The 6 Must-Know First Aid Tips That Could Save Your Life

in firstaid •  2 years ago 

First aid is something that everyone should know – in case of an emergency, it can be the difference between life and death. But, how many of us actually have the knowledge to help someone who needs first aid? Very few people are aware of how to administer basic first aid properly. It’s a sad reality, but most people don’t know how to react if someone is injured or hurt in any way. Fortunately, you’re reading this article because we want to change that. Knowing how to give first aid isn’t difficult at all and with these tips, you will become a first aid pro in no time. Let’s get started!

Before we begin: Know your location and don’t be afraid to act
Always know the closest medical center and its address by heart. The best thing to do is to write it down on a piece of paper and keep it in your wallet. If someone nearby is hurt, take action – don’t waste time in the process of searching for the numbers of the closest medical center. You might lose valuable time and this could lead to a serious injury that requires immediate medical attention. Also, don’t be afraid to act. If you see someone who is hurt, don’t overthink it and think about how to help them. Be aware of your surroundings and act quickly. First aid should be treated like a life-saving technique – a person’s life could depend on it.

Check if the person is breathing
This is the first thing you should do if you find someone who is injured. This can help you determine the seriousness of the injury. If the person isn’t breathing, you should start CPR immediately. If they are breathing, keep an eye on them and monitor their breathing. If their breathing is irregular, call for an ambulance immediately. If the person is unconscious, put them in the recovery position. This position is used for people who are unresponsive and is recommended for anyone who has suffered a head injury, fainted, or is unconscious for any other reason.

Estimate how severe the injury is
This is important when trying to help someone because it can tell you how much care the person needs. Apart from breathing and the severity of the injury, you can estimate the seriousness of the injury based on how much blood is coming out of the wound and how pale the person’s skin is. If there is a lot of blood coming out of the wound, it means that the injury is serious and you should seek medical attention immediately. If the person has a pale complexion, it means that their blood pressure is low and you should keep an eye on them and make sure they stay awake until help arrives. A person who has a normal complexion and a minor injury doesn’t need to be monitored as closely. If someone has a severe injury, you should always call an ambulance first and then proceed with first aid. The ambulance will have the necessary tools and personnel to help the person.

Perform CPR if necessary
If the person whose injury you’re trying to treat has a severe injury that affects their breathing or doesn’t respond to any of your attempts at providing first aid, you should perform CPR. If you’ve never performed CPR before, make sure to find a CPR training course near you. You can also learn CPR online, but make sure that the course is legitimate and comes from a reliable source. If you’re treating a child, you should perform CPR on them until an ambulance arrives – never take the child’s pulse.
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