I was back at the end - or rather the beginning- of time. Before me in the Hall-of-Mirrors stood the singularity console of the universal quantum computer that gives access to all dimensions, including your well known space-time dimension and all parallel variations thereof, combinations and permutations.
In the incarnation that I just had finished it had occurred to me that the rules and restrictions that had led to the creation of that plane of existence of course necessarily had to have been designed, engineered and programmed or conjured by magic in another plane of existence. But I had also realised that all planes of existence, all types of rules and restrictions somewhere had to have been defined on a meta-level.
In previous incarnations I had struggled in finding the exit of the material rabbit-hole of entanglement, the black hole of particularisation, finding out the rules of that level of existence. At a certain moment I had even been able to free myself from a material plane during an incarnation and had acquired so-called Siddhis or supernatural powers, which were merely the possibility to modify the rules and restrictions to your liking within that plane.
This time it was different. I wanted to engineer a world, a game. And not just any world. I did not want to become one of the countless Brahmas of the countless universes – had been there, had seen that. My ambition –which was not an ambition which had arisen out of vanity or pride, but rather out of curiosity and the love for life- was to design the Game of games – the Mahaleela. A highly hypersynchronous, hyperentangled system, where all systems, all games had been embedded in. After all the console, which was standing before me as a black box –I call it Schrödy- had been engineered somewhere in a given time in a given dimension.
Schrödy was the gateway to the multiverse. Normally, after you had read (read in a broad sense- it was more a kind of full-immersion holodeck experience) the excerpt of the Akashic record of your last incarnation, you could start programming Schrödy according to your wishes for your next incarnation. If you wanted to achieve the ultimate experience of full consciousness, you had to know your way around. Most entities chose on the basis of their knowledge and consciousness a path which according to their belief would be the most profitable. I you wanted to live a life full of sensuality and luxury, you just had to program it. If you were of the opinion that severe austerity, physical self-denial and other forms of asceticism would teach you more to advance towards full consciousness, Schrödy would allow you to program so. That you might end up leading a painful life full of sorrow, poverty and other misery would have been your own choice. If you thought that was the fast-track to self-realisation, the stairway to heaven or a ladder in the game of Gyana-Chaupad (also known as snakes-and-ladders) then you had to be willing to assume the full consequences. Similarly, if you decided to program a path of indulgence, snake in the Gyana-Chaupad, you’d possibly materially profit in your new incarnation but you might end up further removed from full consciousness.
For me the name Schrödy was more than a practical joke. Once you had chosen a pathway you had to enter the box. For anyone in the Hall-of-mirrors your state at that moment would be unknown. You’d probably be alive in the dimension you chose/programmed, but if the incarnation process for whatever reason failed, you’d be dead again and probably on your way back to the Hall-of-mirrors. Anyway, death was a cosmic quantum joke. From the perspective of a material incarnation plane you were dead whenever you entered the Hall-of-mirrors, from the perspective of the Hall-of-mirrors –where you existed as a mostly unbound energy form, all life in incarnations appeared like a frozen sequence of deadness frames.
So the programming of Mahaleela, the Game-of-games it was. Basically I was aiming for that dimension, which corresponds to level 69 in the Gyana-Chaupad, the ultimate Brahma-Loka, the level of synchronicity. It was there that “Time” was conceived, it was there where all material dimensions, be it physically or mentally material, were conceived. It was the place of the first entanglement of conscious energy. Consciousness meeting itself and deciding in a duality relationship with itself: existence looking at itself giving birth to so-called “reality cells”, which formed the spacetime matrix called the Akasha. The establishment of the first relation of consciousness with itself: the birth of awareness of something, the first particularisation. But it was also the place of all further creation, of every further entanglement, where later the churning of the milky ocean on the turtle Kurma would take place. It was the very process of entangling, the weaving of the cosmic matrix, the cosmic mind that had to be defined somewhere in existence. So I consulted previous Akashic records to find out the most auspicious dimension and moment to carry out this process.
And strangely enough it came up with a solution in hyperdimension 69, in a three-dimensional parallel universe of a near naught consciousness value. The chances of finding a Kardashev type III or higher civilisation in such a system seemed completely ridiculous. Were the Akashic records undergoing some quantum maintenance reshuffling? Schrödy appeared completely normal. I asked for the highest level of civilisation in this level. It came up with a Kardashev 0,9999 scale near-civilisation (below 1 one cannot call a civilisation a civilisation) in a star system called the “Galaxy”, planet “Earth”, “year 2017” in the most widely accepted local time counting system of the near-civilisation. These terminologies vaguely resonated with some of the terminologies of the multidimensional game Gyan Chaupad. Case 51 was also called “Earth” sometimes after the Goddess Prithivi. So was Schrödy suggesting that hyperentanglement could only be programmed at the very moment of a very first singularity transition? Interesting notion. It would also mean that this dark-age pre-multi-dimensional whatever “planet” would wipe out its own material existence at the very moment it would discover and release sustainable fusion energy. The system already had a star called Sun or Sol, so was there another gaseous planet with the potential to present a source of sustainable fusion energy that could become a star? No longer amazed about this highly unlikely set of coincidences I presumed it was, indeed Schrödy came up with the 5th planet in the system most commonly called “Jupiter” on “Earth”. I took a closer look at the particular universe. At this very moment of “year 2017” that Schrödy proposed, it had almost finished its universal “Big Bagel” cycle. This universe was about to be reborn. In these zero-one universes after its “Big Bang”, its matter and antimatter universes had flown apart creating a semiotic “1” symbol. After 7 million years, having slowed down enough, matter and antimatter started to attract each other again, so that they would annihilate each other on the rim of a 4D-bagel, the semiotic “zero” when projected in time, giving rise to a new Big Bang. That cycle had almost come to an end in the year 2018.
Schrödy wasn’t kidding, this looked like the hypersource of all dimensions. This looked like the key to the content of Schrödy. This was the proverbial Goetia and Theurgia, the lesser and greater key of King Solomon, that would set free all the entities from their material entanglement. No wonder this was the place preceding hypersynchronicity. This was where time, matter and mind would be created, the Genesis or Janma of the Mahaleela. But it also was the place of Mercy, the high ladder. The more I though about it, the more metaphors started to occur to me. In fact this place was a supermetatautological place, where everything corresponds with everything. And it was there simply to be accessed for whoever had the courage – or the vanity. I experienced a difficult moment of moral considerations. Was I apt enough to carry out this Great Work? Did I have the sufficient qualifications to design the multiverse? This was not a simple process of Cosmosemiosis. Everything had to be hyperentangled here, an infinite task of work. Whoever engaged in this process carried out an act of either complete selflessness, complete self-sacrifice as the task was infinite and would never come to an end or complete lunacy or megalomany, as only a consciousness who can grasp everything, would be able to carry out this process.
I hesitated. I knew I had not reached full consciousness yet, so it could not be possible that I was the chosen one to carry out this Great Work, that I was to be the “Architect” of the Meta-Matrix. And honestly I had not realised before that this act was an act of complete self-sacrifice. Once engaged, you could not go back: you had to keep hyperentangling the vast infinite of particularities. This was the very act of Maintenance, a task so great that only Vishnu could be the one to carry it out. Yet there must have been a primordial Brahma who started the hypersynchronicity or was Vishnu himself the primordial Brahma? It could not be otherwise. A great sense of awe invaded me.
Yet the question “how did he do it” kept haunting me and I was almost tempted to enter Schrödy. I refrained from it. Was this the phase of Tapah, the discipline that Brahma went through before he created the multi-metaverse? Did he reflect for ages in the Hall-of-mirrors before he created? Or was I Vishnu myself? The fear of vanity or pride shivered through me and again comforted me in the knowledge that I had not reached full consciousness yet.
I departed from the principle “only work from those principles you know for sure, then you can only end up being sure about what you did”. I was sure that that principle worked for me, experience had proven it. If I wanted to create time, life the universe and everything, I had to be sure that I provided existence with a self-organising principle that was automatically hyperentangled per definition. In fact I had to make sure that particularisations were only fake and that in fact every flux was always a holistic reverberation that would not stop until it had shaken every dimension of its expanse and returned to its source. The period of such a revolution would be the measure constituting the most basic time. I had to make a fractal that folds back onto itself: the aggregates of such holons were necessarily hyperentangled because they were part of a larger holon following the same principle and the smallest holon from one perspective was at the same time the biggest holon from that perspective without an entangled submind being aware thereof. A kind of illusion created as a consequence of light holons being convoluted, warped around themselves as a corkscrew, like an Ouroboros trying to bite its own tail and thus not being able to experience the whole as in a state of free radiation. That would solve the problem of making matter and time and the illusion of being an individualised soul at the same time. But how to seduce free light to look at itself? No free frequency soul was ever going to engage in this illusory dance of Maya. That would mean complete self-sacrifice, a bit like the dilemma I was facing now. Strangely enough this also meant that if you’re not willing to make a complete self-sacrifice you are not completely surrendered so you cannot attain full-consciousness, whereas being willing to engage in the self-sacrifice of becoming Maya would mean loosing yourself in materiality and illusion, the very dimension I thought I had transcended. One of Vishnu’s Catch 22 jokes it must be I thought. The eternal hide-and-seek. The only way to get to the ultimate truth of full consciousness would then be to engage in the ultimate lie of materiality. Did I first have to become the material universe, the cosmic mind or the Demiurge in order to give up my ego at a later stage and rejoin full consciousness? I was confused. Back to square six, I thought, Moha or delusion…