Debt of Goodwill, Delicadeza & Leadersip
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Debt of Goodwill
Its not bad to take credit on the good deeds that you have done. But many have this mindset that if they do give favor to others, the person whom they helped at will give back the favor for them and they expected it. It is called reciprocal liking in psychology. It is here where we have problems. Those who helped us expect that we will return the favor. And if we can't give back the goodness that they have done, it's us who then turn out a no debt gratitude or debt of goodwill.
In this scheme, it needs to return goodness of the favor you get from the other person. The debt of goodwill is honored and looked up and it's not just simply payable. It is marked in the whole being by one another so you just can't simply shake it from yourself. Even with a heartfelt speeches of "debt of goodwill!" has a meaning that we have the responsibility to give help if it's needed.
Here we are talking about two kinds of debts --- the outer (a help given like money or service which you can return) and the inner (the help from the will or soul of man being helped which is cannot be return forever). It is also a sign of loyalty of person for gratefulness.
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The debt of goodwill becomes a negative view when it is required or force to get from the person whom being given the goodness. The difficult in this, is the person who gave the goodness will dictate what would be the exchange for him. In the other side, there are people who forced their selves just to pay the debt of goodwill even though they can't afford. The result: They've done illegal things just to ease the mood and to prevent the shamed from creditor.
Delicadeza and Proper Leadership
There is no appropriate meaning in our language the word "delicadeza" which mean "gentleness" in Spanish. In English, this is "decency," "sensitivity," "tact" or "decorum." This is the "proper act" in a situation when one person is being caught. This is the law of good manners.
We often heard that our leaders needed to have a delicadeza when facing a political scandals in a way of resigning their post or by facing the alleged case filed against them. Once the shamed is gone (either for themselves or in others), it's expected that the respect for others will also gone. Without due consideration on what would be the effect on others life on what they have done.
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If we want to raised our nation from graft and corruption, then we must learn how to stand from the right and justice. The corruption continue because of negative effect of being "patient" of the society in front of corruption. We have this "wait and see" attitude. The tolerance of Filipino in corruption is high. If politics in other country resigned or commit suicide when they are face in those political scandals, the Pinoy politicians are different --- they hold like lizard in their position and face of nerve even they are already caught in the act.
Those leaders must be the one get frightened by the citizens because they're power came from the people. But the result, the courage of government people to abused their power is high because they considered theirselves the "boss." But the truth is, the concept of being the "boss" is not good if we talk about leadership.
The boss is like the mafia in Italy, warlords of China, and cacique of Latin America. All of them take and stays long in their leadership because of threats and force. Many Filipinos are frightened to go against their leaders due to scare. And it's the result of their lack of education and poverty. They looked theirself so low because they have no ability to fight those "clever" leaders who finished their studies at a robust university in the country and a part of wealthy family.
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It is right to respect our leaders. It is right to honored them of what they do. But it should not be one-way the culture of honoring. The leaders should be the first to lead service in the people. They should not be treated like gods; they must be the servant first.
If leaders want to receive honor, they should foremost be the giver of the same to the people. One that blessed the culture of corruption is our no reaction of our leaders when they commit offenses. We know that they violated the ethics of leadership and they are involved in many crimes but we then are so happy to shakes hands and have fellowship with them and it seems like it's okey for them to continued the corruption.
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Pinoy Big Values
By: Ronald Molmisa