in fiction •  7 years ago  (edited)

EIMG-20170808-WA0007.jpgpisode 1
I couldn’t believe my eyes, i couldn’t believe it was all real. I held my dead husband and looked around.
“no this can’t be happening” i breathed, trying hard to control myself. But it was all real, Damian was cold and still. He was dead for real.
“nooo” i sobbed quietly, wondering what to do, wondering the next step to take.
There was any doubt, i was about experiencing a very terrible twist in my life. Damian was definitely murdered by someone who was so desperate to destroy my happiness. I sat down on the floor while my mind flashed back to how i met my husband.
After Nysc, early the previous year. I came to Abuja to live with my elder brother who was a doctor in one of the city hospitals. He had no problem getting me a good job in a very popular construction company inside the city. Seriously i counted myself as a very lucky girl because i was the first to get a job among all my classmates and friends. I started work in Damian’s office as a secretary and that was when my life took a dramatic turn.
Damian who was my boss, a white and an American citizen quickly took interest in me. He was so sweet and caring but equally a womanizer. Everyone warned me to be careful. My colleagues advised me to be professional when dealing with him and never give in to his demands, which i obeyed. But surprisingly he continued disturbing me, even after turning him down so many times. The more i turned him away, the more bolder he got.
This continued until i finally gave in to him.
We had a very sweet relationship that soon became the talk of the town. As our relationship progressed, i starting getting threats from his old girlfriends both in Nigeria and abroad, but it never stopped me from giving up on him.
Three months into the relationship, he proposed to me and met my people, drawing another shock from everyone, especially the white community.
Our marriage was quickly fixed and i insisted for it to be done in Nigeria because of my family and friends which he accepted without hesitation.
Damian’s mother, family members and friends arrived the country two days to our wedding. I had a very long talk with his mum and cousins who all tried to be nice to me even though the resentment on their faces were noticeable.
The church wedding and reception went very well. Damian really spared no cost in organising the whole show. We planned travelling to Dubai the next day for our honeymoon, which made us spend our first night as husband and wife in his big house where almost all his family members and friends slept.
Anyone of them could have crept into the room as we slept and struck him, but there wasn’t any doubt i would be the major suspect….
“Oh no” i wailed with a loud voice, drawing the attention of everyone in the house. Within minutes, almost every member of the white community was in Damian’s house.
It was as if they were all waiting for such news….
I couldn’t believe i was married only for one night…

To be continued
[7/14/2016, 16:16] Sir Godfred: MY WEDDING NIGHT
Episode 2
I really can’t write how hurt and empty i was that fateful morning. I can’t describe how devastated i was nor how my heart bled. I was totally broken and dead.
I couldn’t even call my brother to tell him the bad situation i found myself. In fact my soul and my spirit ran away from me. I was just a shadow of myself. The devil just took time to urinate on my destiny.
Damian’s mother never bothered nor cared about my feelings, instead pulled out the knife from her son’s body when my cries brought her to the room and almost stabbed me with fury, screaming some incoherent words, until other members of the family came in and held her.
“i said it; nothing good ever comes out of Africa. She stabbed him, she probably did it in her sleep, or maybe it’s witchcraft. God save my soul” the old woman screamed and cried.
I simply sat beside the bed and cried out my heart. I was just like a cornered rat. I was simply in the midst of foreigners. In the midst of people who saw me as a second class animal or probably a gold digger.
None of them spoke to me nor asked how it all happened.
I barely had changed my night wear when an ambulance arrived with men from the force headquarters. Before i knew what was happening, i found myself at the back of a police SUV while the perpetrator of the crime walked freely, probably watching the unfolding events from a safe distance.
Another problem i had was that i didn’t know who to suspect nor accuse. They all looked the same to me. They were all a bunch of conspirators.
I felt like taking my life as the police took me away, because there wasn’t any need living again. I knew the justice system would easily convict and close the case than investigating.
“Who am i among a bunch of whites all accusing me of murder??”. I had nothing to prove my innocence. I was the only person in the room with Damian. The murder weapon which might have saved me through finger print test was already compromised by Damian’s mother.
My life was nothing but over. Kiri kiri prison awaited me with a dark smile.
How do i save myself?, how do i prove my innocence?

To be continued

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Congratulations @vapour , we r much excited to know about it, wonderful job you have done.


Superb write up! I'm all ears for the unfolding chain of events in here. Kudos.


Awwww...highly in suspense...wana know and read more...thanks anyway

Next episode comes off tomorrow