in fiction •  7 years ago 

On getting to the police headquarters, i was taken to the detective’s office where i stayed and nervously waited for him while he entered another office with the white lawyer.

He came in about fifteen minutes later, smiling calmly.
“i’m really sorry things got so bad as to bring you back here. Your husband’s family are trying everything possible to make you pay, but don’t worry, investigation has commenced. I’m already working on a theory. You should also know that i have seized the travelling passports of every one of them that spent the night in that house. You shouldn’t worry about anything, the culprit will be caught. I equally had a good cell prepared for you” he said seriously, while tears dropped from my eyes. I couldn’t imagine myself spending the night in a police cell no matter how comfortable it was made to look.
“one more thing. I need to hear the whole truth from you since you want me by your side. That’s all i ask” the officer added curiously, drawing out another shock from me.

“what do you mean by the whole truth?” i gasped, while he smiled.
“you see, that’s one problem with Nigerian women. You all like keepings secrets even in a terrible condition. You have a cop trying to help you, the least you can do is to come out clean with him. I spoke with some of your colleagues today and their answers were quite shocking. Most of them said that your relationship and marriage to late Damian wasn’t ordinary. So you got to tell me things i need to know since you want me by your side” he pushed on while i swallowed hard and fought with myself.
The officer wanted me to open up something well buried in my heart, a secret i told no one.
“How do i go about it?” i wondered.

“i know you didn’t commit the murder but you have to help me unravel many things. What made Damian marry you so quickly, you guys had just a short Romance and Mr Damian i was told messed up a lot of ladies in the company before getting to you. Something made him marry you??, don’t tell me it was love, i have reason to believe something else was involved, even after the threats and reports you got, never for a moment did you guys quarrel. Please don’t use the love bullshit on me. I need the truth?” he pushed on seriously.
There wasn’t any doubt the officer did a good background check on me but digging deep into my relationship with Damian was only going to deteriorate matters for me. Some things are better left buried and unsaid but looking at his eyes, i saw curiousity and eagerness to know all about the hidden truth..
To be continued.


“seriously i don’t think things that happened when we were dating has anything to do with his death, believe me” i said slowly. The officer simply folded his hands and breathed deeply.
“nothing is hidden under the sun for long. Sooner or later i still will find out, so i believe it’s in your best interest to tell me all i need to know” he pushed with a smile.
I battled with myself one more time before making up my mind to open up.

“Damian was stealing from the company. He was doing it with a colleague in the records department. I found out about the whole deal three weeks into our relationship but couldn’t do anything apart from confront him. He ended up convincing me to keep quiet, equally promising to marry and take me to his home country. His plan was to get me established over there. I was a woman in love with a whole lot to gain. Of course i kept quiet and helped him steal more. He kept his word and married me, only to die before fulfilling the last part of his promise. Now what has that got with his death??” i poured out with tears.

“and the colleague in question, do you think he has a hand in his death?” he asked curiously.
“of course not, they had seperate accounts and divided proceeds evenly. No he is much more valuable alive than dead to the man” i answered seriously.
“well in a murder case we don’t rule out any possibility until the crime is solved. I admire your honesty. You bravely confessed being an accomplice to another crime. I appreciate and will keep my promise by watching your back. It should interest you to know that your husband might have been murdered in his garden, we saw some drops of blood down there, which now gives us two crime scenes” he said while i gasped with shock.

“yea Damian loved smoking and probably went to the garden to heat off while i slept, but how the hell did he get back to the bed, if he was killed in there?” i asked with disbelief.
“it’s time to go to your cell my dear. I’ll permit you to keep your phone. Just pray something new never comes out to incriminate you further, as for now the lastest discovery works on your side” he added with a cold smile, got up and led me to a quiet cell where I had the most terrying night ever.
I kept seeing my dead husband all through that night. Oh it was one nasty experience.
Dear friends, I spent the second night after my wedding in a police cell. What can be more horrible than such fate??

To be continued.

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The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.

- Albert Einstein

Really enticing