Reign of Fire (film): A star-studded performance that barely made money

in films •  6 years ago  (edited)

Matthew McConaughey and Christian Bale team up with DRAGONS to make a movie and it barely breaks even. What happened?


I think (and I believe i am relatively alone in this) that Reign of Fire is actually a pretty good film despite McConaughey's best efforts to make it not good. However; a lot of this stems from the fact that I don't believe that Matt McConaughey is a very good actor.

all right all right... all right!

the plot is that dragons have destroyed the world and only a few people left on the planet know how to defeat them. This is a dumb premise but can be relatively entertaining if you simply suspend what it is you know about satellite targeting missile systems and instead believe that a well-placed axe in the hands of a good-looking person is far more effective.


I, for one, really hate movies that suggest all the world's military were defeated by {insert whatever creature here} but yet some one person is capable of winning based on knowledge that ONLY he (or she) has but for whatever reason this person has not shared this information with other people about how to use melee weapons against something the size of a 7-11.

anyway, I am being too mean to it: This movie is actually quite entertaining if you can just look past the stuff that I said above and pay a bunch of attention to Christian Bale (good actor) and less attention to the star of this movie Matthew McConaughey (not a good actor outside of Dallas Buyers' Club.)

This movie has magnificent production value and is definitely worth watching. I actually regret that I did not see this in a theater.

I love this trailer because of the typical voiceover

This movie isn't great, but mostly this is because of redneck-sounding Matthew and probably a weak script. The special effects are fantastic so if you like that sort of thing you might really enjoy this one. This film was nominated for and actually won one, of the awards for best visual effects.
I don't know, maybe it is just me but i think that Matthew McConaughey is actually what ruined this movie.

6 / 10

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This film is great, I have watched numerous times and it is always good value.

What is so good is seeing the emergence of Christian Bale (pre Batman) as being able to hold and command a leading role. He had done so previously but this was his first action role and this then leads on to his future.

However, it is Matthew McConaughey who commands and elicits most interest in the film. I really do believe that it is this film that began his renaissance. It proved he could act and could also do gritty roles.

This is a seminal film for both actors, great work and good for their future prospects.

You were little harsh on Matthew McConaughey ı think gooddream. He is a pretty good actor in general.

yeah, you are right. I was a bit drunk when i wrote that. He's alright, i think i just kind of got sick of him playing the same damn character over and over in his rom-coms :)

Wao wonderful review of this movie.Really very interesting trailer of this movie,This movie will be rock.I m watching this great movie.Hopefully this movie popular in the market.This movie gives big profit to his producer.I really life this trailer.Thanks for sharing.

You can be right the main actor is the one that gives life to the movie if the actor does not give that necessary energy that demands the film this will not have the success it deserves.

I can give you an example the series spartacus in the first season the actor was the perfect character for that role unfortunately life could not continue instead the actor of the 3 season does not give me the size for that character.

I remember this! Classic 90s!

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This movie is very amazing. I have seen 3 times. Awesome movie If you want to see a picture of good quality then check out this movie

An excellent set up with a completely satisfying if slightly inadeqaute payoff. The post apocalyptic B movie epic Reign of Fire maintains a sense of genuine danger, anguish and dread. Even whilst assuring the audience not to take any of it too seriously, I found myself thinking that it really was the end of everything. That's an achievement for a film with this many logical flaws and laughable ideas. But essentially what's really needed to make a film about doomsday survivors slaying dragons work is decent CGI creatures. The visuals are in fact stunningly eye popping and look like the real deal. There's also some great cinematography and a handful of strong performances not normally found in an action film. Matthew McConaughey in particular is energetic, believeable and engaging as the bizzare and irrational antihero. So much that Christian Bale is almost overlooked. But not quite, his acting and his believeable Scottish accent is a surprise. As is the script which is a lot less cringe-worthy than I was first expecting. But I can't say the same about the odd lack of dragons shown on screen. There's only ever one dragon on screen with the exception of a single long shot with a whole wing of them. As for the expected explosive ending. It's a lot less fiery than it needs to be and therefore gives us a fairly dissapointing finale. Nevertheless you can't really hate the film unless you're totally immune to any form of cinematic charm, or the spectacle of watching great flying beasts breathing fire and destroying massive landscapes. Overall, the film doesn't explore the potential of it's jaw droppingly exciting premise. Still, it really engrossed me, and I enjoyed the experience of watching it.