is dangerous, and I'm really scared.
This post is interesting and useful for human health. thanks.
Are you a graduate of civility?

great post its too informative

good content and important topic. Pharma industry are evil concerns with only one target: MONEY
Just research for methadone, best example for hiding something wich is really useful when it comes to fight the cancer war. Methadone with the help of a chemotherapy is able to kill many cancer cells. Problem is, it is simply to cheap. The pharma industry wouldn't earn much of it, so they decided not to sell it. Because why selling something that earns 100$ per month if there are other medicines which can earn 25000$ per month and cancer patient.

Anyway, good article. Will resteem this :)
Have a great day!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Well a quick googling showed that they are doing studies with methadone and as it is an old drug, it isn't even protected by patents and it is being sold. You can even start your own company and sell methadone if you feel like it.

They are actually producing literally tons of methadone annually.

"Therefore, the first experiences with the treatment are not considered scientific proof of the supportive effect of methadone in chemotherapy yet - according to the rules of drug licensing."

Sure it is being sold, as it is a replacement therapie for heroin addiction. The fact, that it is useful in the fight against cancer, was researched about 10 years ago from the fraunhofer institute in germany. The pharma industry just held it back because it was to cheap. Methadone helps the chemo radiation to irrupt more deeply into the cancer cells and destroys them therefore more easy.
There are many cases in which methadon made the unbelivable real and cured the cancer completely.

Are you aware that you are acting very similarly to the individual caricatured in this steemit article?
Methadone does not help to destroy cancer in conjunction with standard therapy. Methadone might help to kill off glioma or glioblastoma cancer (brain tumor) cells in conjunction with standard therapy. And patients don't get exactly cured. They might live longer which is of course a very good argument for using this cheap drug and make the pharma companies cut their profits.
Saying Methadone is not the one-for-all cure of cancer ;-)

my god! help us all!!!

Thanks for Share. upvotes & like your post!

Extremely powerful are the pharmaceutical companies far to powerful you would never know the truth, cheers mike

The comments are a reading and comprehension test.

Yeah not my strongest subject, cheers mike

It's an experience jimi hendrix experience..big pharma will die of small karma..

I strongly agree with the very strong @mikenevitt comment is a much stronger pharmaceutical company so you will never know the truth, in my area of ​​residence, medicine is very difficult to get, the poor are forbidden to be sick.

Call me paranoid but is world domination what they are after or just all our money? Kind of the same thing at the end of the day , cheers mike

the poor old wise man in africa lives to be 100 easily because he doesnt eat "candies" lol

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

and he eats natural foods and herbs rich in nutrients

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

natural is the way...ever since I cut sugar I feel like my body is thanking me :P processed food kills...let's not even talk about gmo...that will follow you thru hell too lol... Good Lord God Almighty

Glad it helped :), though you may have noticed similar benefits to correcting your sulfate status without cutting sugar. As to gmo, while it's possible to introduce dangerous proteins into our foods which could alter our genetics, the only dangers I see with gmo foods is that they are sprayed with dangerous pesticides. To yell at all gmo's is to prevent positive ones like golden rice

So far we know that cancer can only be treated with chemotherapy therapy, but this perception should be thrown away because there is actually a natural remedy to kill cancer cancer cells whose strength a thousand times more powerful than chemotherapy therapy.
We do not need to panic to look for cancer drugs, because natural remedies to kill the cancer around us is soursop fruit.
But since one company in the world keeps this discovery a secret, they may want to spend a lot of research dollars over the years.
The benefits of fruit leaves and soursopes can give anti-tumor and cancer effects are very strong and is medically proven to kill various types of cancer cells in the body.

Where can we find these studies which prove it can kill various types of cancer cells in the body? :)

Recently read a news about genetic therapy for cancer - as of now for a particular type of cancer and not each and every kind.
You send your tissue samples to this particular pharma company , they will create a genetically modified medicine (may be not a correct word) that is custom made for you.
Not sure about the cost involved and general applicability of it but USFDA approved the treatment recently.

Regarding breast cancer, I've watched some videos on youtube cause of the cancer. In the video a man cuts a bra or a twin shirt that has a mountain shape that his wife recently bought with a knife. The man found a foreign object already in the dressing in it. Left and right. Bra is made by outsiders who deliberately want to damage the health of people. True or not about the video I see this I do not know.

I'd recommend you do your own research. You can buy a bunch of bras and shirts and try cutting them open to find any foreign objects.

If you make a post of it on Steemit, I would love to come and see it, so give me a heads up if you will do this :) Best of luck for you!

I will try to prove it.. Haha

I wouldn't recommend using YouTube as your primary source for information on cancer.

Indeed I am not too familiar with the causes of this deadly disease.

low oxygen at molecular level for more than 48 hrs

in the absense of spermidine.


Look up #RickSimpson thank me later...

So where is the cure

There isn't one for every cancer, but we have several for a number of cancers. Still room for improvement though.

To eliminate cancer from the body one must detoxify. We need to repair our organs of elimination, restore the adrenal and kidney function, and begin filtering the stagnant acidic lymph fluid. An grape and lemon fast often times will remove cancer. Use botanicals to heal tissues and raise improve utilization. Much love!

Perhaps the lemon fast though I'm doubtful of the grape. Lemon acidity= bicarbonate production===bodily repair processes

I wouldn't be brother. Use Dr. Robert Morse as a reference. He heals many with grape fasts. Grapes are nature's best, too powerful depending on how acidic you are too begin with. Good luck

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The medication and the treatments are not useless @suesa. They are there because of several thousands of hours of research, experimentation and even self sacrifice (Check out who discovered radiation therapy and what happened to him. Or you can watch Siddhartha Mukherjee's Pulitzer prize winning 6 hour documentary: Cancer: The emperor of all maladies.)

But nowadays, pharma companies and oncologists are misusing these to quite a great extent. And I speak from personal experience.

I start getting the feeling that almost none of the people who commented actually read/understood the post.

You're not far off :)

Hmm. Why would you think that? Maybe I didn't get this across clearly, but I was only agreeing with what you said in the Disclaimer.

Oh I double misread and misthought.. sorry @sandzat :)

Can someone have autoimmune disease and cancer at the same time???
If yes , can't we take some help or develop a clue from that autoimmune disease to kill cancer cells??
Can you write the next post something relating to these two things??

Of course you were trying to help @apsu. I appreciate that. :) following you...let's go...

Ah, it sounded like you misread my disclaimer and thought I said that I think the established treatments don't work.
My apologies, it's really hard to differentiate between dumb and good comments sometimes.

No problem. Perhaps, I did sound confusing. My comment is better rephrased this way:

These days, pharma companies and oncologists are often found misusing the traditional methods available and questionably overtreating patients to a great extent.

However, the medication and the treatments are definitely not useless, as you so rightly pointed out in your Disclaimer @suesa. They are in existence only because of countless hours of research, experimentation and even self sacrifice (One only needs to check what ultimately happened of the Doctor who discovered radiation therapy and successfully treated thousands of patients and gave them fresh leases on life. This is covered in Siddhartha Mukherjee's Pulitzer prize winning 6 hour documentary: Cancer: The emperor of all maladies.)

where can i watch this doc.? hmm radiation therapy?? big pharma will die by low karma

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Google it. Or find it on Youtube.

Meanwhile, I found this Ted Talk by the same author on the future of cancer treatment. Check it out:

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is one of the cases were you can say that competition its just obstructing the the final goal ( cure for different kind of cancers) , millions of dollars have been donated/dedicated to cancer research, still all the research result and discoveries are kept private for each of the companies on the field, this lack of knowledge transfer just cause that all new researchers have to reinvent the wheel on their on to get results that may have been obtained years ago by other researcher, the thing is there is none ( or almost none) intention of true collaboration here because its a money race.

Hey @suesa , would love to offer to come onto my podcast sometime.

It is all about entrepreneurs; what you are doing, believe in and what difference you are making in the world.

Here is the playlist:

It is audio only over skype. Does this sound of interest to you?

Sounds interesting, yes. You can contact me over or discord (username is suesa on both) if you want to talk about it in detail.

Do you have skype?

The interview is rather straight forward: it is all about you and what you are doing.
I am not sure how Discord works, bu name on there is Nantchev7312

You could just pick a date and time now:

Nutrition holds the key!
We constantly expose ourselves to RF waves, EMF, Toxins, moulds, pesticides and god only knows what other nasties we havent discovered yet! Depending on the actual type of Cancer, this is probably killed off by our own bodies.
We have all had one cancer in some shape or form during our lives, wich have been destroyed by our bodies....

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

One of the herbal remedies that can cure cancer is mengkudu(Morinda citrifolia), how to use it is to boil the fruit and then drink its water.