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in first •  7 years ago  (edited)

I like the format. It may take a little while to get the hang of it, for example, I need to find the clipboard...but it seems pretty intuitive so far.

For a long time, 'physician' defined who I was, these days, it's more like #3 or #4 on the list.
After being a physician a while I have come to realise how much power we have over our own health and well being.
We really do.
Do not ever let anyone especially a physician tell you otherwise.

I live quietly but have thoughts. Lots of them. Don't we all.
I love and miss my family. Every day.
I also love my honey, my dogs, .... in fact all dogs, otters, Star Trek, memes, 70s bossa nova and science.
Those are what I think are my cooler interests.
I also love gardening, New Hampshire/Maine and Sherlock Holmes.
I am British, so expect odd spellings and turns of phrase.
And understatements. Lots of understatements.

Oh and it's Christmas soon!

Until next time,

PS- Introduce Yourself is one of my favourite albums. Faith No More rocks my stripey socks.

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There is a learning curve with Steamit but definitely worth it. Glad to see you joined the community! :)

Thanks! I appreciate it.