Wolfcop (2014)
Written & directed by Lowell Dean. Starring Leo Fafard, Amy Matysio, Sarah Lind, Jonathan Cherry, Corinne Conley, Aidan Devine, James Whittingham, and Jesse Moss.
Deadbeat deputy Lou Garou gets turned into a werewolf by a local cult who plan to sacrifice him to perform an ancient ritual, a task they’ve completed numerous times over the years, but there’s a problem, Lou’s alcoholism seems to have made so much strong than all the wolf who have gone before him.
Lowell Dean seems to be an all rounder in the moving image department he’s written and directed Wolfcop and it’s sequel Another Wolfcop (2017), he’s and editor and a producer, he’s also credited in a acting role in movie Cagefighter: Worlds Collide, starring MMA fighter Alex Montagnani and AEW wrestler Jon Moxley.
…and here’s one for the fun fact fans; Lou Garou means werewolf in French (Loup-Garou).