Scary and interesting. Mythical Creatures ...

in fiction •  8 years ago 

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Throughout history, people have come up with countless stories about mythical creatures, legendary monsters and supernatural monsters. Despite their uncertain origin, these mythical creatures are described in the folklore of various nations and in many cases are part of the culture. It is amazing that there are people around the world who still believe that these monsters exist, despite the absence of any meaningful evidence.


Budak is present in many Czech fairy tales and legends. This monster is described, as a rule, as a terrible creature, resembling a scarecrow. It can cry like an innocent child, thereby luring their victims. In the full moon night Budak, supposedly, weaves the fabric of the souls of those people whom he has ruined. Sometimes Budak described as an evil version of Santa Claus, who is traveling to Christmas in a cart pulled by black cats.


Ghoul is one of the most famous creatures in Arabian folklore, and is found in the book of fairy tales One Thousand and One Nights. Ghoul described as undead, which may also take the form of an intangible spirit. He often visits the cemetery to eat the flesh of recently deceased people. This is perhaps the main reason why the word vampire in the Arab countries is often used when referring to the gravediggers or representatives of any profession directly related to the death.


Loosely translated from Japanese Yorogumo means "spider temptress", and in our humble opinion, the name perfectly describes this monster. In Japanese folklore, Yorogumo was a bloodthirsty monster. But in most fairy tales, he is described as a huge spider, which takes the form of very attractive and sexy woman who lures his victims-men, captures them in a network, and then devouring them with pleasure.


In Greek mythology, Cerberus is the guardian of Hades and is usually described as a bizarre kind of monster that looks like a dog with three heads and a tail, the end of which is the head of the dragon. Cerberus was born from the union of two monsters, a giant Typhon and Echidna, and he is the brother of Lerna Hydra. Cerberus is often described in myth as one of the most loyal guards in history, and is often mentioned in the epics of Homer.


The legend of the Kraken came from the Nordic Seas and its presence was initially limited to the shores of Norway and Iceland. Over time, however, his fame grew, thanks to the wild imagination of storytellers, which made successive generations to believe that he also lives in all seas of the world.

Norwegian fishermen originally described as a giant sea monster animal, which was as big as an island and a danger to passing ships is not a direct attack, but by giant waves and tsunami caused by the movements of his body. Later, however, people began to spread stories about the violent attacks on the monster ships. Modern historians believe that the Kraken was nothing more than a giant squid and the rest of the story is nothing but a wild imagination of sailors.


Minotaur is one of the first epic creatures we meet in the history of mankind, and brings us back to the heyday of the Minoan civilization. Minotaur, the bull had his head on the body of a very large, muscular man and settled in the center of the Cretan labyrinth, which was built by Daedalus and his son Icarus, at the request of the king Minos. Everyone who got into the maze, the victim of the Minotaur. The exception was the Athenian king Theseus who killed the beast, and came out of the maze alive with the help of Ariadne thread, the daughter of Minos.


Greek mythology has given the world's most epic heroes, gods and creatures, and Talos - one of them. Huge bronze giant reportedly lived on Crete, where he defended a woman by the name of Europe (European continent from which its name) from pirates and invaders. For this reason, Talos was patrolling the coast of the island three times a day.


Griffin was a legendary creature with the head and wings of an eagle and the body and tail of a lion. Griffin - the kings of the animal kingdom, is a symbol of power and domination. Griffin can be found in many images of Minoan Crete and later in art and mythology of ancient Greece. However, some believe that the creature symbolizes the struggle against evil and witchcraft.


Draugr, according to Scandinavian folklore and mythology - zombie that spreads a surprisingly strong putrid smell of the dead. It was believed that people DRAUGR eat, drink blood, and has power over the mind of people, reducing them at will with the mind. Typical DRAUGR was something like a Freddy Krueger who, apparently, and was created under the influence of Scandinavian tales of monster.

Lernaean Hydra.

Lernaean Hydra was the mythological water monster with many heads, which resemble large snakes. Ferocious monster lived in Lerna, a small village near Argos. According to legend, Hercules decided to kill the Hydra, and when he cut off one head, there were two. For this reason, the nephew of Heracles Iolaus burned each head, as soon as his uncle snapped it, only if they have ceased to reproduce.

Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga is perhaps one of the most popular paranormal creatures in the folklore of the Eastern Slavs and, according to legend, had the appearance of a fierce and terrible old woman. However, Baba Yaga is a multi-faceted figure, able to inspire researchers the ability to transform into a cloud, a snake, a bird, a black cat and the moon symbolizes death, winter or Goddess Mother Earth, totem ancestor matriarchy.


Fierce and powerful dullahan a headless rider in Irish folklore and mythology. For centuries the Irish have described it as a harbinger of doom, who traveled on the black, terrifying kind of horse.

And you believe in these mythical creatures ??? :)))
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