Nobody Comes, One of the Documentary Films I Produce with Steem

in film •  6 years ago 


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I had planned to produce this documentary a few months ago. At that time I was constrained in terms of production funds, which included the cost of food while in Banda Aceh, as well as the cost of living there. I live in Sigli, two hours drive from Banda Aceh. I was fortunate during the production of this film to get lodging in a friend's boarding house. This can save the cost of producing this film. How then do I get the production costs?

Saya sudah merencanakan untuk memproduksi film dokumenter ini beberapa bulan yang lalu. Saat itu saya terkendala dalam hal dana produksi, yang mencakup biaya makan selama di Banda Aceh, serta biaya hidup selama di sana. Saya tinggal di Sigli, dua jam perjalanan dari Banda Aceh. Saya beruntung selama produksi film ini mendapat penginapan di rumah kos kawan. Hal tersebut dapat menghemat biaya produksi film ini. Bagaimana kemudian saya memperoleh biaya produksinya?


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Take advantage of Steemit to get film production costs

Memanfaatkan Steemit untuk mendapatkan biaya produksi film

Last year I have produced a documentary also using production funds that I obtained from Steemit. I make content that explains each of my trips to production. Starting from the ideas I will film, the research process in the field, to the production process. From there I got enough funds for production costs. The film I made was then I joined the Kyoto Visual Documentary Project Festival.

Tahun lalu saya sudah pernah memproduksi sebuah film dokumenter juga dengan menggunakan dana produksi yang saya peroleh dari Steemit. Saya membuat konten yang menjelaskan setiap perjalanan saya untuk produksi. Dimulai dari ide yang akan saya filmkan, proses riset di lapangan, sampai kepada proses produksi. Dari sana saya memperoleh cukup dana untuk biaya produksi. Film yang saya buat tersebut kemudian saya ikutkan ke Kyoto Visual Documentary Project Festival.


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I then uploaded the film on Youtube so that everyone could watch it. The following is one of the films that I produced last August.

Film tersebut kemudian saya upload di Youtube untuk bisa dinonton oleh semua orang. Berikut ini adalah salah satu film yang saya produksi pada bulan Agustus lalu.


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Why I produce this following documentary?

Mengapa saya memproduksi film dokumenter berikut ini?

One of the things that drive the presence of visitors to watch art performances at an event such as the Aceh Cultural Event (PKA) is that there is one of the family members who performed at the art performance there. It also becomes one of the passions for artists to show the maximum potential of their appearance. Nindi Mutiara (@nindimtr) is a member of one of the Putroe Phang art studios in Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh. She had a friend named Firli in the studio who came from Bireuen district, four hours drive from Banda Aceh. We try to present this idea through documentary films. An overseas artist who has a close relationship with his family and friends. He awaits their presence in the biggest cultural event in Aceh which is only held every five years. The nature of the existence of artists who are very rarely raised as an interesting issue. Artists are more known for their extraordinary work. But it is very rare that social life is known. We raise the unusual side of a big event like Aceh Cultural Event (PKA). The expression "artists are also human" can be seen in this film.

Salah satu hal yang mendorong kehadiran pengunjung untuk menyaksikan pentas seni di acara seperti Pekan Kebudayaan Aceh (PKA) adalah ada salah satu anggota keluarga yang tampil di pentas seni di sana. Ini juga menjadi salah satu gairah bagi seniman untuk menunjukkan potensi maksimal dari penampilan mereka. Nindi Mutiara (@nindimtr) adalah anggota salah satu anggota sanggar seni Putroe Phang di Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh. Dia punya teman bernama Firli di sanggar yang berasal dari Bireuen, empat jam perjalanan dari Banda Aceh. Kami mencoba menyajikan ide ini melalui film dokumenter. Artis luar daerah yang memiliki hubungan dekat dengan keluarga dan teman-temannya. Ia menunggu kehadiran mereka di acara budaya terbesar di Aceh yang hanya diadakan setiap lima tahun. Sifat keberadaan seniman yang sangat jarang diangkat sebagai isu yang menarik. Seniman lebih dikenal karena karya luar biasa mereka. Tetapi sangat jarang kehidupan sosial diketahui. Kami mengangkat sisi yang tidak biasa dari acara besar seperti Pekan Kebudayaan Aceh (PKA). Ungkapan "seniman juga manusia" dapat dilihat dalam film ini.


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Sinopsis of Film

Pekan Kebudayaan Aceh (PKA) is the biggest cultural event in Aceh which is held every five years. This event was attended by all artists and cultural observers from all over Aceh consisting of various tribes. Firli is one example of dancers from Bireuen Regency. Firli awaits his mother and close friend to come see his performance at the opening ceremony of the PKA. But with various reasons stated, they were not present on the night when Firli appeared. The reasons such as the high cost and very crowded visitors are the reasons for Firli's closest people to go to Banda Aceh

Pekan Kebudayaan Aceh (PKA) adalah acara budaya terbesar di Aceh yang diadakan setiap lima tahun. Acara ini dihadiri oleh semua seniman dan pengamat budaya dari seluruh Aceh yang terdiri dari berbagai suku. Firli adalah salah satu contoh penari dari Kabupaten Bireuen. Firli menunggu ibu dan teman dekatnya untuk datang melihat penampilannya di upacara pembukaan PKA. Tetapi dengan berbagai alasan menyatakan, mereka tidak hadir pada malam ketika Firli muncul. Alasan-alasan seperti biaya tinggi dan pengunjung yang sangat padat adalah alasan orang-orang terdekat Firli untuk pergi ke Banda Aceh.

Feel free to watch the full movie below

Nobody Comes

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Note : All photos are footage from the film

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Happy to have discovered your account. It's nice to see people coming to Steemit to attempt to fund their creativity.

In my earlier days on here, I actually was using the additional funds to raise money to build a computer for someone; so they could use it to reliably study with and relax and play games on, haha. We got it built in the end!

Shows how valuable Steemit can be. Continue creating!

Happy to find you too. I have produced more than two documentaries with funds from Steemit. I have also done research on cinemas in Brunei Darussalam with the cost of travel using rewards from Steemit. Now I'm also working on a documentary about Thalassemia in Aceh.

It's interesting to hear your story. I hope to be able to record you in my documentary later. how can you build something from scratch using this platform

Like an interview? I'd be up for that at some point in the future. You can reach out to me directly through 'namiks' on Steem Chat if you ever need to.

Yes, like that. I will interview you, maybe via Skype or the same platform as that. I will record the laptop screen. It will look like I'm directly in front of you. You have to help me to record your activities with the person you helped to buy the computer that you told me earlier. This will look amazing. I will try to contact you via Steemchat

Great work!
By the way, frekuensi digelarnya PKA di beberapa sumber disebutkan setiap 4 tahun sekali, tetapi pada kenyataannya gak jelas ya, tergantung sikon.. tapi dari pola kelihatannya lebih banya yg selang 5 tahun sekali kan..
PKA I - 1958
II - 1972
III - 1988
IV - 2004
V - 2009 (selang 5 tahun dari sebelumnya)
VI - 2013 (selang 4 tahun)
VII - 2018 (selang 5 tahun)

Wah. terima kasih informasinya bang @auliyyaa . Mungkin juga mengkondisikan dengan kucuran dana juga