When the Super-Mega Activation brings you what you don’t want…

in fire •  5 years ago 


Here I am - well within the throes of Autumn hailing the slow descent into sleepy time Winter. While I’m not a huge fan of winter, I realize it’s a necessary season of rest and renewal. One can think of it as a natural reset period for life. I welcome the fire element during the colder months. Fire is often an element in rituals. In this spirit of elemental fire, I want to share my personal experience of a “super-mega activation”.

What is that?
Are rituals real?
Do they work?
Can I person speak magic words and have something happen?

All these questions are beyond the scope of today’s post. Today, I’m sharing a personal experience with what I’d call a ritual. Although this ritual was conceived of and executed in a group setting, I experienced a personal transformation that was unexpected. Which brings me to today’s post title:

When the Super-Mega Activation brings you what you don’t want…

All the quartz crystals are laid-out, Metatron’s grid is drawn, candles have been lit,
the protection grid is set, spirit guides have been invited, incense is burning and the intentions are set.
(If there’s a particular religion you’re aligned with then replace above with your favorite time of preparation for being in connection with the Divine and remember not to judge.)
Thought stream -> Everything WILL BE PUUUUURFECT (couldn’t resist an Isis reference).
Reality stream -> An unfortunate series of events unfold and life takes an unexpected turn and the things that should’ve been a piece a cake aren’t and openings become closings and then it’s time to
make difficult decisions and say goodbye to relationships and pack up and move or cash in the chips and take stock of debts that there’s no foreseeable way of paying off.

Congratulations - if any of the above speaks to you, then you and I have successfully pulled off a grand ritual. Who said these were supposed to be painless?

I’m writing to highlight my own experience in practicing gratitude and using it to harness the power of activation. An activation in my humble definitions is simply setting an intention that you know will come true over time and thanking the universe in advance for the abundance the future you will receive. Want extra power? Might I suggest one make and honor a vow to use the gifts received to provide more abundance to others? At no point does this involve things going “my” way 100% of the time. In fact, that is a rare edge-case. I often think about how malleable are things in daily life. How attached am I to predictable outcomes? If change is frightening, then might I suggest one steer clear of rituals since they are meant to welcome and accelerate the change/growth process.

I’m speaking from experience - in this one case a “super-mega activation” opened a longer timeline that I had to walk that broke me open and tore my life apart so I could re-build a better-aligned life for myself. I had lots of help along the way from amazing friends and family. Parts of my journey involved:

  • asking for help. There were lots of times where the walls felt like they were falling down and wheels fell off the bus.
  • packing up the car and moving
  • not having a job for awhile
  • not having money for awhile
  • having embarrassing conversations
  • being accused of criminal activity
  • putting other people’s lives at risk

I can’t truly say that this activation is finished. The length of the “activation” can be unknown. One can try to suggest parameters around a “super-mega activation”; however, if one is asking for help from Metatron, that means one is aligning with an Ascended Master’s timeline. A couple of notes about that:

  1. Ascended Masters experience time as discontinuous - no past, no present, no future. All timelines are accessible - this probably feels like madness for most people
  2. Metatron seems to enjoy numbers like 11
  3. The answers received will only make sense to the person that asked -> one can try to tell someone else at the risk of sounding like a foreign language
  4. If dying and resurrection isn’t “your thang” (some peeps really dig it) there are plenty of “Christ” templated Ascended Masters who had a similar journey - sans the cross
  5. How prepared is one for weirdness? Weirdness factor before the ‘super-mega activation’ 10% Post ‘super-mega activation’ 90%.
  6. Surrender. This is what asking for help is all about.

I thought at the time, “Meh, super-mega activation. What’s the worse that could happen? I want my life to be better. I want to meet my full potential. BRING IT ON! Let’s ascend!” Yeah, weeks later I was face-down crying into a pillow. I was legit fully convinced I was dying. Literally, I was dying to lots of old patterns all at once and formulating new patterns for my future self.

If I have any learnings to share, it to see the ritual through to the end. That note about being on the Ascended Master’s time is really important. Surrender helped me conquer the dark thoughts. I had to remind myself that I asked for this ‘super-mega activation’ and that it’s not done yet.

Which brings me to another important note …one ‘super-mega activation’ at a time is best. If one is feeling full - life tending toward distractions - it can start to really feel like a circus and the disconnection can be detrimental to one’s overall well-being. I myself have had periods of time where I ‘go to town’ on the spiritual pursuits and I’m not present for family-time or physical exercise. Usually, there’s something to “break the spell” and I’m back into alignment. I tend to think that spiritual eating is akin to eating in the physical world - best to take small bites and digest first before eating more.

That’s another post coming soon about being in and out of alignment. It’s one wave-form in my humble opinion.

That said, let me encourage readers out there to GO BIG with the rituals and do be encouraged when life takes a dive and brings stormy weather. That means it worked and now the re-arrangement and forging, building, refining begins.

I mean, what’s the worse that could happen? Have you met anyone who has bi-located yet? What about reading thoughts? Have you met anyone who could fly? If not, dare I say keep going.

Please allow me to leave you with 5 “codes of conduct” regarding Super-Mega Activation rituals:
1 - Clear intentions - be explicit and also open-ended enough to be in alignment with your highest-self — allow compassion for all the other beings having their wishes fulfilled
2 - Protection grid - only invite known entities or entities one has experience with and cleanse oneself so there is a warm, inviting, joyful atmosphere — Good vibes bring more good vibes
3 - Ask for the signs - set the parameters in the outer world so one will know when the ritual is completed and be open to knowing the Ascended Masters in their cosmic wisdom may alter timelines
4 - End in gratitude - I’ve found this to be a universal thread in all things of magik
5 - Live as if the intention has already manifested - (warning: extreme power ahead) Simply minding one’s thoughts can speed up manifestation time — the degree of belief directly corresponds to the degree of seeing the manifestation in real life

Happy super-mega activation! :)

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