Monvid review

in finance •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Global perspective of financial eco-system has evolved to a stage where blockchain technology has taken crucuial position as the driving
force. In as much as blockchain has disrupted the financial system to a great extent its usecase its not bust limited to the financial sector alone but it cut across almost every sector that influnece human comfort and existence.
The internet improved the way the world operates, interacts, stays connected and communicates effectively which then arrived, to overhaul static web pages, making them more dynamic, as well as strengthen mobile applications and the responsive web. Blockchain is the rave of the moment,
The current scenario of new innovate technology such as blockchain technology, advanceme cryptocurrency by the masses. It is just in time for financial industry and all major industries to embrace the paradigm of change as blockchain continues to revolutionize major sectors.

The importance of video can not be overlooked,
Video changed and improved almost everything. In tines past there used to be text blogs for advert and a medium to pass message, but as time pass it became so clear that the influence of video is way above that of blogs and text as people can easily remember what they see than what they read, we now have vlogs, YouTube channels, Facebook Live, Snapchat and podcast interviews which are various methods information is being passed. There has been great evolution, where text or images used to appear in digital ads, we now see animated GIFs. Live video-streaming, meanwhile, has become very popular across mobile apps platforms and social media. Companies like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon have put old-fashioned video rental out of business, and DVDs are quickly becoming a thing of the past online streaming is the new wave in video world. Which is evident 25 percent growth per year.


. Storing massive videos files on dedicated servers has become expensive for video streaming companies to handle This has meant large margins for the controlling companies, and these expenses have gone down to the content creators and as thus influenced the cost of subscription which has skyrocketed to a great extent.

. Another challenge online video streamers are facing is restrictions from government regulatory bodies which prevent streaming of some content in some countries. Despite the plan to make use of virtual private network (VPN) to by pass this restrictions it is still not effective enough.

The advancement of innovation will keep on changing the streaming and entertainment businesses. Similarly as the web rendered physical video-rental stores outdated, Blockchain innovation will soon totally oust the present substances of video streaming - and end up being universal.

Considering all these hiccups and bottlenecks it becomes a matter of importance to address these issues and monvid has rise to the challenge to provide a suitable platform for streaming videos at all time without unnecessary cost implication and restrictions.
Monvid is a decentralized platform which leverage on blockchain technology to provide users with the opportunity to watch and stream their favourite video online. The decentralised nature of blockchain makes it possible for users to be able to stream video anywhere and anytime without any restriction .the monvid platform will also make subscription more cheaper than what users has been offered before.

In order for monvid to acheive their goal they have laid out 2 operation modules. Which includes,

This operation gives high quality content creators the opportunity to create and share their content with the members of the community. Its now left at the discretion of the community members to reward any quality content they seem fit. In doing this monvid will be promoting the creation of quality content as only quality content will command the attention and reward of the community members. And every reward form the community towards any content Is being delivered to the content creators without any hidden charges and conditions. Creating room for flexibility and transparency.

. Proxy Enabled video streaming
Monvid platform will allow users to be able to stream video without restrictions. The decentralized feature of blockchain on which monvid platform is built on will facilitate that functionality. Users can be rest assured to watch and stream their favourite video online without no restrictions .




MVID token is the official token of MONVID PLATFORM. Which has a supply of 200m tokens and of which about 70% will be offered up for sales in the initial token offering stage between April 15th and August 31st.

The good news is that the soft cap of the project has already been met and more than 90% of the hardcap has been reached also. For more information and progress of the token sale do well to visit the website


Video is essential to modern entertainment and monvid is on track to solve and remove every bottlenecks thats an obstruction to its growth. Its no doubt that monvid will deliver a quality platform.

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