Libertarians Should Stop Trying to Appeal to Voters

in finallyfreeamerica •  7 years ago  (edited)

For the last decade (and probably much longer) there has been an argument in libertarian circles regarding which strategies and tactics would be most likely to bring about a free society. One side of this argument was illustrated last week when Adam Kokesh and Larken Rose debated on the subject of whether or not libertarians should even participate in the political process. I think the answer is a pretty clear “yes,” to that question because if we don’t then the statists get to just keep voting for one another and claiming “consent.”

You can see that debate here:

But what tactics should we take once we engage in the political process? How do we avoid being blocked, like Ron Paul was? How do we attract libertarians to vote for us, which Gary Johnson failed to do?

The answer is obvious: we should run libertarians with a bold, freedom-oriented message. This not only excites our base but it makes a clear line of demarcation between what we stand for and what the old parties stand for.

For too long we’ve been running these milquetoast libertarians in an effort to attract voters by looking like, sounding like, and campaigning like the old party candidates.

And, guess what we’ve discovered? Voters don’t defect! They don’t come over and vote for us even when we give them two former state governors with the most tame (or lame) version of Libertarian messaging possible. Barely Libertarian messaging. The version of libertarianism that sounds most like the “best” ideas from the old parties.

It inspires nobody, it attracts nobody, and it accomplishes nothing.

So let’s stop doing that.

I have traveled the country with Adam Kokesh over the last year and I’ve seen how people - just everyday people in the grocery store - respond to his message of freedom and Localization. And they love it. We do our movement a giant disservice when we cower to those who tell us that we need to make the message of freedom more “digestible,” to the mainstream voter.

Guess what? We don’t need to target the “mainstream voter.” They don’t defect from the old parties, anyway.

Our target demo should always be the young voter - whose voting habits haven’t been cemented yet - and the nearly 50% of registered voters who don’t typically vote.

That’s our target demo. It’s obvious.

So, how do we do that? Well, that’s what I’ll be writing about in the next few installments.

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Yea, I just think it is ridiculous to think we can win against lesser of the two evils mentality if we try to be the lesser of two evils, instead of just not evil.

Amen brother. This cannot be said too much, or for that matter better. I myself have been saying similar things for years. The Zombies walk in and amidst the crying out "brains," they pull the red lever or blue. Our target is certainly those disgusted with the system and wanting something different. This is easily seen in both the Ron Paul campaign and then explains why so many of them shifted to Bernie Sanders. Other than the wrinkles and white hair, they shared nothing else but being outside of the norm. Keep em coming, Love the post.

How Freudian....LOL


so tell us. What is your suggestion for "ending democracy"? I'm all eyes and ears. This is where democracy always leads mankind:
running to governments paradise.gif

Same as ending monarchy, you refuse the central authority and claim your freedom. You dont get freedom by voting, you get freedom by standing up for yourself and your peers.

how quaint. LOL Yes. Stand up for yourself, and by yourself against Drones, D.E.W.s and GeoEngineering.... all paid for with (((counterfeit currency))). Let's get into the 21st century, shall we?

of course I alone cant do it. I can only try to achieve as much freedom as possible and have to accept being not free in other parts of my life. But when 30% of the population are done with the system, you think they can kill us all without losing another 30% in support?

We will end democracy when there are enough people that have lost their faith in politics and these people are ready to defend their freedom.

and you want to wait around for that? Not I. I believe we can achieve great things for Liberty if 1-3% organize and work target areas. Not posting this to perpetuate a debate, by the way.

Absolutely, the 1-3% must be loud to be heard and grow.

Don't count on any growth past those numbers until libertarians understand we have to "colonize" some places before "the people" give us a serious look. Words and theories only go so far. I have been at this since 1976; this fact hasn't changed a bit.

The Free State Project had the right idea, but aimed too high. Free Town Project. Free Village Project. Free City... Free County. Aim small; miss small. Sooner or later, as the socialists/fascists up their game this will begin to sink in. I believe that's what happened between Kokesh and Sheriff Akin. AK emerged a different man this go'round. It was a "Rambo" moment or three in that cage, I believe. Akin pushed too hard. And now look....................... One pissed off Marine is on the warpath! FINALLY.

Yes! I like the gusto you're putting into this.

Hopefully you guys can turn enough blind minds on to see the truth in how badly they are controlled through "consent".

Watching closely to what y'all are doing because it speaks volumes.

All the blind minds need to see is just how many of us that have regained our sight.

what do you mean "you guys". Why aren't you becoming one of "we guys"?

I certainly help speak my beliefs unto others and give them a chance to check it out for themselves. I have had a lot of healthy debates with human friends and family, to get them to see all their leaders re corrupt and literally trying to passively kill you.

Nailed it!

@kafkanarchy84 @larkenrose @adamkokesh
The reason that I don't think we can afford to wait is that the enemy continues to tighten the noose with technology. If you think it's difficult to talk to a cop now, wait until they're robots.

I thought of a way to build a bridge here. Larken had said that Adam's campaign would only be legitimate if it was making a mockery of the process by making statements declaring it illegitimate. Hope I remembered that correctly.

Why can't these things combine? Graham, Larken, and anyone else could suggest some statements Adam could make to remind everyone about the injustice of any ruling class but he can't ask people not to vote for him.

As long as everyone understands that an unjust system is being used to destroy the same unjust system.

There's something here even if I didn't express it well. Where there's a will, there's a way with good will and critical thinking.

“Freedom-oriented” message:

a better freedom oriented message:
4 great prospects of a kokesh presidency - jpg.JPG

I look forward to hearing more on this. You have a new follower and I need to research ways to help Adam out in Nashville, TN.

FBF. Are you aware of what Adam is orchestrating in New Orleans? Why can't the same concept be duplicated in your city? [email protected] Anyone. Anytime. We're building "Adam's Army".

We need someone with giant brass balls that will get up there and lay the smack down on trump then turn around and push Hilarys ass down a flight of stairs. Establish dominance, make people see you.

most of the libertarians work for the leftist elites anyways at least the ones the get nominated

those days are coming to an end CGM. Michael Heise and his "Mises Caucus" just joined Steemit.


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People don't want to be liberated, they would have to grow up and be responsible for themselves.

uh... brotherJ. Speak for yourself. LOL And with Adam's "Split 50!" concept, those "people" (sheeple?) can still have their statist paradise. But at least we can have ours, too. ...and defend it as need be.

If the campaign's goal is to reach the young "uncemented" voters, why do we see no evidence of Adam hitting the college campii as he travels to and from LP state conventions? Are there any college students here in Steemit discussing Adam and his "Freedom!" book?

We spoke at many college campuses on the fall tour, including the Ohio State University and UCAL Berkeley.

come ON, Ben. This campaign has gone into hyperDrive since AK emerged out of Akin's cage. It has also become more focused on "purpose" beyond simply distributing the "Freedom!" book. It is now aimed at completely taking over the LP (as well it should!!) and poised to transform it into a real, viable alternative. Let's talk about upcoming things, not glory in past activities.

The concepts you men are working on, circling around the New Orleans event(s) are perfect. Can we expand that past a single time frame? Can we be doing things in other states simultaneously, while Adam is stuck there for a month? Where are the leaders in each respective state? How come we don't all know their names? THIS is where the 30-40 year olds need to come into play.

Our schedule on the spring tour is to appear at as many LP state conventions as possible. In the fall, Adam will be speaking on college campuses across Europe. Then next spring is Latin America. Then fall 2019 it's back to touring the US.

Europe? Latin America? uhhhhhh. ohhhhhh-kay. Are we running a Mormon Missionary or a Campaign for President of the USA? I'm lost here. Are we aiming now to shut down the UN, or still focusing on WDC? I'm lost with this, frankly.

Last I heard, they aren't polling voters in any other nation except ours to find the 15% needed to want AK as president, and garner a spot on that debate stage!!! There must be some point to this strategy that I am just not aware of. Please inform.

Libertarian candidates are constantly attacked for having no knowledge of foreign policy. Adam will be the most knowledgable candidate about foreign policy in 2020.



It will be interesting to see how "trading without borders" and without government theft in the middle of each transaction will be accepted by other nations' business class. Republicans and Democrats will never offer this. Interesting prospects.

I made this case to the point of nausea while campaigning for John McAfee in 2016. Unfortunately, just as most voters don't wish to have their minds changed, neither do the majority of the dues-paying-delegate-voting Libertarians wish to admit certain realities. This is a major obstacle for anyone with an idea to try to put the Libertarian ballot to actual use in 2020, as opposed to squandering it in the usual fashion of anointing two dorks to ape establishment politicians. I wish you luck.

McAfee failed to run a delegate strategy within the LP. He thought he could swing in and convince the people who were already there to vote for him, not understanding that the people who were already there were placed there by each campaign.

Not a bad assessment, but there were reasons for this reality beyond what McAfee thought. However, I maintain that the mentality of those opposed to him remains largely intact. They don't like McAfee, the people that know who I am don't like me, and I promise you they do not like Adam Kokesh. So... obstacle is an appropriate description.

Can Adam put more delegates on the floor than whatever establishment dishrag they produce next round? It is certainly possible, and I did not say that he faced an insurmountable obstacle. But I will say again, do not dismiss the pervasive and willful ignorance you are up against, and the fact that these pinheads will be at the front of the line to become delegates for the "respectable" candidate.