Why now is the best time for ORCA?

in fintech •  6 years ago  (edited)


Huge opportunity for individual people and households

Open Banking is more than 6 months old. Infancy stage right now, but Banks and local branches already hiring developers to build them API gateways. Their backs are up against the wall and there’s no escaping — they will have to comply. And by complying every provider opens up doors to build something new and useful. ORCA is enrolling to surf the way of Open Banking and draw out on the major advantages brought by the changes, especially to the end-consumers and European citizens.

Open Banking will allow to connect all your financial data into a single dashboard and monitor them all without delay. And that is not all. When you can connect everything, you’re able to make sense of the data. How many of you can tell me exactly cent by cent how much money did you spend last month? And more importantly, where did you spend it? Leisure, entertainment, savings?

So far a specified minority of people are actually doing personal budgeting. Others just go from paycheck to paycheck. With Open Banking this is changing. Data aptness will help people to get financially-literate. And it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Artificial intelligence analytics, spending and trading profiles, cheaper alternatives and much more can be proposed ONCE you have all the relevant information in place. We have it all planned and put it on our roadmap for you to follow. It’s coming. Sooner than you think.

Small savings add up over time. Small interest adds up over time. A little change implemented now and maintained throughout a period of time can yield breath-taking results. Just take a look at evolution. Only now our part of life, in fact, the area how we as individuals manage value transfers, is evolving rather than a physical change in our biology.

Cryptocurrencies inching their way to the world of finance

Cryptocurrency is getting widely appreciated and recognized. Banks are considering crypto trading, top executives are migrating to head crypto exchanges and ICO projects. Even the governments and global authorities such as BIS, European Parliament, and the SEC are paying close attention to the direction of crypto. You can barely refer to it as ‘inching’ anymore.

That’s why we have made arrangements to provide anything you might need to utilize cryptocurrencies. Buying and trading? No problem. Using third-party services and dApps? No problem. Participating in crowdfunding, doing research and learning? No problem.

One of the main goals of ORCA is to insert an efficient gateway for people to jump back and forth the crypto world. Current situation poses a lot of knowledge and situational problems for market newcomers which in turn reduces the rate of adoption. We have already solved instant crypto to fiat withdrawal problem and are going to apply the technological solution in the ORCA platform.

Including digital currencies feels like a natural checkpoint on ORCA’s way to build the ultimate personal finance management tool. Without crypto, no self-respecting millennial would ever join the platform. The new generation doesn’t put too much trust in the financial system and is welcoming alternative models. Whether it’s a much-needed sentiment change or a path to misery, only time will tell.

Banking is changing. You can be the first to embrace it or you can be the last. Choose wisely.

Banking is shifting to the side of digitalization and remote access. You don’t have to physically hold the currency to use it. The end result is a cashless society. It’s a long time until we get there, but the pattern is obvious. We’re just seconds away until people start feeling the benefits.

ORCA is merging traditional banking with new age applications, proven financial strategies with machine learning algorithms and bringing the world of investment to the society at large. It has never been done before.

It’s not so easy to comprehend how much it already changed. Years ago the only way to pay for goods was doing it by cash and if you have none on you, you better have a friend nearby you can convince. Even modern things like credit cards started to spread into the mainstream only odd 30 years ago. Hell, an international bank payment takes a couple of days even now! It’s super strange when you can stream 4k video to a person around the globe virtually with no delay.

But some things HAVE changed. Music platforms, your mobile devices, and car parking applications understand money. Now you don’t have to bother to pay for some services, it’s automatic. So easy, you don’t have to think about it, but you’re fully aware what’s happening. Other areas of life, including banking and finance, will follow. They already are.

ORCA is building a killer app for personal banking. Bringing complex equations into simple terms. What’s the first thing you’ll notice? Once you plug your accounts to the platform — you will finally get an easy rundown of your monthly expenses, purchases, and their sources. A rare person nowadays does that. People think they have a general understand but you’ll be surprised what the exact figures are.

ORCA ICO starts on August 6th 9 AM GMT. Currently, there are less than 100 seats for 20% bonus and vacancies are rapidly shrinking every day. Do not forget to join our crowdsale and participate in the token sale. Make sure you have passed the KYC before. Time is running out.

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