Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio will officially share the screen together. The two top Hollywood actors will work together to portray a movie written by Quentin Tarantino. The film is titled Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Quoted from The Wrap, Tarantino said that this movie has been written for five years. He wants to present life stories in Los Angeles and Hollywood that no longer exist now.
"I've been working on this script for five years, also living in Los Angeles for the longest time of my life, including in 1969, when I was 7. I'm excited to tell you the LA and Hollywood stories that now do not exist," he said.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood will be set in Los Angeles in 1969, the glory of Hollywood. Leonardo will play Rick Dalton, former star of the western TV series and Brad Pitt playing Cliff Booth, the cast of his successor. These two men will fight in Hollywood that they no longer recognize. But Rick was a famous neighbour, Sharon Tate, Tarantino has worked with Brad Pitt in Inglourious Basterds who successfully earned the US $ 321 million from around the world. The film was nominated into 8 Academy Awards categories and won Best Supporting Actor. '
Meanwhile, Leonardo DiCaprio is the favourite of the director. They both work together for Django Unchained who managed to gain more than the US $ 425 million from around the world, five Academy Awards nominations and won it for Best Original Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor, Not only that, DiCaprio also finally brought home the Best Actor Oscar from the movie The Revenant, which is also the result of cooperation with Tarantino in 2015. The film managed to collect the US $ 532 million.
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